The Best Decemberween Ever

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Revision as of 07:16, 4 January 2005 by (Talk)
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A little Charlie Brown tribute

Homestar asks around trying to figure out the perfect Decemberween present for Strong Bad.

Features: Homestar Runner, Strong Bad, Marzipan, Strong Sad, Coach Z, Bubs, The Cheat, Strong Mad, Pom Pom, The Poopsmith, The King of Town

Page Title: Sponsored by Dolly Madison!



Fun Facts

  • On Bubs' Concession Stand, the lights look and behave like the the lights from the Astro Lite Game.
  • The introduction, with the spinning Special logo and sound effect, are a reference to the logo and sound that CBS used to preface their specials.
  • The beginning of the toon contains many references to the "Peanuts" cartoons by Charles Schulz, such as Homestar wearing that hat and walking out of that house and along the low brick wall, Homestar sighing, along with the way Strong Sad's arms are drawn. Strong Sad plays the part of Linus and Homestar plays the part of Charlie Brown. It also pays homage at the end, when all the cast gets together and sings a song (which the Peanuts always did in their holiday specials). This may in fact be well-deserved kudos to the (then) recently deceased Charles Schulz.
  • The signs on the trees are as follows:
    • 3% APR!!!
    • The Decemberator 2000
    • Zero Down!
    • Cheap as Free
    • buy me! i'm awesome
    • No You're not. I am
  • Among the items Homestar finds at Bubs' is a copy of the NES game Tag Team Wrestling. The game's teams were called "The Ricky Fighters" and "The Strong Bads". Obviously, this game is where Strong Bad got his name from.
  • The oven mitts are a reference to The Yello Dello, as is Coach Z's quote: "Well Homestar, I tell ya, Buying a Decemberween present for Strong Bad is like a great sports play."
  • Strong Bad is known to like Frampton as seen in making out and the Homestar Talker Main Page.
  • The Cheat's Head Exploding is a running gag.
  • The title of this 'toon is based on the book, "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever", by Barbara Robinson. The plot has nothing in common except for the holiday theme, of course.
  • Strong Sad has no arms while he is singing.
  • A Jew's harp is an ancient Eurasian instrument.
  • This cartoon seems to have been made during a transitionary period of sorts: The animation is of the most recent style, but the voices are the type that are associated more with the previous style. Notice, for instance, Homestar's pronunciation of "Strong Bad".


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