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(Replaced the page with a story I wrote in 3rd grade)
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Who Said a Girl Can’t Play Football?
Ring!  Sam opened her eyes and groaned. She slammed her alarm clock so hard she thought she broke it.  Today was her first day at her new school in fifth grade.  New.  As in New kid, try to make new friends, and new crabby teachers.  She was a ten-year-old tomboy, and she knew the other girls would never accept her.  She looked in the mirror.  Her brown, boy-cut hair had huge knots in it.  She dragged herself over to her closet and grabbed her favorite outfit.  It was a sweatshirt and a pair of jeans with holes in the knees.  She went down the stairs of her new house.  She grabbed a pop tart and headed out the door.  It took her 5 minutes to get to school.  When she got there, everyone looked at her like she was from another planet.  She walked into the building.  A teacher scurried over to her.  “Are you Samantha?”  She asked
“Sam, not Samantha.”  Sam said annoyed.  The teacher looked cross for a minute, and then led Sam to a classroom. 
“This is where you’ll sit.” She said, pointing to a desk.  There were three other desks connecting to hers.  All 4 desks were put together to create a table.  The teacher left, she looked at the nametags on the desks around her. 
Sam read to herself the names on the nametags: “Carl Santurn.  Shelby Williams.  Bob Burns.”  She hoped Shelby was a tomboy too. 
After stashing her school supplies in her desk, a bell rang.  Students began to rush into the classroom.  A boy and a girl came over to Sam’s table.  The boy had spiked hair and even though Sam thought all boys were ugly, she thought he was almost cute.  The girl had long blond hair and had a pretty face.  She was wearing a very girly pink outfit.  They were holding hands.  The girl looked at all the nametags. 
“Ohhhhh, we have to sit with San-turd.”  She whined.  Sam then knew that the boy and girl were Bob and Shelby, and Shelby was defiantly not a tomboy.  They took their seats at the miniature table.  They kept smiling at each other.  It was enough to make someone sick.  Then Shelby turned to Sam.
“Hello.”  She said.  Sam froze.  She didn’t want to make a bad impression.  She didn’t want her potential friend to think she was a total freak.  She also didn’t want her to think she was like everyone else in the world. 
So she stuck up two fingers and said, “Yo.”  Shelby looked at Sam like she was a total freak.  She forced a smile.  Sam had blown it.  She slumped in her chair feeling un-accomplished.  All of a sudden, something bumped Sam from behind.  She turned to see a boy with a base ball cap, (put on backwards), a dog tag necklace, and a black t-shirt that said, “I’m only crabby on days that end in Y.”  To Sam, he looked like a fun guy. He took a seat next to Sam.  It was Carl Santurn.  They looked at each other and at the same time, they both stuck two fingers up and said “Yo.”  They both couldn’t help but smile at their unique method of introduction.  Shelby looked disgusted and rolled her eyes.  Sam thought some how, this first day would not be as bad as she thought.
After lunch, Sam’s class went outside.  Sam searched for something to do.  Jump rope?  Girly.  Sam thought.  Soccer?  Not really her game.  She had tripped on her face playing it in gym class last year.  She thought.  Football?  Yes!  She thought.  She started over to a field where a bunch of boys were playing football.  “Can I play?”  She asked one boy.  He began to laugh.  Another boy came over to see what was going on.  The first boy whispered something in his ear, and they both threw their heads back and laughed hysterically.
“Girls can’t play football!” They snickered. 
“What?!”  Said a voice behind Sam.  She turned to see Carl Santurn with a raged look on his face.  “You think your gonna lose?!  Is that why you won’t let her play?!”  Carl yelled.  The other two boys’ faces turned bright red.
“Keep it down San-turd!”  One of the boys who were laughing hushed.  “We’ll let her play!”  Sam gave Carl a grateful look.  The boys took her off to another place on the grassy field.  All the boys all stared at the girl coming onto the field.  Bob shushed them.  She’ll crack.  He thought.  Then the game began.  Bob started with ball and threw it to one of his teammates.  Sam blocked the pass and caught the ball.  She ran the opposite direction down the field dodging everyone in her way.  She ran into the end zone. 
“Touch Down!”  She yelled.  Bob’s jaw dropped.
“Yea!  Go Sam!”  Carl yelled.
For the next three days, Sam continued to kick butt.  Then it was Friday.  In the middle of writing, a kid walked into the class.  He had green hair, bright blue eyes  (contacts), and nasty green teeth.
“Hello!”  Said Sam’s teacher when he walked in.  “You must be… “
“Garth.” He said. 
“Oh.  Well okay.”  Sam’s teacher said.  She looked scared.  “We don’t have a desk for you yet, so you can go sit at the table over there.”  She said, pointing to a table next to Sam.  He sat down.  He had no apparent expressions on his face.  He just sat there, hunched over his desk.  What a freak, Sam thought. 
At lunchtime, Sam played Football.  Bob was on her team.  He threw the ball to her, but she didn’t catch it, Garth did.  He ran down the field and…
Sam couldn’t believe it.  Garth had beaten her.  Well he hadn’t actually beaten her, but in her mind, he had.  She walked over to him.  “Great job.”  She said. 
“Do you want to play me in football?”  She asked.
“Do you want to play us?”  Said a voice behind Sam.  It was Bob.  He put his arm on her shoulder.  They both grinned at Garth.  Carl and Shelby who were watching from a distance, both looked raged.
“Fine.”  Garth said.  “I’ll play you tomorrow.”
The next day, Sam came to school in a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt.  Bob was in his uniform as always- t-shirt and jeans.  When the bell went off for lunch, Sam and Bob ran to the door.
“Sit down you two.”  Their lunch mom ordered.  She began to call tables.  Finally she called Sam’s table to line up.  She and Bob raced to the line. 
When they got outside, Shelby walked up to Bob.  Were those Stiletto heels she was wearing? 
“I need to talk to you.”  She said to Bob.  She pulled him away from Sam.  “I thought you liked me.”  She said, tapping her foot on the ground.
“Well… I don’t.  All you are is a pretty face.”  Bob said.  Then he walked away.  Shelby just stood there.  Sam has got to go.  She thought.
The next morning, the day after Garth had beaten Bob and Sam, Sam got onto the bus.  Five minutes later, Shelby got on and sat next to Sam. 
“Do you really like Bob?”  She asked.
“I don’t even like him.”  Sam answered.
“Oh.”  Shelby said.  “But- he likes you.”
“Uh- no, he doesn’t.”
“Yes, he does.”
“Do- Look this is ridiculous.”
The bus stopped.
“Yea.  I got to go.”  Sam said.
She got up and began to walk away.
When she past the third isle to the front, Carl stepped in front of her.
“I know what your thinking, I’m just another friend of yours, an average looking bo- kid.  But I am really a lot nicer than Bob and-“
“I DON’T LIKE BOB!  IS IT PHYSCO DAY OR SOMETHING? JEEZ!”  Sam yelled.  She walked into school in a huff.  Does everyone think I like Bob?  Sam thought to herself.  Boys had never really been a part of Sam’s life.  Why did they pop up now? 
The day seemed to last forever.  Finally, the bell rang and she began to leave the classroom for home.  Right when she was half way there, she bumped into someone.  It was Sarah, a girl from her class. 
“Hi Sam.”  She said.
“Hey Sarah.”  Sam said.  Silence followed this.
“Listen, I’m having a sleepover Friday, Deana is coming to, and I was wondering if you would like to come.”  Sarah asked suddenly.  Sam just stood there.  Sarah seemed nice enough, and so did Deana.
“Sure, I’ll come.”  Sam said.
“Great!”  Sarah squealed.  She Handed Sam a slip of paper.  “Directions.”  She said.  The paper was a diagram of the neighborhood with arrows pointing every which way.  Sarah lived 5 minutes away in walking distance.  It also had a list of things to bring.  Sarah turned around and walked away.
Finally it was Friday.  Sam was at home after school.  She had packed already.  The clock was at six o’ clock.  Sam went to the front door.  “Bye Mom, bye dad.”  Sam called. 
“See Ya.”  They both answered.  Sam began to walk.  When she reached Sarah’s house, she knocked on the door.  Suddenly, there was a chorus of barks from inside.  Sam jumped back startled.
“Down!”  She heard from inside.  Sarah opened the door.  “Hello.”  She said.  “Don’t mind the dogs.  They don’t jump.  Come in.”
Sam walked in.  The house was a mess.  All of a sudden, three short blurs whirled past Sam, followed buy four shorter brown blurs.  Then they stopped.  They turned toward Sam.  Then Sarah spoke.
“Um- I guess you need to get to know my family better.  You’ll probably see a lot of animal, because almost everyone has a pet.  Anyway, these are the three youngest of my siblings.”  She said.  She pointed at the 1st, a girl, who was wearing a sparkly pink outfit with multiple stains and a matching hat.  She had a small brown mouse in her hand.  “This is Tiffany, she’s six, and the mouse is Cinnamon.” Sarah said.  She pointed to the next.  Another girl.  She was wearing a dark green top and light green pants.  There was a frog peeking out of her pocket.  “This is Anna, she’s seven, and that’s her frog, Treeko.” She said.  Then she pointed to last, a boy with a Thomas The Train™ outfit.  “And this is the youngest, Duncan, and he’s three.”  Sarah said finally.  “Oh and my dogs- bloodhounds- Sparky, Sarge, Cleo and-” Sarah stopped and pointed at the one rubbing it’s head on Sam’s jeans, “Sammy.  I think he likes you.”  Said Sarah snickering.  Sarah led Sam into a room where six kids were watching a 7th kid playing a video game.  Sarah sighed.
“These are some of my other sisters and brothers.”  She said.  She pointed to two taller kids, a boy and a girl.  They both had glasses.  The girl had a long flowing multi-colored skirt and matching top and the boy had ironed jeans and a shirt matching the colors on the girl’s shirt.  There was a parrot perched on the girl’s shoulder that matched her shirt.  The boy was holding a white mouse.  “These are the twins, Clare and Chris.  They are both fourteen.  The parrot is Rainbow and the mouse is Einstein.”  Sarah said.
“You mean our names our Clarabelle and Christopher.”  The girl said.  The bird said in perfect English:  “Clarabelle!”  Sarah rolled her eyes.  She pointed to the boy playing the video game.  He had a Duel Masters t-shirt on and jeans.  A turtle was sitting on his head.  His eyes were glued to the TV.  He had the same brown hair as every other kid Sam had seen so far. 
“This is Aaron.  He’s eleven.  His turtle is Shell.”  Said Sarah.  He paused the game and looked up at Sarah, irritated.
