Sick Day

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Revision as of 19:45, 3 October 2005 by Camalex (Talk | contribs)
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The citizens of Free Country, USA are very unwell.

Taking one for the team

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad, Homestar Runner, Strong Mad, The Cheat, Strong Sad (Easter egg)

Places: Computer Room, Strong Mad's Room (entrance only), Strong Sad's Room (Easter egg)

Date: October 3, 2005

Computer: Lappy 486

Running Time: 1:43

Page Title: Here Comes Sickness!



{We are presented with a silent view of the Lappy, Strong Bad apparently absent, and the following email is on the screen.}

{Cut to a view of Strong Bad's desk. Strong Bad is severely ill and curled up into a ball under the table, coughing and shivering. A box of tissues that reads "Tish, You!", lies next to him along with a mess of used up tissues. }

STRONG BAD: {coughing} The Cheat! Get in here with my puke pail. {coughing} And bring me some tissues. Lots more tissues!

{Homestar walks in from the right of the screen with a thermometer in his mouth and an obvious look of sickness}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Strong Bad, my burps smell really bad. Check this out. {making breathing noises} Hang on.

STRONG BAD: Ugh. Go away. I can't smell anything anyways.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh, I'm betting you can smell these!

STRONG BAD: Yeah, well you're lucky it's your burps that smell. DO NOT go into Strong Mad's room. Or, as I've taken to calling it, Rotten Egglünd.

{Cut to outside Strong Mad's room. The door is covered with police tape that reads "Quarantine!". There is a green haze coming out from the bottom of the door.}


{Cut back to Strong Bad and Homestar in the Computer Room.}

STRONG BAD: Ugh. The Cheat! What's taking so long with my tissues?

THE CHEAT: {in a green bucket that reads "Puke Pail for Him!"} (crying noises)

STRONG BAD: {coughing} Oh well. I guess I'll just re-use some of these already re-reused ones. {grabs a tissue} Ow! They're pointy now!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Strong Bad, I don't think you're going to be able to answer your word problem this week. So I'll take one for the team. Two trains enter a tunnel going four miles per hour. {As he talks, pictures of two trains, a tunnel, and the number 4 appear to his left.} At what time do they reach Poughkeepsie?

STRONG BAD: {groans and coughs while speaking} The Paapeeeer!

{The Paper comes down, with a distorted noise. It appears crinkled and says "Strong Bad, I can't come in today".}

STRONG BAD: Oh no, not you too! Can I blow my nose on you?

{The Paper goes back up.}

Rotten Egglünd

Easter Eggs

  • Click on the word "healthy" at the end of the toon to see a short scene with Strong Sad.
{Strong Sad is laying in his bed. His face is green with spots and he has red around his eyes. The rest of his body is normal.}
STRONG SAD: {groans} This is the greatest day of my life. I feel like a few dollars.
  • Click on the word "Crap" at the end to see a map of "Rotten Egglünd".

Fun Facts


  • Homestar has the wrong end of the thermometer in his mouth. The bulb is what should go in his mouth.
  • The quarantine tape over Strong Mad's door goes across the doorknob as if the doorknob were two-dimensional, or completely flat.


  • Initially, clicking on the Lappy's screen did not cause the screen to ripple. This was corrected within ten hours of the toon's release.
    • However, during the Lappy scenes, you can click anywhere on the screen and it causes a ripple, as opposed to just the monitor.
  • The bags under Strong Bad's eyes disappear shortly after his remark about Strong Mad's room, although they reappear later.
  • When Strong Bad's eye bags disappear, the tint of his face changes.
  • After Strong Bad throws away the tissue, his hands stop twitching for the rest of the scene.
Armless Strong Bad
  • When Strong Bad reaches out for a tissue, he has no arm connecting to his glove.
    • This happens again when he hurts himself on the pointy tissue.
    • His arm usually wouldn't be able to stretch far enough to reach the tissue.
  • When we zoom in to Homestar answering the "word problem," the desk behind him disappears and the shading changes. When we zoom out, the designs on the wall move.


  • Initially, if you clicked the "back" link while it was fading in, it would take you to the Strong Bad Email menu, but if you waited until it was completely faded in, it would takes you to the Toons menu. This was fixed shortly after the toon was released.

Real-World References

  • "Here Comes Sickness" is a song by Mudhoney.
  • Poughkeepsie is a city in New York located in the Hudson River Valley between New York City and Albany.

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