The Stick

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"In all its hangoutitude!"
This article is about the Pseudocharacter. For the wiki's community portal, see HRWiki:The Stick.

The Stick is the place in an otherwise nondescript grassy area in which a largeish stick is poking out of the ground. Typically referenced as a meeting point, especially by Strong Bad and his minions. It is unclear as to whether it is just a stick in the ground, or a prematurely dead tree. Sometimes The Stick participates in the festivities, such as being a Decemberween Tree or being dressed up for Halloween.




Strong Bad Emails

Main Pages

Fun Facts

  • In labor day, Strong Bad accidentally broke part of The Stick off while giving it a high-five. Curiously, the piece that broke off was never seen before that particular toon. Naturally, since it broke off, the piece hasn't been seen since.
  • According to origins, The Stick presently rates a 10 in hangingoutitude, but was considerably lower in hangingoutitude during the period it was the site of Homestar Runner's bread sing-alongs. It was also the place where they spraypainted Marzipan, then glued her to Homsar and left them for dead.
  • In different town, Strong Bad imagined the Stick as a "Big Ol' Tree" that would try to eat everyone except The Cheat and himself (and possibly Strong Mad).
  • In Main Page 16, The Stick is a Decemberween stick.
  • In Cheat Commandos, The Stick was made up to look like a satellite dish.
  • In Happy Hallow-day, The Stick is referred to as a twig by Marzipan, which proves that the name The Stick is rarely used by characters other than The Brothers Strong.
  • In Jibblies 2, The Stick is dressed as Lowly Worm from the Busytown books for Halloween. Strong Bad and Homestar both inexplicably state their hatred of The Stick to it.

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