“You broke my concentration!  I told you, don’t bother while I’m playing Jak, Sarah.  I am about to beat in my all time shortest time, FOUR HOURS!”  He barked.
“Whatever.”  Sarah snapped.  “Anyway,” Sarah continued.  She pointed to the girl next to Aaron whose face was almost pressed against a Game boy SP.  She had jeans and a t-shirt that said “You Play With Dolls, I Play With Bats and Balls.”  She had short, boy cut hair with blond highlights.  There was a fur ball sitting on her head.  “This is Carly, she’s eleven too.  The ball of fur sitting on her head is a chinchilla named Taco.”  Said Sarah.  She pointed to the next girl, who was curled up on a chair in the corner of the room.  She had a long purple skirt, purple pheasant top and a black and white rabbit in her lap.  She was reading the 7th Harry Potter book and looking up once and a while to watch the game.  “That’s Serena, she’s twelve, and that’s her rabbit, Pati.”  Said Sarah.
“Parvati…” Serena mumbled under her breath.  Then Sarah pointed to the next girl who was yelling at Aaron to press a couple buttons in some order.  There was a small dog sitting next to her.  The girl had a short pink ruffled skirt and a pink of the shoulder t-shirt that said “All About Me.”  She had long bouncy curly hair.  “That’s Ally, she’s thirteen, and that’s her dog, Princess.  She shares the dog with Sally.  Sally is sixteen.”  Sarah said.  Sam didn’t ask who Sally was.  Sarah sighed and pointed to the last boy.  He was wearing jeans and a hideous t-shirt.  There was a fish in a small container with a handle next to him.  He was sitting quietly watching the TV.  “That’s Kevin, he’s nine.  His fish is named Scales, and Scales is his best and only friend.”  Said Sarah finally, leading Sam out of the room. On the way through the hall, Sam stopped her for a minute.
“How many brothers and sisters do you have?”  She asked.  Sarah blushed.
“Twenty.  Plus me.”  She said quietly. She continued walking.  She led Sam into a living room where Deana had spread her sleeping bag on the ground.  She was talking to an older girl with a white cat in her lap.  They were both wearing flannel pajamas.
“Hello!”  They said brightly.  Sarah sighed again.
“This is Gabrielle, she’s fifteen and her 16th birthday is this month.”  She said.  “And that’s her cat, Snowball.”  Sam set down her things and she, Deana, and Sarah set off again.  Then Sam found herself in the kitchen.  There were two other girls there.  They were yelling it looked like they were playing tug of war with a jug of milk that had enough to fill one cup left in it.  They were both wearing matching blue outfits.  There was a small white dog bark at the commotion.
“Cara!  Tara!  Stop!”  Sarah yelled.  “Do I have to remind you what happened last time?”  Both girls stopped immediately and handed Sarah the jug.  She grabbed two cups and poured equal amounts in each cup.  She handed them to the girls.  The dog still kept on barking.
“THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!”  Both girls yelled and ran out of the room.  The dog followed, still barking.
“That was Cara and Tara.  They are both eight and the most obnoxious people I have ever known.  Their dog is Coconut, and I don’t think he knows how to shut-up.”  Said Sarah.  They grabbed some juice and went back to the living room. 
“I‘m kind of tired, what time is it?” Sam asked all of a sudden.  Deana laughed.
“It’s only 6:30!”  She said.  All three of them began to laugh.  Just then, Sammy walked into the room and lay down next to Sam.
“DINNER!”  Someone called.  The girls went to the dining room.  Sam saw twenty-five chairs neatly put (If neatly put meant crammed) around the table.  Sarah’s parents came over to Sam.  Sarah’s mom had unusually green eyes and was surprisingly skinny for having so many children.  Sarah’s Dad had no hair and brown eyes. 
“Hi Sam.  Welcome.  Please make yourself at home.”  Sarah’s mom said and smiled.  Kids began to pile into the room.  Sam saw Tiffany, Anna, Duncan, Clare, Chris, Aaron, Carly, and Serena, Ally; Kevin, Gabrielle, Cara, Tara, and seven other kids Sam hadn’t seen sit down.  The first two were both boys.  The 1st one had green baggy shorts with a black t-shirt and the 2nd had jeans and a blue turtleneck.  Sarah leaned over to Sam.  She pointed to the to boys.
“That’s Tad and Chad.  They’re eighteen and are home from college for the weekend.”  She pointed to the next girl who had a pink ensemble and Curly hair exactly like Ally’s.  “That’s Sally.  She’s sixteen and shares a dog with Ally.  She and Ally are impossible to separate.  Every weekend they take Sally’s pink Volkswagen Beetle to they mall and come back with at least twenty bags of clothes or more.  She’s a model if you’re wondering where she gets all the money.”  Sarah said.  She pointed to the next girl who was wearing all green just like Anna.  “That’s Hannah.  She’s seven-teen.  Every weekend she takes Sarge, Treeko and Anna to the forest preserve.”  Sarah said.  She pointed to the next boy.  He had a striped shirt and pink pants.  “That’s Gary.  He’s twenty-one and most of us don’t think he’s that much like a boy, if you know what I mean.”  She said, looking at Deana.  Deana rolled her eyes.
“Let me tell her about Josh.”  Deana said dreamily pointing to the next boy.  He had almost perfect hair and looked like he could be Orlando Bloom’s brother. ”He’s twenty.  He lives in Chicago and is a model.”  Deana said, sighing.  Finally, Sarah pointed to the last boy.  He had a skull t-shirt and baggy black shorts.  He had spiked hair.
“That’s – well no one knows because he changes his name every day.  He’s Voldemort today, Serena suggested it.  His real name is Mike.  He’s twelve.  Serena is older than him by three months.”  They boy looked over at Sam.  He stuck up to fingers and said: “Yo.”
Dinner was a mess.  Everyone started fighting over the last drumstick and it ended up as a food fight.  Once everyone had cleaned up, it was 10:00pm.  Everyone started filing upstairs, followed by his or her pet.  At about 10:30pm Sarah ran upstairs.  Sam and Deana just sat there wondering what she was doing. 
Sarah and her sisters came bolting down the stairs, sleeping bags in hand.  I mean all her sisters.  That includes, Tiffany, Anna, Clare (Clarabelle), Carly, Serena, Ally, Sally, Hannah, Gabrielle, Cara, Tara, and all their pets.  They all began to set up their sleeping bags as Sarah popped in a DVD.  All the girls began talking excitedly as the DVD menu for The Spongebob Movie appeared on the screen.  It began and the room hushed.  They sat there all night playing the movie over and over and at 3 o’clock, during the Goofy Goober Rock, the last girl fell asleep.  Sam thought she was the only one up.  Then two people tapped her on both shoulders at once.  She looked up to see Sarah and Deana.
“Want to play some football?”  Deana asked.
“Football?  You play football?”  Sam asked.
“Why wouldn’t we?”  Sarah asked.
“No reason.”  Sam said.  While they rummaged around for there coats, the other girls began to get up. 
“What are you doing?”  Sally and Ally demanded. 
“Football again, I presume.”  Clare said.
“I want to play foot ball.”  Anna said.
“Let’s all play.”  Said Hannah.
“As If!”  Barked Ally, Sally, Clare, and Tiffany ay the same time.  (Tiffany said it in a small voice.)  But they got dragged them out in the backyard anyway.  They split into teams.  They played six games.  In the middle of the 6th Sarah tackled Sam.  She, Sam and Deana all rolled over on the ground laughing.
“And the boys at School said girls can’t play football.”  Sam said. 
“WHAT?”  All the girls but Sam shouted at once.
“WHO?”  Ally and Sally demanded. 
“Rick and Frankie.”  Sam said sort of scared.  “And I remember Garth telling me loads of times to go skip rope and get of the football field.”  All of the girls sat in the mud in shock.
“THAT STINKING ROTTEN NO GOOD FAMILY OF BUTT FACED HOODLUMS?”  Sally yelled.  She swore under her breath.
“Gar Flake is such a bully, he pulls my hair!”  Tiffany cried out in a tiny voice.
“Sam, their family has the same amount of kids all the same age.  For every girl in our family, there’s a boy who’s got it out for them.  For every boy in our family, there’s a girl who will do all in her power to make him miserable.  That family is bad news.  Even mom and dad hate that family.  What dad wouldn’t give to get his hands on that fake
Mr. Flake…” Her voice trailed off.  “I can handle Garth.  Lets go in.” She said.  They went in and got into their sleeping bags.  I hate Garth.  Sam thought.
The next day she rolled up her sleeping bag and went to Sarah’s kitchen table for breakfast.  Everybody was still in his or her pajamas eating.  There were plates all over the table heaped with bacon, sausage, eggs, pancakes, and toast.  Deana was stuffing her face.  Sam was picking at her eggs.  Sarah sat down next to her.  “What’s wrong?”  She asked.
“Well… Garth is both our problems, right?  What if he hurts one of us, what will the other do then?  Maybe we should just leave him alone…” Sam said.
“WHAT?”  Sarah yelled.  “NO WAY!  LIKE HE HAS THE GUTS TO DO ANYTHING TO US!”  Sarah stormed off to her room.
“Sarah!  You said he was bad news!  What if he does have the guts to hurt us?”  Sam cried desperately.  Sarah was in her room and on AIM.  She sent a message:
The person sent back the message “KK” and signed off. 
“Tell every girl twelve and younger that goes to our school to play football Monday at lunch.”  Sarah said.  Sam thought she was talking to her but when she turned around Serena was at the door.
“Ok.”  She answered and gracefully walked away, Parvati on her tail.
On Monday, just before the bell was about to ring, Sam was sweating like nuts.  She had of coarse told Carl what Sarah had done, and he seemed all for it. 
“Garth deserves it.”  He had said.
  Sam wasn’t sure.  Then the bell rang.  Their lunch mom called the tables.  Everyone lined up.  All the girls were talking excitedly.  Then, in line, someone tapped Sam on the back.  She was wearing gray sweatpants and a gray zip-up sweatshirt.
“Hi.”  Shelby (Yes, Shelby!) said.  “I just wanted to let you know that I’m playing football today.  Its time someone did something about Garth.”  The line began to move.  Sam was sweating harder then ever.  They got outside.  Sam turned the corner of the building, and the football field came in to view.  Sam pumped her fist in the air with a triumphant “YES!”  It looked like every girl in the school was on the football field.  And then she saw the glimpse of black in the mass of gray, white, and blue.  Carl!  Sam thought happily.  She ran out to the field with the rest of the fifth grade girls following her.  All the boys looked angry except Carl. 
“LET US PLAY, OR ELSE!”  Ally and Sally yelled.  (They had told their teachers they had to come.)
“YOU’RE NOT GONNA TAKE THIS LYING DOWN, ARE YOU FLAKE?”  Carl shouted angrily.  To the side, Shelby and Bob were looking at each other hatefully in the eyes.
