Lookin at a Thing in a Bag

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Just lookin' at a thing in a bag...

Strong Bad and the gang find a new way to get free drinks.

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad, Strong Mad, The Cheat, Homestar Runner and Bubs.

Places: Strong Bad's Basement, The Stick, Bubs' Concession Stand

Date: April 8, 2003

Running Time: 3:50

Page Title: T-TV, TV Show!



{Strong Bad, The Cheat, and Strong Mad are all being lazy around the couch.}

STRONG BAD: The Cheat the Cheat the Cheat the Cheat the Cheatthecheatthecheatthecheatthecheatthecheatthecheatthecheat! Get me a drink! {The Cheat squeaks, it sounds like "You get one!"} Hey Strong Mad! Get... get me a drink!


STRONG BAD: Hey! Don't sass back with me! Augh. We need to figure out how to get some drinks...like...without having to actually get some drinks!

{The Cheat leaps up and starts squeaking like he has a plan}

STRONG BAD: Ooh! The man with the plan!

{Wipe to the stick. Strong Bad, Strong Mad, and The Cheat are all looking in some brown paper bags. Homestar walks up to them.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Hey guys! Whatja doin?

STRONG BAD: Oh, just lookin' at a thing in a bag.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh cool! Can I see?

STRONG BAD: No. {closes his bag} It's for me. And the Cheat. {The Cheat closes his bag} And Strong Mad to look at. {Strong Mad closes his bag}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh. I'm not any of those. {The Cheat squeaks at him, it sounds like "No, you're not."} Yes sir!

{Homestar backs up, and the three guys stand there looking in the bag for a while as Homestar looks on.}

STRONG BAD: Lookin' at a thing in a bag!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Hey Homestar! Whatcha doin'? Oh, you know, hanging out with the guys. Hey guys, this is the life, right?

STRONG BAD: Sure is, man! Lookin' at a thing in a bag...drinkin' drinks...oh! Oh yeah. Homestar! why don't you go get us cool guys some drinks?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Okay, cool guy!

{He runs off towards Bubs' concession stand. He gets there and Bubs is dancing while saying "Checkitout!" Homestar starts dancing along.}

BUBS: Checkitout checkitout checkitout checkitout checkitout checkitout checkitout checkitout checkitout checkitout checkitout checkitout checkitout checkitout checkitout checkitout checkitout checkitout checkitout checkitout checkitout checkitout!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Whoah! Check it out!

BUBS: What can I get for ya?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Umm...four drinks for four cool guys!

BUBS: You mean for you, Strong Bad, Strong Mad, and the Cheat?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Yeah! How did you know that?

BUBS: Oh, I don't know nothin' about nothin'!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Yeah but how did you—

BUBS: Nothin'!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: But that's weird that you—

BUBS: Nothin'!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: ...Okay, you're weird.

BUBS: So what kind you want?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Um, how about two reds, a blue, and an orange.

BUBS: Comin' right up! {he starts making the drinks}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: So Bubs...have you seen that thing in a bag?

BUBS: Oh yeah! It's friggin awesome!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh, right. Me too. Yeah, I think so...that it is...too.

BUBS: {giving him the drinks} Here you go!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Thanks, Bubsy! {starts walking away, then turns back} One more time!

{they both start dancing again}

BUBS: Checkitout checkitout checkitout checkitout checkitout checkitout checkitout checkitout checkitout...


{Homestar walks off. Cut back to the stick, where the trio are still lookin' at a thing in a bag.}

STRONG BAD: Appears that I'm still looking at this thing in a bag...

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Drinks, cool guys!

STRONG BAD: Just put 'em down right there!


STRONG BAD: Now, leave.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Check! {he leaves}

STRONG BAD: Wow, it worked! Free drinks! Good thinking, the Cheat! Lookin' at a thing in a bag. I am truly the greatest guy.

{Bubs walks on}

BUBS: Did the plan work?


STRONG BAD: Yeah, drink up! Thanks for donating these drinks to our cause!

{Homestar walks back in}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh, I forgot my blue dri—SWEET MOTHER OF MYSTERY! What's going on here?

STRONG BAD: Umm...drinkin' drinks at the stick.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: But what about looking at a thing in some bags?

STRONG BAD: It escaped. Into the mountains.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Aw, shucks. I never got to see it!

BUBS: I thought you said you had!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: I lied. I was trying to be a cool guy.

BUBS: Liar!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh well. {The Cheat squeaks at him} Of course! {He does a flip}

BUBS: Nice trick, LIAR!

{Homestar picks up one of the bags and starts looking in it.}


STRONG BAD: Um, that bag's empty, Homestar.


STRONG BAD: Yeah, there's nothing in it.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: This is friggin' awesome!

STRONG BAD: Augh! {Bubs, Strong Mad, and The Cheat walk away} Almost makes the free drinks not worth it. {he walks away too}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh yeah! Lookin' at a thing in a bag! I mean...I think...I'm a cool guy. {Looks around, then sticks the bag on his head}

THE END {Bubs can be heard repeating "the end" over and over like he did with checkitout}

Fun Facts


  • Bubs little "Checkitout" song was inspired by a street seller the Brothers Chaps saw during a trip to New York City. The seller did the exact thing you see Bubs doing in the cartoon.
  • The link on the toons page to Looking at a Thing in a Bag used to not work, but it was fixed a while ago.
  • The sound that The Cheat makes when he tells Homestar to go away is the same sound he makes in crazy cartoon before he shows Strong Bad his new animation.
  • The drinks Bubs gave Homestar were colored what each of the "four cool guys" were wearing (bar the Cheat). Two were red for Strong Bad and Homestar, one was blue for Strong Mad, and the last was a dark yellow (probably orange) for the Cheat. However, Homestar ordered the blue drink.


  • Homestar and the bags seem to not be important to the Brothers Strong's scheme: Bubs donated the drinks and then showed up after Homestar saw him. If he had just come before Homestar was introduced, with the drinks, the same end result would have been achieved.
  • This "short" is actually longer than four of the "full-length" toons.


  • When Homestar puts the bag on his head, the propeller on his cap disappears.

Inside References

  • Strong Bad's line "the greatest guy" is a reference to the Toons Menu "TV time" cover, which reads "Strong Bad- the last greatest guy?"
  • Homestar running to Bubs' sillouhetted, is probably a reference to Old Intro 2.

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