
From Homestar Runner Wiki

Revision as of 00:17, 9 May 2007 by Stinkoblade (Talk | contribs)
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Behold the might Stinkoblade! Errrr, well really just a big knife.

Hi, I'm Stinkoblade. I like the Homestar Runner Wiki and Homestar quite a bit, spending several hours of one week in either/or/both. I often do homework to the styles of sbemail.

I have favorite characters among the universe, some of which might apply to everyone. They are:
Homsar, Strong Bad, Graw Mad, The Chort, Coach Z

There are also things I wish TBC had been more detailed with. I've sent an e-mail to SB once about these things (in the same one), the geography of Free Country USA and The Thnikkaman. If they ever answer it, I'll let you guys know. On a different note, I shortened to being just The Thnikkaman on 5/5/2007, in the hopes that an easier question would get a response. I (unfortunately) did NOT save a copy of either e-mail.

Personal Stuff

I live in Western North Carolina, and will be in college in a matter of days. My real name is Josh. That's all you get from me.

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