“FINE!  WE’LL SEE WHO PLAYS BETTER!”  The angry boys barked.  Then the game began.
The girls had won!  Believe it or not, Tiffany scored the final touchdown.  Bob and Garth both blocked her, but she ran straightforward and, inches away from them, screamed,  “YOUR BROTHER IS A DUMB BULLIE FLAKEHEAD!” and somersaulted right under his legs. 
“YOU TELL HIM!”  Ally and Sally shrieked.  It was then the bell rang and every single girl in the school shrieked in triumph.
“WE GIRLS, WE PHAT, WE BEAT THOSE BROTHERS BAD!”  Could be heard all the way inside.
The next day at recess, Sam got out late because she had volunteered to clap erasers.  Sarah didn’t want to. 
“I have to make Garth wish he was never born.”  She had said.  When she got outside, she heard shrieking and yelling.  She ran around the corner to see everyone gathered around the football field. 
“ITS ALL HER FAULT!  MY PARENTS CALLED ME A DISGRACE TO THE FAMILY!  I TOLD YOU GIRLS COULDN’T PLAY FOOTBALL!”  She heard Garth scream angrily.  Bob was holding Garth back by the arms as he struggled forward to get at Sarah.  Shelby sat on the ground with Sarah who was positively howling with pain.  Shelby was making sure her leg was lying flat on the ground.  Carl was screaming at Garth.  Then Deana rushed over. 
“Sam!  Garth beat her up her and broke her leg!  He started swearing at her!  The ambulance is on the way!”  She cried frantically.  Just then the principle hurried passed them toward the football field.  They followed her.
The next day was Saturday.  Deana, Carl, Bob, Shelby (Who were together again), and Sam were in the hospital with Sarah’s family visiting.  Mr. Flake was talking to Sarah’s dad.
“My son is going to work to pay you back.  He’s selling all of his things at a garage sale.”  He said.
No one will buy anything from him.  Sam thought.  She motioned for Deana, Shelby, Bob and Carl to follow her. 
“We can help.”  Deana said, reading Sam’s mind.
“Huh?”  Said Mr. Flake.  “Oh.  Yes, you should.  I’m afraid no one would buy from him.  Thanks.” he said.  Everyone but Deana, Sam, Shelby, Carl and Bob left.  They stood at the foot of Sarah’s bed. 
“How bad is it?”  Shelby asked quietly, and then she leaned her head on Bob’s shoulder.
“Broken in 7 places.  3 places in my ankle, 2 in my shin, and 1 in my knee.”  She said and sighed.
“Ow.”  Bob and Carl said at the same time. 
“We volunteered to help Garth raise money from his old junk.  Not that it matters.”  Deana said.
“Well… it sort of does.”  Sarah said.  Having so many kids in my family we’ve always been- uh- a little short on money.  If he can’t sell his junk, my family might be in debt.”
“What?”  Carl said.
“What about health insurance?”  Sam asked.
“Couldn’t afford it.”  Sarah said sadly.
“But Chris, Serena, and Clare have glasses!  How did they pay for those without insurance?”  Shelby asked.
“Birthday present from Clare’s best friend.”  Deana said suddenly.
“Then how do you feed all your pets?”  Carl demanded.
“The vets clinic pays for us.”  Sarah said.
“How did you get such a huge house?”  Bob asked.
“The real estate saw how many kids were in my family and gave us a huge discount.”  Sarah said.
“How do you go to school?”  Sam asked.
“Hello!  Even homeless kids go to school.”  Sarah snapped.  “My family really needs this money.”
“We have to make sure he sells everything then.”  Shelby said.
Everyone left but Sam leaving Sarah and her alone.
“No matter how annoying Garth gets, I’ll make sure he sells everything.”  Sam promised.
Sarah smiled.  “You’re a great friend.” She said.
Later that day, Sam, Deana, Carl, Shelby, and Bob had to go to Garth’s house.  The yard sale was that day.  Garth was already outside when they got there.  Shelby couldn’t stand not being nice to someone.
“It’s nice what your doing for Sarah.”  She blurted.
“What?  Who told you that?  I would never do anything for a member of that dumb and stinking rotten family.  I’m just doing this so my dad doesn’t ground me.  Like I’d do anything for that rat…” His voice trailed off and he spun around and walked away.  Bob and Carl immediately pounced forward put Shelby grabbed Bob by his collar and Sam grabbed Carl by the arm and they both pulled back.  Garth walked into his house to get more boxes. 
“I’ll get him at school…” Bob mumbled to Carl.
“WHAT?”  Sam and Shelby demanded.
“Nothing.”  Carl and Bob said in unison.
Sam and Shelby looked at each other unbelievingly.
“What did”?
“You say?”  Sam and Shelby asked forcefully.
“He’ll get… more boxes.”  Carl said and he and Bob both ran away toward the house.  Shelby rolled her eyes. 
Not many people came.  The ended up selling $5.00 worth of merchandise, including a deck of Duel Masters Cards that Garth almost bought himself, but then a kid from school bought them, a dirty pillowcase, and a chipped cup.  That still wasn’t even nearly enough to pay for Sarah’s leg.
The next day at school, Garth was talking to his friends.  Sam overheard them.
“And I had to sell my whole deck for that sad excuse for a human…” He said.  Sam couldn’t stand it.  She spun around to face Garth and his friends
“You know what Flake?”  She said to Garth.  “Shut up about Sarah.  It’s not her fault you have the temper of a 2-year-old, that you are a disgrace to your family, and that you stink at football.”  She said coldly.
“Well it’s not my fault that she can’t take a beating.”  Garth said colder.  Just then, two figures, a gray and white one, and a black one, rushed passed Sam and pinned Garth to the ground.
“Carl!  Bob!  Stop!”  Sam shrieked.
“Take it back!”  Carl snarled.
“NO!”  Garth yelled.
“TAKE IT BACK!”  Bob yelled.
“NO!”  Garth yelled.  There was a crowd of kids gathered around the fight now.
“TAKE IT BACK!”  Carl screamed and he punched the ground, barely missing Garth face.  Shelby had come over by now and she and Sam pulled back Carl and Bob and they all went tumbling down the hill behind them.  Bob was lying on his back and Shelby’s head had landed on his chest.  Sam had landed on her back and Carl had landed right on top of her, face-to-face.  They looked right into each other’s eyes for a minute, and then Carl quickly rolled off and stuck his hand out to pull Sam to her feet.  She grabbed his hand and he pulled her to her feet.  Sam held on to his hand a couple seconds longer and then let go.  Bob and Shelby were already on their feet and talking.
“That’s what you were talking about, wasn’t it?”  Shelby said.
“No, it wasn’t.”  Bob said.
“Yes, it was.”
“YES, IT WAS!”  Shelby yelled.  At this, Bob stopped.  Then, they walked back up the hill.
It was February.  Sam and Deana were visiting Sarah in the hospital.
“Lucky you get out tomorrow.  Wouldn’t want to miss the valentines dance.”  Deana said.
“I would miss it if I could.”  Sam said. 
“So who’s going with who?”  Sarah asked. 
“Shelby and Bob, obviously.”  Sam said.
“Someone asked me.”  Deana said quietly.
“Who?”  Sarah asked excitedly. 
“Who?”  Sam asked.
“Rick and…”
“WHO?”  Sam and Sarah yelled.
“Garth.”  Deana said quietly.  Sam and Sarah sat in shock.  “But I said no.”  Deana added.  “I’m going with Rick.”  Then Deana and Sam left.
The next day was February 13, and the dance was tomorrow.  Sarah was back in school and she was going with Frankie.  It seemed every 5th and 6th grade girl had a date but Sam.    When she opened her locker, a note fluttered on to the ground.  Sam picked it up and opened it.
Dear Sam,
I wanted to ask you to the dance, but I sort of chickened out.  Anyway, do you want to go to the dance with me?  Tell me if you do, or write a note, like I did.
Sam sat stunned for a minute, and then she thought about it.  She was going to give Carl her answer right then.
She found Carl by his locker.  She sighed and took a deep breath.
“Carl, I’ll- go to the dance with you.”  She said.  Carl looked at her and blushed. 
“Did I ask you?”  He asked curiously.  Sam’s head began to spin.  He hadn’t asked her?  Who did? 
“But I’ve actually wanted to ask you- if you wanted to go with me.  I guess I have your answer.”  He said.  Then he leaned over and kissed her on the cheek, and walked away.
The day of the Valentines Dance.  It seemed like every kid in the school turned up.  It was only this day Sam realized she was going with her friend Carl, but to others she was going with San-turd.  It was going to be great though.  Deana was charging people for her to do their hair before the dance.  They were about half way to paying off Sarah’s leg.  But Garth’s dad wanted him to get the rest.  Sam and Deana could only help.  Sam had Deana do her hair in a tight bun.  Sam had even picked out a long sleeve green dress and green dress shoes.  Shelby had picked out a short and strapless hot-pink dress that went to her knees with matching stiletto heels and she left her hair down with one barrette in the front.  She also had matching 5-inch-long earrings and a plain hot pink choker.  Deana had a light blue spaghetti strap dress that went down to her knees and a matching necklace and bracelet set.  Sarah had a t-shirt sleeved dress that was bright red and went up to her ankles.  All the boys had black or gray tuxes but the true dumb and dumber fans (Rick and Frankie) wore baby blue and bright orange tuxedos.  Bob wore black and had a flower matching Shelby’s dress.  At the dance, everyone danced.  About an hour after the dance started, Carl brought Sam outside to where the school had put a little garden in honor of the dance.  They stepped under the rose covered terrace.  Carl took Sam’s hand.  She felt her face get hot.  He leaned forward and kissed her on the lips.  Then he stopped and just stood there for a second.  They looked around the garden.  Shelby and Bob were sitting on a bench kissing in a dark corner.  But the sight in the opposite corner was slightly creepy.  Two people were in a corner.  The boy had the girl cornered and she was trying to get away.  And even from far away, Sam still knew who the two were.  There was no mistaking it- the two were Garth and Deana.
“Get away from me!”  Deana said.
“Then tell me why you didn’t go to the dance with me!”  Garth said angrily to Deana.  They’re too close to the gate.  Deana will get hurt!  Sam thought as Garth pushed Deana back even further.  Shelby and Bob left.
“Why do you think?”  Deana said with fear in her voice.
“Tell me!”  Garth said even angrier.  He pushed Deana back and she fell back through the gate and unto her back.  She thought for sure Deana would scream, but there was no noise.
“DEANA!”  Sam yelled.  No one but Carl heard her.  But it was too late.  Deana and Garth disappeared.
Sam ran forward with Carl at her side.  They both stopped at the place where Deana fell.  Sam and Carl were on a ledge that dropped 10 feet.  They heard movement below.  SMACK!  They heard Garth whimper. 
“Deana!  Are you all right?”  Sam called.
