Dangeresque (karaoke)

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Revision as of 00:33, 30 November 2004 by Hysterical Woman (Talk | contribs)
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The theme from DANGERESQUE II, now in crappy karaoke style! Change the audio to hear Coach Z sing it.

Hidden Audio Transcript


Coach Z: {talking} Ok, this isn't my usual type of jam so I'll just do my best here.

{starts singing. When he sings, he tends to get high pitched at the end of his sentences}

Coach Z: So danger-ous, so dan-ger-ous! He fights the law, but he also fights the crime, but not as much Dan-ger-esque! With Reynaldo at his side...{talking} That's how you spell "Reynaldo"? Dangeresque? {singing again} He's got some Chinese stah-ars and he keeps them under the bed with a length of pipe! Dangeresque! That guy is Dangerrresque... The mighty oak has fallen... If movies have taught me anything... He'll get the girrrrrllll... Stick it to the man! Stick it to the marn! Cool glasses, cool glasses! Stick it to the man! Stick it to the marn! Cool, cool glasses! He works alone except when he works with Reynaldo, which is all the time...Dangeresque. He's a private eye, he's a crooked cop, he's a secret agent, and he's a celebrity pharmacist...That guy is {pronouces each "dangeresque" differently} Dangeresque...Dangeresque...Dangeresque...Dangeresque... Or doird I?

{end screen}

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