
From Homestar Runner Wiki

Revision as of 00:14, 13 July 2007 by Stinkoblade (Talk | contribs)
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Hi, I'm Stinkoblade. I like the Homestar Runner Wiki and Homestar quite a bit, spending several hours of one week in either/or/both. I often do homework to the styles of sbemail.

Behold the mighty Stinkoblade! Errrr, well really just a big knife.

I have favorite characters among the universe, some of which might apply to everyone. They are:
Homsar, Strong Bad, Graw Mad, The Chort, Coach Z

There are also things I wish TBC had been more detailed with. I've sent an e-mail to SB once about these things (in the same one), the geography of Free Country USA and The Thnikkaman. If they ever answer it, I'll let you guys know. On a different note, I shortened to being just The Thnikkaman on 5/6/2007, in the hopes that an easier question would get a response. I (unfortunately) did NOT save a copy of either e-mail.

Personal Stuff

I live in Western North Carolina, and will be in college in a matter of days. My real name is Josh and I am 17. My interests span the entire cosmos, from cooking to ancient mythology, with a deep and unbridled dislike of all things athletic. Despite that last tidbit, I can approach all subjects without intentional bias, giving good (or at least interesting if I can't help) advice based on my science/psychology background. You'd be surprised what you can do with a few years of intensive study. I will be majoring in Middle Grades Science Education w/ a double-minor in Psychology and Spanish as a second language. The greatest moments for me are moments of inspiration, regardless of when or how it happens. I write almost as much as I read, having time for neither during hardcore school weeks. I edit when I can, but all of you beat me to it. I have not created any pages outside of my user page. And for anybody interested that sees this page, I play Maple Story. My character's name is InfamousDS and I am the Guild-Master of EvilHeroes. I play in Mardia-ch19 most of the time, unless I'm channel surfing for Party Quest. You can look me up, but I will most likely ignore you until you mention H*R Wiki.

The History of the Name

ME: It all started...
(fast-forwarding, then play clicks)
ME: ...and that's when I...
(fast-forwarding continues, play clicks again)
ME: I had finally found something worthy of joining,, and I needed a name that defined me. I chose the words Dark and Samurai to be the template for any and all applications thereafter. They fit me because, as I said earlier, I have a morbid sense of humor and have chosen to live in the style of Bushido. I decided I needed e-mail to go with this new freedom, so I ran to...
(tape skips and speech is garbled)
ME: ...and I was so sad. That was when I discovered, through my cousin showing me the sbemail 'dragon'. I thought it was the greatest thing I had ever seen, but I still lacked a home computer of my own. So I forgot. It took 2 years for me to get my own computer, but I didn't remember Homestar, so I guess I just wasted your time. It took another 2 years for me to find it, and it was because of the same cousin. I think 'Cool Things' was a few weeks old at the time, it was at the top of the New Stuff list. Another 6 months(or more) went by and I was at early March of 2007. I watched every sbemail and toon, which took 2 weeks, and then I started randoming on The Lappy. I watched the sbemail 'coloring' and was extremely confused by pressed bunson, so i googled it and found The Wiki. All that was about 4 days of random and 15 minutes of google. I read through EVERY SINGLE SBEMAIL before I joined. If you are trying to keep track, that was May 4th that I finished. I had sent an e-mail to Strong Bad on the 30th of March, and to initiate my joining the Wiki on the 6th I sent one under my new surname. Hmm? What was that? I'm rambling? Whatever, man. you just interrupted me. Now...where was I...? Oh! Right, the birth of my surname. Well, I knew that Dark and all his aliases would be inappropriate for a site about happy good times. In that state of mind, I chose close similarities from within the universe. I chose Stinkoman because he good-heartedly insults everyone around him, much to their not being offended (Dark). And I chose The Big Knife to represent my warrior within, if you will (Samurai). That about covers it, thanks for purch-...
(stop click, then rewind begins)

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