“Yea!  Help me up!”  Deana called back.  Carl grabbed a hose and threw it down to her.  He and Sam pulled Deana up.  Then they brought the hose back to where it was so Garth couldn’t get out.  Deana was muttering under her breath as they walked inside.  She immediately went over to Rick and began talking very fast.  His face went from concerned, to angry.  Deana grabbed his hand and led him outside.  They went out the double door and closed it quietly.  His orange suite reflected the moonlight.  He went to the side so Sam could no longer see them.  She heard very faintly the sound of Rick yelling and couldn’t help but smile.
“AWARD TIME!”  Sam’s teacher called from the stage in the auditorium.  Everyone fell silent.  “Thank you.  Our first award is cutest couple.”  She opened the envelope.  “For the 4th year in a row, Bob Burns and Shelby Williams.  Surprise, surprise.”  She said sarcastically.  Bob and Shelby went upstage and each took their pins.  “Next is best tux.  The winner is…” She opened the envelope.  “A tie!  Rick and Frankie!  Please come up.”  Rick and Frankie bolted on stage.  Rick got the pin and Frankie got a flower.  “The next award is for best dress.  The winner is…” She opened the envelope.  “Shelby Williams.”  Shelby ran up and took another pin.  “The last award is best couple.  Three guesses who.”  She said, opening the envelope as Bob and Shelby stood by the entrance to the stage.  “The winner is… oh my!  Sam Smith and Carl Santurn!  That was a surprise!”  She exclaimed.  Sam and Carl ran happily up to the stage.  Shelby and Bob were clapping.  They each got their pins and ran off the stage.  People whispered as they walked to the back of the room.
“Good job Sam.”
“Way to go Sam!”
“You just got lucky San-turd.”
“Down with San-turd and his girlfriend!”
Sam and Carl just tuned it out.  They had won an award and they didn’t have to worry about anything, except Sarah’s leg and how they were going to make more money.
They were already half way to paying for Sarah’s leg.  They were in Sarah’s room discussing it.
“Why does Garth have to pay for it all?”  Deana asked.
“Because his dad is a…” Carl said something that made Sam say “Carl!”  “And won’t let us help.”
“He will let us help, that’s what he said.”  Sam pointed out.  “We just can’t do everything.”  She scratched Sammy behind his ears and began to give him a belly rub on the floor. 
“I wish Garth was never born.  He’s such a freak!”  Sarah exclaimed.  She wiped some spit off Drooler’s face with a tissue. 
“Maybe he has problems at home.”  Shelby said thoughtfully.  She slipped her rhinestone choker on Cleo and she gave a pleased bark.  Deana scrambled off the bed leaving Sarah by herself.  Deana went over and started petting Cleo with Shelby.
“Does Sarge look like me?”  Bob asked suddenly.  He put his face next to Sarge’s and looked at Shelby.  Her long blond hair whipped around and she looked at Bob.
“How can you think about something like that at a time like this?”  She asked dangerously.
“I just wanted to know…” He said quietly.
“Just shut-up.”  Shelby snapped.
“Fine!”  Bob retorted.  He stomped out of the room.
“Want me to talk to him?”  Carl asked.  Shelby had walked out of the room too.  Sam and Carl tiptoed to the door and looked down the hall.  Shelby and Bob were both there.
“Why do you always do this!?”  She shouted.
“I don’t!”  He yelled back.
“Well maybe this isn’t working!”  Shelby shouted.
“Maybe it isn’t!”  Bob yelled.
“Then maybe I should…” Bob leaned over and put his hands on Shelby’s shoulders and kissed her.  She started to pull away but Bob pulled her closer.  Carl and Sam pulled their heads back into the room.
“They have a complex relationship.”  Sam said.
“You’re telling me.”  Carl answered.  Sam looked over at Sarah.  She sat unblinkingly on the bed. 
“What is it?”  Sam asked.
“I’ve got it!”  Sarah exclaimed.  “We could have a dog wash!”
“A what?”  Sam asked.
“Dog wash!  It’s like where you wash people’s dogs and charge them!”  Deana exclaimed.
“How many people have dogs in your neighborhood?”  Sam asked.
“Let’s count- 1, 2, 3- EVERYONE!”  Sarah shouted.  “EVERYONE HAS A DOG!”
“We would have to tell Garth though.”  Carl said gruffly.
“He has to agree.”  Deana said.  “As much as I hate to you, we should tell him now.  Let’s call.”  She handed Sarah the phone and Sarah slowly punched in some numbers.  She put it on speakerphone. 
“Hello?  What do you want?”  Garth said.
“We- uh- had an idea.  An- uh- dog wash.”  Sarah said slowly.
“You better agree.”  Bob threatened.
“Hmm- why don’t you come over for milk and cookies and we can talk about our feelings.  That would be nice, wouldn’t it Bob?”  He said mockingly.
“Listen here you…” Bob started.
“Save it.”  Shelby said.
“Is Deana there?  Let me talk to her.”  Garth said.  Sarah gave a meaning full look at Deana and handed her the phone.  She just sat there with the phone to her ear and listened for a moment.  Then she said:
“Are we here to make jokes, or can you just tell me if you agree to the dog wash.”  She sounded so serious.  Then she listened again.  “Fine.”  She said at last and hung up.  She looked at everyone else.  “He said he wanted to talk to me at the park in an hour.  Don’t worry.  I can handle him.”  She said.
An hour later, Deana was leaving for the park.  Sam was putting on a baseball cap and hiding all her hair inside it.  She was going to the park disguised so she could make sure Deana was okay.  She and Deana set of to the park.  Deana went a few yards ahead so Garth couldn’t see someone was with her.  When she saw Garth, Sam settled herself on a bench where she could keep watch.  Then, Garth started talking. 
“I am not going to do anything if you don’t date me.”  He said.  Sam almost threw up.
“As if.”  Deana snapped.  She turned around and began to walk away.  Garth grabbed her shoulder and spun her around.
“Poor selfish Deana.  Would rather have her best friends family be in debt than go out with me.”  Garth mocked.  Sam was about ready to get up and go over there.
“Shut up.”  Deana snapped and walked away.  Garth had lost his patience.  He grabbed Deana tightly around her waist and pushed her behind some bushes.  Sam couldn’t see what was going on.  She heard some rustling behind the bushes.  All of a sudden, Deana burst forward; using one of her Tae-Kwon-Do rolls to roll forward.  Garth fell after her and bumped his head on the ground. 
“Let’s go.”  Deana said shortly but firmly.  They began to walk out of the park.
“Garth is such a jerk.”  Sarah raved after Deana had given her, Sam, Shelby, Bob, and Carl the full details at her house.  Sarah’s parents weren’t home but everyone else was.  “Calling you selfish.  He’s the selfish one.”
“I say we tell your dad and say we’ll raise the money ourselves.”  Bob said, talking to Sarah.
“No.”  She sighed.  “Garth’s dad made it very clear.  ‘Garth has to do this’ He said.” 
“Who cares?”  Carl said madly.  “Just raise the money and give it to Garth!”
“He said he wouldn’t take the money unless I date him.”  Deana said, on the verge of tears.  “What am I going to do?” 
“Date him.  For Sarah’s sake.”  Shelby and Sam urged.  “She’s your best friend!”
“No way!”  Carl and Bob screamed.  “Garth is such a maniac!”  A fight broke out.  Sam was screaming at Carl, Carl was screaming at Shelby, Shelby was screaming at Bob, and Bob was screaming at Sam. Deana started crying.  Then, Sally, Ally, and Serena came rushing into the room.
“What’s going on?!”  Sally and Ally demanded as they rushed in the room, followed by Princess.  Carl told them the whole story.  Actually, he screamed it.  Then Sally and Ally were screaming at the boys, along with Shelby and Sam.  Soon Ally and Sally’s boyfriends came up, and after they heard the story, they were screaming along with Bob and Carl.  Soon everyone was up in Sarah’s small room and knew the story, and all the girls and boys were screaming at each other.  Rainbow was flying around everywhere and Einstein and Cinnamon were squeaking madly.  The bloodhounds were barking along with Princess and Coconut.  Shell was snapping and peoples feet, and Treeko was ribbiting and hopping.  Serena ran out of the room, followed by Parvati.  Then, quiet little Kevin came in.  He set scales down by the door.  He already heard them scream what happened, and the room went quiet as he walked in.  People stopped in punching positions, inches away from others faces.  He walked up to Carly.
“You- YOU OUT OF ALL PEOPLE SHOULD AGREE WITH BOYS!”  He screamed.  He threw a hard punch at Carly’s face.  She screamed and her nose started bleeding. 
“YOU’RE SO DEAD!”  She yelled and kicked him in the stomach.  He bent over and then looked up at Carly again, fighting back tears.  Then the fight restarted, everyone punching each other, everyone kicking each other.  Serena ran back into the room, a book in her hand.  It was an Oracle.  She got to Sarah and opened the book to let her read.  Her face changed, and she nodded.
Sarah screamed.  And oh could she scream.  Several people put their hands to their ears but it sure shut everyone up.  “I say, we call Garth’s dad and tell him what’s going on.”  She said calmly to everyone.  Everyone nodded as Sarah picked up the phone.  She dialed some numbers.  After a minute of sitting, she hung up.
“It just kept ringing.”  She said.  “No one’s home.”
The next day at school, Sarah wasn’t there.  Sam walked to her house after school to drop off her homework.  She went in the house without knocking.  She never knocked because she was there so much.  Sally and Ally ran up to her.  They grabbed her and pulled her upstairs into their room.  Their room was all pink; it had two beds and a satin pink dog bed. 
“Sarah…” Ally started.  She stopped and started to cry.  She pulled out a pink tissue from a pink tissue box.
“She was taking a shower and all of a sudden just fell over, unconscious.  She’s at the hospital.”  Sally said quickly.  “No one knows what happened.  Serena wants to see you after this, okay?”  She handed Sam a pink package and pushed Sam out the pink door.  Sam walked across the hall to a purple door.  She walked in.  Serena sat on a castle shaped bed; the whole room was in the theme of Harry Potter and Hogwarts. 
“Sarah said if anything happened, to give you this.”  Serena said.  She handed Sam a small brown package.  Once again, she was pushed from the room.
“Clare wants to see you.”  She called.  Sam walked around a lot and found two bleached white doors.  One said Clarabelle, and one said Christopher.  Sam walked into the Clarabelle one.  The room had a connected door, and it was all white.  Sam guessed the door connected with Christopher’s room.
