The King of Town DVD New Version

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"Hey, King, what's up?"

The new version of The King of Town DVD.

Cast (in order of appearance): The King of Town, The King of Town's Sheep, The Sheep-Eating Dragon, Homestar Runner, Pom Pom, The Blacksmith, The Poopsmith, The Little Chef Guy, The Bishop, The Knight, The Hornblower

New Version Transcript

Text: [This is the King of Town] {King of Town pops up}

[He is a good king and he rules the land quite nicely] {Pan of 'the land'}

[But he worries all the time]

KING OF TOWN: {cries} My sheep are missing! My sheep are missing! And I'm afraid that a dragon has gobbled them up!

{Scene shows what the King of Town thinks happened.}

KING OF TOWN: Get me Homestar Runner!

{Bugle sounds to the tune of the Homestar Runner Theme Song, and Homestar and Pom Pom walk in.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Hey, King, what's up?

KING OF TOWN: {cries} My sheep are missing! My sheep are missing! [cries]

{Homestar looks at Pom Pom.}

KING OF TOWN: {cries} I'm inconsolable!!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Okay, I guess we'll help you find your sheep then! {to Pom Pom} Pom Pom, let's get out of here!

[And so...]

[They questioned the Blacksmith...]

HOMESTAR RUNNER: I say, fair Blacksmith, have you seen the King's sheep?

BLACKSMITH: {Blacksmith shrugs} {in a very deep and quick voice} No.

[They questioned the Poopmsith...]

HOMESTAR RUNNER: I say, fair Poopsmith, have you seen the King's sheep?

{Poopsmith shrugs}

[And finally, they questioned the royal chef]

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {annoyed} {sighs} I say, fair chef, have you seen the King's sheep?

CHEF: {The Chef nods} {in a pretty deep voice} Uh-huh.

{Homestar and Pom-Pom look at each other, suprised.}

[So Homestar called everyone together...]

{A Blackboard appears and graduate cap and pointer fall into Homestar's head and non-existent hand from above.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {while drawing a sheep and a dragon} I have found that the King's sheep were not eaten by a dragon {crosses off dragon}


HOMESTAR RUNNER: ... but, they were eaten!

KING OF TOWN: Oh, no! What could have done such a thing?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Why don't you ask yourself, King? {pokes King's belly with pointer}

KING OF TOWN: ...Oh, yeah. They were delicious! {blushes and burps}

{Everyone laughs.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {laughs} Oh man, Pom Pom! He ate the sheep! {continues laughing as we pan out of the castle onto a sheep grazing in the field}

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