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Revision as of 13:02, 11 October 2005 by Djm1791 (Talk | contribs)
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doing fine
#1 all the way!!

Hi I'm djm1791. Iv'e grown to love this web site, sigh... any hoo this is my page that im now workin on to make it cool and fun and not be some dumb text so if you have any ideas PLESE list them on my talk page cuz I'd love do better at this web site.

-DJM1791 · (Sup | Stuff I Did!)


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  • Above all, be sure to have fun!

How I Came to Know and Love the Wiki

it all started about a year ago after i had become a full fledged homestar fan. at that point i was addicted on it and was doin a google serch for homestar pics and sites. i had kept on coming across a site that sounded like some hawian thing "Wiki" looks like "Tiki" but at first it looked dumb and boring so i avoied it since my parrents dont like me going on to unfermilliar sites. eventuly touge i looked in to it and found it was pretty cool. at first i contibuted anomisly and dindnt do much since i diddnt know how to do any thing. preety soon i made an account and still didnt do any thing magor till about this summer. and now look what ive done!


Image:stinkogame-enemy-mrubbers.gif Image:stinkogame-enemy-astromund.gif Image:stinkogame-enemy-grundy.gif Image:da cheat.gif Image:videlectrixman.gif File:hsrun.gif

Bout Me!!

Real Name: David J MacKay (hence the name djm1791)



eyes: brown

Religion: Christian

Residence: Philippines (ok to clarify im a MK here. MK stands for missionary kid as in my parrents are missionars)

Pasport Country: USA

thing on H*R: Strong Bad Email

Fav wiki page: Other Costumes

stuff i edit: mostly minor edits and Other Costumes

more 2 come maby

Top 5's

here are some of my fav five:

Big Toons:

1)A Folky Tale

2)Bug In Mouth Disease

3)Cool Things

4)Where's The Cheat?

5)A Jorb Well Done


1)Experimental Film

2)20X6 vs. 1936

3)Lookin at a Thing in a Bag

4)Peasant's Quest Movie Trailer

5)The System is Down

Let's try a transcript shall we?

this could take a while so be pashiont.

Lost e-mail...

strongbad e-mail # ????

Strong Bad DELETES e-mail, Homestar grows hair?!?


Strong Bad: {singing} I turn on I log on I check my e-mail, I turn on I log on I check my e-mail


Strong Bad: ug I hate thise things {typing} I know just what to do for you: a diga diga diga DELETE...

Strong Sad: NOOOOOO!...

Strong Bad: What?!?

Strong Sad: Don't delete that e-mail

Strong Bad: Ahh crap! dweb, give me one good reason why I shouldn't delete this e-mail

Strong Sad Sigh... eh hem... DID YOU NOT READ THAT DUMB E-MAIL!?!?!?!?! IT SAID BAD STUFF WOULD HAPEN TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY!!!!!!! {gasps for air then faints}

Strong Bad: um... wow... strong... sad... I... I didn't know you had it in you. Well back to bisness {typing} D {hits enter} ha that wasent so bad nothing hapened. {pauses} Have you guys ever had that fealing you were being watched... {turns awround and sudenly he gets the jibilys} AHH JIBOLY JIBOLAY JIB JIB JIB JIBBA JIBBALYACOOCOO

{cut to bubs consesitan stand with a closed for ever sign, bubs is sobing}

Bubs: It's horible just hoibale

Homestar What, you too?!?

Bubs: Woo! Homestar whats that on your head?

Homestar: On my head what are you talken about?

{poopsmith walks up}

Poopsmith: hi guys!

Homestar: oh hi poopsmith, bubs told me thers somthi... POOPSMITH!?!

Poopsmith: Ya

Homestar: Oh my gosh! Bubs, I think I'm having one of those halotanations you were talken about I could have sworn ol' poopsmish here was talkin to me.

Bubs: I, I think he was Homestar.

Homestar: But I thought he took a vow of silence or something.

Poopsmith: You see I didn't realy take any vows it was just that the smell of my job was to much. But just today I got to thinking and the more i thought I found out that I first of all had a realy crappy job. Seccondly that my real name is Dan and. Thirdly that I need to get a new job since i quit my last one, thats why I came here. Bubs can you help me out?


As you leave, please sign my guestbook. Thanks!
  1. Pertmywert (Talk·Edits)
  2. --Stux 11:45, 7 Oct 2005 (UTC)
  3. Young Roy 4:44, 7 Oct 2005, North Carolina
  4. minibaseball.png Bkmlb(talk to me·stuff I did) 00:36, 8 Oct 2005 (UTC)

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