“Since Serena probably didn’t have the sense to tell you, Sarah told all of us girls to give you one thing that she gave us.  Here.”  Clare said, handing Sam a silver wrapped package.  It felt really light.  “Sam, not all of us remember, and some of the girls are at college, so you won’t get a lot.”  Sam walked out the door and decided to try Tiffany’s room.  She went in to find a mini version of Ally and Sally’s room.  Tiffany saw her come in.  She ran over to Sam, hugged her, and started balling her eyes out.  She silently handed Sam a jeweled pink box.  She hugged Sam again and said goodbye.  Sam’s hands were really full as she walked out of Tiffany’s room.  She made her way to Anna’s room.  It had a real looking tree and it was green all over.  One of the walls was a picture of Link.  Anna just handed her a huge green package and pushed her out the door.  She actually pushed her, and that little girl was strong.  The next room she tried was Carly’s room.  Sam went in and found herself in a Sports themed room.  Carly handed Sam a very round package wrapped in brown paper.  Sam left before Carly could start talking.
The last room she tried was Cara and Tara’s room.  Their room was very plain; it had white walls and a few posters of skiers and ballerinas.  They handed Sam two identical silver boxes.  The boxes were smaller than a golf ball. 
Sam went home and opened all her things in the privacy of her own room.  Sally and Ally had given her a big pink flower necklace.  Serena had given her Sarah’s Top Ten List Of The Greatest Books Of All Time.  Tiffany had given her a small pink key, which was in the jeweled box.  Carly had given her a baseball.  Cara and Tara had given her two best friend necklaces.  Anna’s huge package had been a frog, an actual frog! She included all the supplies and food.  The last gift was Clare’s, it was a walkie-talkie.  Sam turned it on and talked into it. 
“Hello?”  She asked.
“Sam…” She heard Sarah’s voice reply.  It sounded very hoarse.
“Oh my gosh!  Sarah!  How are you?”  Sam asked.
“I can’t talk to much.  Did Tiffany give you a key?”  She asked.
“Yes.”  Sam answered.
“Go to my room, and under my”-cough, cough-“Rug, there should be a keyhole.  Just go in, o”-cough cough-“okay?  I have to go,”-cough-“ the nurse is coming.”  Sarah turned off her walkie-talkie and so did Sam.
The next day was Tuesday.  Sam went to Sarah’s house and went strait to her room.  She lifted her rug and saw the hole.  The key fit perfectly.  A trap door slid open and Sam slipped inside.  A light turned on and Sam gasped.  She was in a room filled with wall upon wall of drawings.  They were all perfect.  The people looked so real.  The flowers looked like they were springing to life.  You could hear birds chirping.  Sam pulled out her walkie-talkie. 
“Sarah!  These pictures are incredible!”  Sam exclaimed.
“There pretty”-cough-“good.”  She said.
“Pretty good!  These are the best I’ve ever seen!”  Sam exploded.
“You”-cough-“mean that?”  Sarah asked.
“Absolutely!  Wait…” Sam stopped to think.
Cough-“What?”  Sarah demanded.
“We could sell these to pay for your leg!”  Sam exclaimed. 
There was no answer.
“Sarah?”  Sam asked.
“You can’t talk to Sarah.  Good-bye.”  She heard a familiar hoarse voice grunt.  And then the walkie-talkie turned off.  Sam thought and thought.  Finally, she remembered the voice and started to panic.
“Garth!”  She yelled.
She ran out of the room she was in and went to Sally and Ally’s room.
“I don’t know how, I don’t know when, but Garth got into Sarah's hospital room.”  Sam said breathlessly.  Ally screamed and ran right past Sam.  Sally ran right behind her.  Sam ran downstairs by the door.  Soon, everyone (Not just the girls) was rushing down the stairs to the front door.  Then, the huge mass of people burst through the door and started to run.
Deana met them outside.  They all got into different cars.  (Did you think they were going to run all the way to the hospital?)  When they got there, they rushed- in a single file line- to Sarah's hospital room.  They tried the door.
“Locked?”  Serena questioned angrily.  Sam tired the walkie-talkie. 
“Sarah?”  Sam asked.
“Tell Deana to come in and we’ll let Sarah go.”  Some one said.
“No.  Tell Deana to come in.”  Gary said.  Deana stepped forward. 
“Unlock this door.”  She said calmly into the walkie-talkie.  The door opened a crack and Deana went in.  As she entered, she stuck a piece of paper in the door.  Sarah didn’t come out.  Sam went up to the door. 
“When I count to three, run in.” She said.  “One, two, three!”  She yelled and opened the door.  Everyone burst in.  Sarah was nowhere to be seen, and neither was anyone else.  The room was completely empty. 
There was a light breeze.
“Where did those punks go?”  Sally asked.
“I’m happy.”  Serena said.
“WHAT?”  Ally and Sally demanded.
“Well, they broke into a hospital, held someone hostage, and kidnapped someone, so when we catch them, Gary and anyone older will go to jail, and the others will end up in juvenile hall.  So we’ll be rid of them all.”  Clare said matter-of-factly.  There was a quiet murmuring of everyone, and then Clare, Chris and Serena walked over to the window.
“So where did they go then?”  Carly asked.
“And what the heck are you three doing?”  Kevin asked, referring to Clare, Chris, and Serena. 
“They escaped out the window.”  Clare said.
“There’s a rope.”  Serena said.  Chris started to pull up a rope. 
“Stop!”  Ally said.  “We have to follow their exact trail!”  Chris dropped the rope.
“No!  We need proof for the police!”  Clare argued.  Chris picked the rope back up.
“Put it down!”
“Pick it up!” 
“Put it down!”
“Pick it up!”  Chris fell over because his head was spinning.  In the end, they followed the trail of the Flake’s.  Everyone climbed down the rope, and there (luckily) was a trail of footsteps.  It had rained the previous night.  Tad and Chad leading, they followed the tracks until it stopped in the middle of nowhere.  There was a piece of paper on the ground.
“If yu ever want to c Sarah or Deeana agen, com 2 r house.”  The note read.
“Gar wrote that!  He can barely spell!”  Tiffany cried.
“Well, let’s go!”  Carly cried.
“Wait!  The Flake’s aren’t that dumb.”  Clare said.
“Yeah.  It’s probably a set-up.”  Aaron said.
“How do you know?”  Anna asked.
“Video games.”  He answered.  They made up a plan.  Tiffany would go to the front door and if they grabbed her, Ally would climb to the window with a broken lock and throw down a rope.  Everyone would sneak into the house and attack. 
They went to the house and hid behind a bush.  Tiffany rang the doorbell.  Gar answered it.
“Where are the other dumbos?”  He asked, and then he pulled Tiffany inside by the hair.
“OW!”  She screamed.  Ally ran towards the door, but Hannah and Anna grabbed her by the collar and pulled her back. 
“Don’t!”  They whispered.  Sam took Sally’s cell phone and phoned Bob, Carl, and Shelby.  Shelby and Bob ran over to the Flake’s as fast as they could, but Carl was nowhere to be seen.  When they got there, Ally handed Bob the rope.  She said she didn’t want to ruin her manicure.  She showed him which window to climb into, and he was up there in a flash. 
“Here’s the rope!”  He whisper-yelled as he threw down the rope.  Shelby was about to climb the rope when it started to pull up, and Bob was pulled away from the window.  Shelby ran to the house and began to climb.  Hannah pulled her back down.
“Stop!  You can’t just climb up there!  They might get you to!”  She barked.  They walked to the front door and rang the doorbell.  The door creaked open, and no one was there.  They all cautiously walked in.  BAM!  The door closed suddenly behind them.  All the Flake’s were backing them into up into the stairs.  Then, the door re-opened, and Carl burst in the door.  Garth jumped on him from the side, Carl fell on the ground. 
Soon everyone was backed into a room.  It was very big, like a small gym.  Sarah was sitting in a corner; she looked like she was in a lot of pain.  Deana was sitting un-conscious right next to her.  Then the Flake’s charged at Sam’s side of the room, and the fight began. 
Gar was pulling Tiffany’s hair, Gary and Ally were swearing at each other while they beat each other up.  Everyone was fighting his or her enemy.  Garth was advancing on Sam, he threw a punch right at her face but Carl popped up right between them and kicked Garth right in the stomach.  Carly of coarse, had already half-killed Grayson, and she was starting to help Tiffany with Gar.  Shelby snuck across the room to Deana and Sarah; she broke her water filled bracelet over Deana’s head to wake her up.  She could still move, so they snuck to the door carrying Sarah.  Garth spotted them, and punched Shelby right in the face.  Oh, what a mistake that was, because Bob blew up with anger.  He ran over to Garth and punched him in the face, rammed his head into the wall, and elbowed him in the rib cage.  Deana snuck out with Sarah, and Shelby made it out while Bob was killing Garth.  Sam followed, and soon everyone was running down the stairs.  Josh ran to outside the room and lifted took Sarah from Deana.  He ran her outside and everyone followed. 
They ran and ran all the way back to the hospital.  They brought Deana back into her room through the window, and unlocked the door.  They got back out and Mike did a head count.
“Where’s Serena?”  He asked.  Everyone began to talk in whispers.  Just then, Serena burst through the open window with a full plastic Jewel Osco bag at her side.
“I-took- money- from- the- Flakes!”  She panted.  Then they ran out of the room to tell the doctor what had happened. 
“The Flake’s tried to kidnap her.  Her condition may be bad.  You may want to check on her right now because she seemed to be in a lot of pain.”  Serena explained calmly. 
“Thank you.”  The doctor said and rushed down the hall right away to check on Sarah.  Then they ran to the police.
They told the police everything. 
“They tried to kid nap her, the Flake’s.  They live on 653 Carisa Lane.  They’re really dangerous.  There’s twenty-one of them.”  Clare said.
“The one named Gary should have a special punishment.”  Ally added.  The police sent men over to the Flake residence right away.
“Thank you, but you should have come here first.”  The officer said. 
“It was personal.”  Sally said.  The officer scolded.  The police gave them a ride home.  Tow trucks brought all the cars home from the hospital. 
“Don’t scratch the paint!”  Sally told them frantically. 
They gave the money to Sarah’s parents.  Sarah’s mom started to cry.  Ally and Sally started to cry too.  Sarah’s dad drove over to the Flake’s.
“Let us come!”  Tad and Chad pleaded. 
“This is personal.”  Their father said.  When he came back he told everyone that no one was home.
What goes around comes around.  Gary and anyone older than him in the Flake family are in jail.  They have three years left.  Garth and anyone younger is in juvenile hall.  They have a private tutor.  No one ever sees them any more.
“Catch!”  Sarah yelled to Sam.  It soared over Bob’s head and Sam caught it. 
“Nice pass!”  Frankie yelled to Sarah.  She smiled and blushed.  Sam dodged past Rick but Carl dive to tackle her.  She laughed and easily dodged him.  She scored a touch down.  Sarah ran over to congratulate her.  This is how every recess at Sam’s school is.  After all, who said a girl can’t play football?

