Stinkoman 20X6

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Stinkoman runs right

Stinkoman 20X6 is a side-scrolling platformer game which stars Stinkoman.

The Brothers Chaps showed it off at their talk at NYU. This game seems to be based off the Capcom Megaman series. It also parodys the poor "Japanese to English" translations common to video games of that era, similiar to those that appear on the current Games Menu.

Below is the text that appears in the introduction sequence:

On Planet X, Stinkoman is always
looking for a fighting or a challenge.
In 20X6, he can usually find one!

Easter Eggs

  • Hover your mouse below "Controls" on the main menu to access the Instruction Booklet.


  • Tampo - Tampo's weak point is the darker coloured, lower part of the brain. You can only hit it when it comes near the ground, and you'll need to jump. It starts by coming to the lower right. Stand just in range and shoot it, but make sure you're on the ground when his shots reach you, they shouldn't come close. He will then float to the top-right. You want to be closer to the left edge of the screen to be able to jump this shot. Now run to the right, about mid-screen. Tampo will do the exact same thing on the left, then will return and repeat.

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