Revision as of 23:56, 28 September 2008

Who Said a Girl Can’t Play Football? 

Ring! Sam opened her eyes and groaned. She slammed her alarm clock so hard she thought she broke it. Today was her first day at her new school in fifth grade. New. As in New kid, try to make new friends, and new crabby teachers. She was a ten-year-old tomboy, and she knew the other girls would never accept her. She looked in the mirror. Her brown, boy-cut hair had huge knots in it. She dragged herself over to her closet and grabbed her favorite outfit. It was a sweatshirt and a pair of jeans with holes in the knees. She went down the stairs of her new house. She grabbed a pop tart and headed out the door. It took her 5 minutes to get to school. When she got there, everyone looked at her like she was from another planet. She walked into the building. A teacher scurried over to her. “Are you Samantha?” She asked “Sam, not Samantha.” Sam said annoyed. The teacher looked cross for a minute, and then led Sam to a classroom. “This is where you’ll sit.” She said, pointing to a desk. There were three other desks connecting to hers. All 4 desks were put together to create a table. The teacher left, she looked at the nametags on the desks around her. Sam read to herself the names on the nametags: “Carl Santurn. Shelby Williams. Bob Burns.” She hoped Shelby was a tomboy too.

After stashing her school supplies in her desk, a bell rang. Students began to rush into the classroom. A boy and a girl came over to Sam’s table. The boy had spiked hair and even though Sam thought all boys were ugly, she thought he was almost cute. The girl had long blond hair and had a pretty face. She was wearing a very girly pink outfit. They were holding hands. The girl looked at all the nametags. “Ohhhhh, we have to sit with San-turd.” She whined. Sam then knew that the boy and girl were Bob and Shelby, and Shelby was defiantly not a tomboy. They took their seats at the miniature table. They kept smiling at each other. It was enough to make someone sick. Then Shelby turned to Sam. “Hello.” She said. Sam froze. She didn’t want to make a bad impression. She didn’t want her potential friend to think she was a total freak. She also didn’t want her to think she was like everyone else in the world. So she stuck up two fingers and said, “Yo.” Shelby looked at Sam like she was a total freak. She forced a smile. Sam had blown it. She slumped in her chair feeling un-accomplished. All of a sudden, something bumped Sam from behind. She turned to see a boy with a base ball cap, (put on backwards), a dog tag necklace, and a black t-shirt that said, “I’m only crabby on days that end in Y.” To Sam, he looked like a fun guy. He took a seat next to Sam. It was Carl Santurn. They looked at each other and at the same time, they both stuck two fingers up and said “Yo.” They both couldn’t help but smile at their unique method of introduction. Shelby looked disgusted and rolled her eyes. Sam thought some how, this first day would not be as bad as she thought.

After lunch, Sam’s class went outside. Sam searched for something to do. Jump rope? Girly. Sam thought. Soccer? Not really her game. She had tripped on her face playing it in gym class last year. She thought. Football? Yes! She thought. She started over to a field where a bunch of boys were playing football. “Can I play?” She asked one boy. He began to laugh. Another boy came over to see what was going on. The first boy whispered something in his ear, and they both threw their heads back and laughed hysterically. “Girls can’t play football!” They snickered. “What?!” Said a voice behind Sam. She turned to see Carl Santurn with a raged look on his face. “You think your gonna lose?! Is that why you won’t let her play?!” Carl yelled. The other two boys’ faces turned bright red. “Keep it down San-turd!” One of the boys who were laughing hushed. “We’ll let her play!” Sam gave Carl a grateful look. The boys took her off to another place on the grassy field. All the boys all stared at the girl coming onto the field. Bob shushed them. She’ll crack. He thought. Then the game began. Bob started with ball and threw it to one of his teammates. Sam blocked the pass and caught the ball. She ran the opposite direction down the field dodging everyone in her way. She ran into the end zone. “Touch Down!” She yelled. Bob’s jaw dropped. “Yea! Go Sam!” Carl yelled.

For the next three days, Sam continued to kick butt. Then it was Friday. In the middle of writing, a kid walked into the class. He had green hair, bright blue eyes (contacts), and nasty green teeth. “Hello!” Said Sam’s teacher when he walked in. “You must be… “ “Garth.” He said. “Oh. Well okay.” Sam’s teacher said. She looked scared. “We don’t have a desk for you yet, so you can go sit at the table over there.” She said, pointing to a table next to Sam. He sat down. He had no apparent expressions on his face. He just sat there, hunched over his desk. What a freak, Sam thought.

At lunchtime, Sam played Football. Bob was on her team. He threw the ball to her, but she didn’t catch it, Garth did. He ran down the field and…


Sam couldn’t believe it. Garth had beaten her. Well he hadn’t actually beaten her, but in her mind, he had. She walked over to him. “Great job.” She said. “Whatever.” “Do you want to play me in football?” She asked. “Do you want to play us?” Said a voice behind Sam. It was Bob. He put his arm on her shoulder. They both grinned at Garth. Carl and Shelby who were watching from a distance, both looked raged. “Fine.” Garth said. “I’ll play you tomorrow.”

The next day, Sam came to school in a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt. Bob was in his uniform as always- t-shirt and jeans. When the bell went off for lunch, Sam and Bob ran to the door. “Sit down you two.” Their lunch mom ordered. She began to call tables. Finally she called Sam’s table to line up. She and Bob raced to the line.

When they got outside, Shelby walked up to Bob. Were those Stiletto heels she was wearing? “I need to talk to you.” She said to Bob. She pulled him away from Sam. “I thought you liked me.” She said, tapping her foot on the ground. “Well… I don’t. All you are is a pretty face.” Bob said. Then he walked away. Shelby just stood there. Sam has got to go. She thought.

The next morning, the day after Garth had beaten Bob and Sam, Sam got onto the bus. Five minutes later, Shelby got on and sat next to Sam. “Do you really like Bob?” She asked. “I don’t even like him.” Sam answered. “Oh.” Shelby said. “But- he likes you.” “Uh- no, he doesn’t.” “Yes, he does.” “Doesn’t.” “Does!” “Doesn’t!” “Do- Look this is ridiculous.” The bus stopped. “Yea. I got to go.” Sam said. She got up and began to walk away. When she past the third isle to the front, Carl stepped in front of her. “I know what your thinking, I’m just another friend of yours, an average looking bo- kid. But I am really a lot nicer than Bob and-“

“I DON’T LIKE BOB! IS IT PHYSCO DAY OR SOMETHING? JEEZ!” Sam yelled. She walked into school in a huff. Does everyone think I like Bob? Sam thought to herself. Boys had never really been a part of Sam’s life. Why did they pop up now?

The day seemed to last forever. Finally, the bell rang and she began to leave the classroom for home. Right when she was half way there, she bumped into someone. It was Sarah, a girl from her class. “Hi Sam.” She said. “Hey Sarah.” Sam said. Silence followed this. “Listen, I’m having a sleepover Friday, Deana is coming to, and I was wondering if you would like to come.” Sarah asked suddenly. Sam just stood there. Sarah seemed nice enough, and so did Deana. “Sure, I’ll come.” Sam said. “Great!” Sarah squealed. She Handed Sam a slip of paper. “Directions.” She said. The paper was a diagram of the neighborhood with arrows pointing every which way. Sarah lived 5 minutes away in walking distance. It also had a list of things to bring. Sarah turned around and walked away.

Finally it was Friday. Sam was at home after school. She had packed already. The clock was at six o’ clock. Sam went to the front door. “Bye Mom, bye dad.” Sam called. “See Ya.” They both answered. Sam began to walk. When she reached Sarah’s house, she knocked on the door. Suddenly, there was a chorus of barks from inside. Sam jumped back startled. “Down!” She heard from inside. Sarah opened the door. “Hello.” She said. “Don’t mind the dogs. They don’t jump. Come in.” Sam walked in. The house was a mess. All of a sudden, three short blurs whirled past Sam, followed buy four shorter brown blurs. Then they stopped. They turned toward Sam. Then Sarah spoke. “Um- I guess you need to get to know my family better. You’ll probably see a lot of animal, because almost everyone has a pet. Anyway, these are the three youngest of my siblings.” She said. She pointed at the 1st, a girl, who was wearing a sparkly pink outfit with multiple stains and a matching hat. She had a small brown mouse in her hand. “This is Tiffany, she’s six, and the mouse is Cinnamon.” Sarah said. She pointed to the next. Another girl. She was wearing a dark green top and light green pants. There was a frog peeking out of her pocket. “This is Anna, she’s seven, and that’s her frog, Treeko.” She said. Then she pointed to last, a boy with a Thomas The Train™ outfit. “And this is the youngest, Duncan, and he’s three.” Sarah said finally. “Oh and my dogs- bloodhounds- Sparky, Sarge, Cleo and-” Sarah stopped and pointed at the one rubbing it’s head on Sam’s jeans, “Sammy. I think he likes you.” Said Sarah snickering. Sarah led Sam into a room where six kids were watching a 7th kid playing a video game. Sarah sighed. “These are some of my other sisters and brothers.” She said. She pointed to two taller kids, a boy and a girl. They both had glasses. The girl had a long flowing multi-colored skirt and matching top and the boy had ironed jeans and a shirt matching the colors on the girl’s shirt. There was a parrot perched on the girl’s shoulder that matched her shirt. The boy was holding a white mouse. “These are the twins, Clare and Chris. They are both fourteen. The parrot is Rainbow and the mouse is Einstein.” Sarah said. “You mean our names our Clarabelle and Christopher.” The girl said. The bird said in perfect English: “Clarabelle!” Sarah rolled her eyes. She pointed to the boy playing the video game. He had a Duel Masters t-shirt on and jeans. A turtle was sitting on his head. His eyes were glued to the TV. He had the same brown hair as every other kid Sam had seen so far. “This is Aaron. He’s eleven. His turtle is Shell.” Said Sarah. He paused the game and looked up at Sarah, irritated. “You broke my concentration! I told you, don’t bother while I’m playing Jak, Sarah. I am about to beat in my all time shortest time, FOUR HOURS!” He barked. “Whatever.” Sarah snapped. “Anyway,” Sarah continued. She pointed to the girl next to Aaron whose face was almost pressed against a Game boy SP. She had jeans and a t-shirt that said “You Play With Dolls, I Play With Bats and Balls.” She had short, boy cut hair with blond highlights. There was a fur ball sitting on her head. “This is Carly, she’s eleven too. The ball of fur sitting on her head is a chinchilla named Taco.” Said Sarah. She pointed to the next girl, who was curled up on a chair in the corner of the room. She had a long purple skirt, purple pheasant top and a black and white rabbit in her lap. She was reading the 7th Harry Potter book and looking up once and a while to watch the game. “That’s Serena, she’s twelve, and that’s her rabbit, Pati.” Said Sarah. “Parvati…” Serena mumbled under her breath. Then Sarah pointed to the next girl who was yelling at Aaron to press a couple buttons in some order. There was a small dog sitting next to her. The girl had a short pink ruffled skirt and a pink of the shoulder t-shirt that said “All About Me.” She had long bouncy curly hair. “That’s Ally, she’s thirteen, and that’s her dog, Princess. She shares the dog with Sally. Sally is sixteen.” Sarah said. Sam didn’t ask who Sally was. Sarah sighed and pointed to the last boy. He was wearing jeans and a hideous t-shirt. There was a fish in a small container with a handle next to him. He was sitting quietly watching the TV. “That’s Kevin, he’s nine. His fish is named Scales, and Scales is his best and only friend.” Said Sarah finally, leading Sam out of the room. On the way through the hall, Sam stopped her for a minute. “How many brothers and sisters do you have?” She asked. Sarah blushed. “Twenty. Plus me.” She said quietly. She continued walking. She led Sam into a living room where Deana had spread her sleeping bag on the ground. She was talking to an older girl with a white cat in her lap. They were both wearing flannel pajamas. “Hello!” They said brightly. Sarah sighed again. “This is Gabrielle, she’s fifteen and her 16th birthday is this month.” She said. “And that’s her cat, Snowball.” Sam set down her things and she, Deana, and Sarah set off again. Then Sam found herself in the kitchen. There were two other girls there. They were yelling it looked like they were playing tug of war with a jug of milk that had enough to fill one cup left in it. They were both wearing matching blue outfits. There was a small white dog bark at the commotion. “Cara! Tara! Stop!” Sarah yelled. “Do I have to remind you what happened last time?” Both girls stopped immediately and handed Sarah the jug. She grabbed two cups and poured equal amounts in each cup. She handed them to the girls. The dog still kept on barking. “THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!” Both girls yelled and ran out of the room. The dog followed, still barking. “That was Cara and Tara. They are both eight and the most obnoxious people I have ever known. Their dog is Coconut, and I don’t think he knows how to shut-up.” Said Sarah. They grabbed some juice and went back to the living room. “I‘m kind of tired, what time is it?” Sam asked all of a sudden. Deana laughed. “It’s only 6:30!” She said. All three of them began to laugh. Just then, Sammy walked into the room and lay down next to Sam. “DINNER!” Someone called. The girls went to the dining room. Sam saw twenty-five chairs neatly put (If neatly put meant crammed) around the table. Sarah’s parents came over to Sam. Sarah’s mom had unusually green eyes and was surprisingly skinny for having so many children. Sarah’s Dad had no hair and brown eyes. “Hi Sam. Welcome. Please make yourself at home.” Sarah’s mom said and smiled. Kids began to pile into the room. Sam saw Tiffany, Anna, Duncan, Clare, Chris, Aaron, Carly, and Serena, Ally; Kevin, Gabrielle, Cara, Tara, and seven other kids Sam hadn’t seen sit down. The first two were both boys. The 1st one had green baggy shorts with a black t-shirt and the 2nd had jeans and a blue turtleneck. Sarah leaned over to Sam. She pointed to the to boys. “That’s Tad and Chad. They’re eighteen and are home from college for the weekend.” She pointed to the next girl who had a pink ensemble and Curly hair exactly like Ally’s. “That’s Sally. She’s sixteen and shares a dog with Ally. She and Ally are impossible to separate. Every weekend they take Sally’s pink Volkswagen Beetle to they mall and come back with at least twenty bags of clothes or more. She’s a model if you’re wondering where she gets all the money.” Sarah said. She pointed to the next girl who was wearing all green just like Anna. “That’s Hannah. She’s seven-teen. Every weekend she takes Sarge, Treeko and Anna to the forest preserve.” Sarah said. She pointed to the next boy. He had a striped shirt and pink pants. “That’s Gary. He’s twenty-one and most of us don’t think he’s that much like a boy, if you know what I mean.” She said, looking at Deana. Deana rolled her eyes. “Let me tell her about Josh.” Deana said dreamily pointing to the next boy. He had almost perfect hair and looked like he could be Orlando Bloom’s brother. ”He’s twenty. He lives in Chicago and is a model.” Deana said, sighing. Finally, Sarah pointed to the last boy. He had a skull t-shirt and baggy black shorts. He had spiked hair. “That’s – well no one knows because he changes his name every day. He’s Voldemort today, Serena suggested it. His real name is Mike. He’s twelve. Serena is older than him by three months.” They boy looked over at Sam. He stuck up to fingers and said: “Yo.”

Dinner was a mess. Everyone started fighting over the last drumstick and it ended up as a food fight. Once everyone had cleaned up, it was 10:00pm. Everyone started filing upstairs, followed by his or her pet. At about 10:30pm Sarah ran upstairs. Sam and Deana just sat there wondering what she was doing. “SURPRISE!!!” Sarah and her sisters came bolting down the stairs, sleeping bags in hand. I mean all her sisters. That includes, Tiffany, Anna, Clare (Clarabelle), Carly, Serena, Ally, Sally, Hannah, Gabrielle, Cara, Tara, and all their pets. They all began to set up their sleeping bags as Sarah popped in a DVD. All the girls began talking excitedly as the DVD menu for The Spongebob Movie appeared on the screen. It began and the room hushed. They sat there all night playing the movie over and over and at 3 o’clock, during the Goofy Goober Rock, the last girl fell asleep. Sam thought she was the only one up. Then two people tapped her on both shoulders at once. She looked up to see Sarah and Deana. “Want to play some football?” Deana asked. “Football? You play football?” Sam asked. “Why wouldn’t we?” Sarah asked. “No reason.” Sam said. While they rummaged around for there coats, the other girls began to get up. “What are you doing?” Sally and Ally demanded. “Football again, I presume.” Clare said. “I want to play foot ball.” Anna said. “Let’s all play.” Said Hannah. “As If!” Barked Ally, Sally, Clare, and Tiffany ay the same time. (Tiffany said it in a small voice.) But they got dragged them out in the backyard anyway. They split into teams. They played six games. In the middle of the 6th Sarah tackled Sam. She, Sam and Deana all rolled over on the ground laughing. “And the boys at School said girls can’t play football.” Sam said. “WHAT?” All the girls but Sam shouted at once. “WHO?” Ally and Sally demanded. “Rick and Frankie.” Sam said sort of scared. “And I remember Garth telling me loads of times to go skip rope and get of the football field.” All of the girls sat in the mud in shock. “GARTH FLAKE?” Ally yelled madly. “GARY FLAKE’S LITTLE BROTHER?” “THAT STINKING ROTTEN NO GOOD FAMILY OF BUTT FACED HOODLUMS?” Sally yelled. She swore under her breath. “Gar Flake is such a bully, he pulls my hair!” Tiffany cried out in a tiny voice. “Sam, their family has the same amount of kids all the same age. For every girl in our family, there’s a boy who’s got it out for them. For every boy in our family, there’s a girl who will do all in her power to make him miserable. That family is bad news. Even mom and dad hate that family. What dad wouldn’t give to get his hands on that fake

Mr. Flake…” Her voice trailed off.  “I can handle Garth.  Lets go in.” She said.  They went in and got into their sleeping bags.  I hate Garth.  Sam thought.

The next day she rolled up her sleeping bag and went to Sarah’s kitchen table for breakfast. Everybody was still in his or her pajamas eating. There were plates all over the table heaped with bacon, sausage, eggs, pancakes, and toast. Deana was stuffing her face. Sam was picking at her eggs. Sarah sat down next to her. “What’s wrong?” She asked. “Well… Garth is both our problems, right? What if he hurts one of us, what will the other do then? Maybe we should just leave him alone…” Sam said. “WHAT?” Sarah yelled. “NO WAY! LIKE HE HAS THE GUTS TO DO ANYTHING TO US!” Sarah stormed off to her room. “Sarah! You said he was bad news! What if he does have the guts to hurt us?” Sam cried desperately. Sarah was in her room and on AIM. She sent a message: “ALL GIRLS PLAY FOOTBALL MONDAY. PASS THE WORD.” The person sent back the message “KK” and signed off. “Tell every girl twelve and younger that goes to our school to play football Monday at lunch.” Sarah said. Sam thought she was talking to her but when she turned around Serena was at the door. “Ok.” She answered and gracefully walked away, Parvati on her tail.

On Monday, just before the bell was about to ring, Sam was sweating like nuts. She had of coarse told Carl what Sarah had done, and he seemed all for it. “Garth deserves it.” He had said.

 Sam wasn’t sure.  Then the bell rang.  Their lunch mom called the tables.  Everyone lined up.  All the girls were talking excitedly.  Then, in line, someone tapped Sam on the back.  She was wearing gray sweatpants and a gray zip-up sweatshirt.

“Hi.” Shelby (Yes, Shelby!) said. “I just wanted to let you know that I’m playing football today. Its time someone did something about Garth.” The line began to move. Sam was sweating harder then ever. They got outside. Sam turned the corner of the building, and the football field came in to view. Sam pumped her fist in the air with a triumphant “YES!” It looked like every girl in the school was on the football field. And then she saw the glimpse of black in the mass of gray, white, and blue. Carl! Sam thought happily. She ran out to the field with the rest of the fifth grade girls following her. All the boys looked angry except Carl. “YOU DON’T WANT US TO PLAY BECAUSE WE’LL BEAT YOU!” Serena yelled. “LET US PLAY, OR ELSE!” Ally and Sally yelled. (They had told their teachers they had to come.) “YOU’RE NOT GONNA TAKE THIS LYING DOWN, ARE YOU FLAKE?” Carl shouted angrily. To the side, Shelby and Bob were looking at each other hatefully in the eyes. “FINE! WE’LL SEE WHO PLAYS BETTER!” The angry boys barked. Then the game began.

The girls had won! Believe it or not, Tiffany scored the final touchdown. Bob and Garth both blocked her, but she ran straightforward and, inches away from them, screamed, “YOUR BROTHER IS A DUMB BULLIE FLAKEHEAD!” and somersaulted right under his legs. “YOU TELL HIM!” Ally and Sally shrieked. It was then the bell rang and every single girl in the school shrieked in triumph. “WE GIRLS, WE PHAT, WE BEAT THOSE BROTHERS BAD!” Could be heard all the way inside.

The next day at recess, Sam got out late because she had volunteered to clap erasers. Sarah didn’t want to. “I have to make Garth wish he was never born.” She had said. When she got outside, she heard shrieking and yelling. She ran around the corner to see everyone gathered around the football field. “ITS ALL HER FAULT! MY PARENTS CALLED ME A DISGRACE TO THE FAMILY! I TOLD YOU GIRLS COULDN’T PLAY FOOTBALL!” She heard Garth scream angrily. Bob was holding Garth back by the arms as he struggled forward to get at Sarah. Shelby sat on the ground with Sarah who was positively howling with pain. Shelby was making sure her leg was lying flat on the ground. Carl was screaming at Garth. Then Deana rushed over. “Sam! Garth beat her up her and broke her leg! He started swearing at her! The ambulance is on the way!” She cried frantically. Just then the principle hurried passed them toward the football field. They followed her.

The next day was Saturday. Deana, Carl, Bob, Shelby (Who were together again), and Sam were in the hospital with Sarah’s family visiting. Mr. Flake was talking to Sarah’s dad. “My son is going to work to pay you back. He’s selling all of his things at a garage sale.” He said. No one will buy anything from him. Sam thought. She motioned for Deana, Shelby, Bob and Carl to follow her. “We can help.” Deana said, reading Sam’s mind. “Huh?” Said Mr. Flake. “Oh. Yes, you should. I’m afraid no one would buy from him. Thanks.” he said. Everyone but Deana, Sam, Shelby, Carl and Bob left. They stood at the foot of Sarah’s bed. “How bad is it?” Shelby asked quietly, and then she leaned her head on Bob’s shoulder. “Broken in 7 places. 3 places in my ankle, 2 in my shin, and 1 in my knee.” She said and sighed. “Ow.” Bob and Carl said at the same time. “We volunteered to help Garth raise money from his old junk. Not that it matters.” Deana said. “Well… it sort of does.” Sarah said. Having so many kids in my family we’ve always been- uh- a little short on money. If he can’t sell his junk, my family might be in debt.” “What?” Carl said. “What about health insurance?” Sam asked. “Couldn’t afford it.” Sarah said sadly. “But Chris, Serena, and Clare have glasses! How did they pay for those without insurance?” Shelby asked. “Birthday present from Clare’s best friend.” Deana said suddenly. “Then how do you feed all your pets?” Carl demanded. “The vets clinic pays for us.” Sarah said. “How did you get such a huge house?” Bob asked. “The real estate saw how many kids were in my family and gave us a huge discount.” Sarah said. “How do you go to school?” Sam asked. “Hello! Even homeless kids go to school.” Sarah snapped. “My family really needs this money.” “We have to make sure he sells everything then.” Shelby said. Everyone left but Sam leaving Sarah and her alone. “No matter how annoying Garth gets, I’ll make sure he sells everything.” Sam promised. Sarah smiled. “You’re a great friend.” She said.

Later that day, Sam, Deana, Carl, Shelby, and Bob had to go to Garth’s house. The yard sale was that day. Garth was already outside when they got there. Shelby couldn’t stand not being nice to someone. “It’s nice what your doing for Sarah.” She blurted. “What? Who told you that? I would never do anything for a member of that dumb and stinking rotten family. I’m just doing this so my dad doesn’t ground me. Like I’d do anything for that rat…” His voice trailed off and he spun around and walked away. Bob and Carl immediately pounced forward put Shelby grabbed Bob by his collar and Sam grabbed Carl by the arm and they both pulled back. Garth walked into his house to get more boxes. “I’ll get him at school…” Bob mumbled to Carl. “WHAT?” Sam and Shelby demanded. “Nothing.” Carl and Bob said in unison. Sam and Shelby looked at each other unbelievingly. “What did”? “You say?” Sam and Shelby asked forcefully. “He’ll get… more boxes.” Carl said and he and Bob both ran away toward the house. Shelby rolled her eyes.

Not many people came. The ended up selling $5.00 worth of merchandise, including a deck of Duel Masters Cards that Garth almost bought himself, but then a kid from school bought them, a dirty pillowcase, and a chipped cup. That still wasn’t even nearly enough to pay for Sarah’s leg.

The next day at school, Garth was talking to his friends. Sam overheard them. “And I had to sell my whole deck for that sad excuse for a human…” He said. Sam couldn’t stand it. She spun around to face Garth and his friends “You know what Flake?” She said to Garth. “Shut up about Sarah. It’s not her fault you have the temper of a 2-year-old, that you are a disgrace to your family, and that you stink at football.” She said coldly. “Well it’s not my fault that she can’t take a beating.” Garth said colder. Just then, two figures, a gray and white one, and a black one, rushed passed Sam and pinned Garth to the ground. “Carl! Bob! Stop!” Sam shrieked. “Take it back!” Carl snarled. “NO!” Garth yelled. “TAKE IT BACK!” Bob yelled. “NO!” Garth yelled. There was a crowd of kids gathered around the fight now. “TAKE IT BACK!” Carl screamed and he punched the ground, barely missing Garth face. Shelby had come over by now and she and Sam pulled back Carl and Bob and they all went tumbling down the hill behind them. Bob was lying on his back and Shelby’s head had landed on his chest. Sam had landed on her back and Carl had landed right on top of her, face-to-face. They looked right into each other’s eyes for a minute, and then Carl quickly rolled off and stuck his hand out to pull Sam to her feet. She grabbed his hand and he pulled her to her feet. Sam held on to his hand a couple seconds longer and then let go. Bob and Shelby were already on their feet and talking. “That’s what you were talking about, wasn’t it?” Shelby said. “No, it wasn’t.” Bob said. “Yes, it was.” “No!” “Yes!” “No!” “YES, IT WAS!” Shelby yelled. At this, Bob stopped. Then, they walked back up the hill.

It was February. Sam and Deana were visiting Sarah in the hospital. “Lucky you get out tomorrow. Wouldn’t want to miss the valentines dance.” Deana said. “I would miss it if I could.” Sam said. “So who’s going with who?” Sarah asked. “Shelby and Bob, obviously.” Sam said. “Someone asked me.” Deana said quietly. “Who?” Sarah asked excitedly. “Uh…” “Who?” Sam asked. “Rick and…” “WHO?” Sam and Sarah yelled. “Garth.” Deana said quietly. Sam and Sarah sat in shock. “But I said no.” Deana added. “I’m going with Rick.” Then Deana and Sam left.

The next day was February 13, and the dance was tomorrow. Sarah was back in school and she was going with Frankie. It seemed every 5th and 6th grade girl had a date but Sam. When she opened her locker, a note fluttered on to the ground. Sam picked it up and opened it.

Dear Sam, I wanted to ask you to the dance, but I sort of chickened out. Anyway, do you want to go to the dance with me? Tell me if you do, or write a note, like I did. Love, Carl

Sam sat stunned for a minute, and then she thought about it. She was going to give Carl her answer right then.

She found Carl by his locker. She sighed and took a deep breath. “Carl, I’ll- go to the dance with you.” She said. Carl looked at her and blushed. “Did I ask you?” He asked curiously. Sam’s head began to spin. He hadn’t asked her? Who did? “But I’ve actually wanted to ask you- if you wanted to go with me. I guess I have your answer.” He said. Then he leaned over and kissed her on the cheek, and walked away.

The day of the Valentines Dance. It seemed like every kid in the school turned up. It was only this day Sam realized she was going with her friend Carl, but to others she was going with San-turd. It was going to be great though. Deana was charging people for her to do their hair before the dance. They were about half way to paying off Sarah’s leg. But Garth’s dad wanted him to get the rest. Sam and Deana could only help. Sam had Deana do her hair in a tight bun. Sam had even picked out a long sleeve green dress and green dress shoes. Shelby had picked out a short and strapless hot-pink dress that went to her knees with matching stiletto heels and she left her hair down with one barrette in the front. She also had matching 5-inch-long earrings and a plain hot pink choker. Deana had a light blue spaghetti strap dress that went down to her knees and a matching necklace and bracelet set. Sarah had a t-shirt sleeved dress that was bright red and went up to her ankles. All the boys had black or gray tuxes but the true dumb and dumber fans (Rick and Frankie) wore baby blue and bright orange tuxedos. Bob wore black and had a flower matching Shelby’s dress. At the dance, everyone danced. About an hour after the dance started, Carl brought Sam outside to where the school had put a little garden in honor of the dance. They stepped under the rose covered terrace. Carl took Sam’s hand. She felt her face get hot. He leaned forward and kissed her on the lips. Then he stopped and just stood there for a second. They looked around the garden. Shelby and Bob were sitting on a bench kissing in a dark corner. But the sight in the opposite corner was slightly creepy. Two people were in a corner. The boy had the girl cornered and she was trying to get away. And even from far away, Sam still knew who the two were. There was no mistaking it- the two were Garth and Deana.

“Get away from me!” Deana said. “Then tell me why you didn’t go to the dance with me!” Garth said angrily to Deana. They’re too close to the gate. Deana will get hurt! Sam thought as Garth pushed Deana back even further. Shelby and Bob left. “Why do you think?” Deana said with fear in her voice. “Tell me!” Garth said even angrier. He pushed Deana back and she fell back through the gate and unto her back. She thought for sure Deana would scream, but there was no noise. “DEANA!” Sam yelled. No one but Carl heard her. But it was too late. Deana and Garth disappeared.

Sam ran forward with Carl at her side. They both stopped at the place where Deana fell. Sam and Carl were on a ledge that dropped 10 feet. They heard movement below. SMACK! They heard Garth whimper. “Deana! Are you all right?” Sam called. “Yea! Help me up!” Deana called back. Carl grabbed a hose and threw it down to her. He and Sam pulled Deana up. Then they brought the hose back to where it was so Garth couldn’t get out. Deana was muttering under her breath as they walked inside. She immediately went over to Rick and began talking very fast. His face went from concerned, to angry. Deana grabbed his hand and led him outside. They went out the double door and closed it quietly. His orange suite reflected the moonlight. He went to the side so Sam could no longer see them. She heard very faintly the sound of Rick yelling and couldn’t help but smile.

“AWARD TIME!” Sam’s teacher called from the stage in the auditorium. Everyone fell silent. “Thank you. Our first award is cutest couple.” She opened the envelope. “For the 4th year in a row, Bob Burns and Shelby Williams. Surprise, surprise.” She said sarcastically. Bob and Shelby went upstage and each took their pins. “Next is best tux. The winner is…” She opened the envelope. “A tie! Rick and Frankie! Please come up.” Rick and Frankie bolted on stage. Rick got the pin and Frankie got a flower. “The next award is for best dress. The winner is…” She opened the envelope. “Shelby Williams.” Shelby ran up and took another pin. “The last award is best couple. Three guesses who.” She said, opening the envelope as Bob and Shelby stood by the entrance to the stage. “The winner is… oh my! Sam Smith and Carl Santurn! That was a surprise!” She exclaimed. Sam and Carl ran happily up to the stage. Shelby and Bob were clapping. They each got their pins and ran off the stage. People whispered as they walked to the back of the room. “Good job Sam.” “Way to go Sam!” “You just got lucky San-turd.” “Down with San-turd and his girlfriend!” Sam and Carl just tuned it out. They had won an award and they didn’t have to worry about anything, except Sarah’s leg and how they were going to make more money.

They were already half way to paying for Sarah’s leg. They were in Sarah’s room discussing it. “Why does Garth have to pay for it all?” Deana asked. “Because his dad is a…” Carl said something that made Sam say “Carl!” “And won’t let us help.” “He will let us help, that’s what he said.” Sam pointed out. “We just can’t do everything.” She scratched Sammy behind his ears and began to give him a belly rub on the floor. “I wish Garth was never born. He’s such a freak!” Sarah exclaimed. She wiped some spit off Drooler’s face with a tissue. “Maybe he has problems at home.” Shelby said thoughtfully. She slipped her rhinestone choker on Cleo and she gave a pleased bark. Deana scrambled off the bed leaving Sarah by herself. Deana went over and started petting Cleo with Shelby. “Does Sarge look like me?” Bob asked suddenly. He put his face next to Sarge’s and looked at Shelby. Her long blond hair whipped around and she looked at Bob. “How can you think about something like that at a time like this?” She asked dangerously. “I just wanted to know…” He said quietly. “Just shut-up.” Shelby snapped. “Fine!” Bob retorted. He stomped out of the room. “Want me to talk to him?” Carl asked. Shelby had walked out of the room too. Sam and Carl tiptoed to the door and looked down the hall. Shelby and Bob were both there. “Why do you always do this!?” She shouted. “I don’t!” He yelled back. “Well maybe this isn’t working!” Shelby shouted. “Maybe it isn’t!” Bob yelled. “Then maybe I should…” Bob leaned over and put his hands on Shelby’s shoulders and kissed her. She started to pull away but Bob pulled her closer. Carl and Sam pulled their heads back into the room. “They have a complex relationship.” Sam said. “You’re telling me.” Carl answered. Sam looked over at Sarah. She sat unblinkingly on the bed. “What is it?” Sam asked. “I’ve got it!” Sarah exclaimed. “We could have a dog wash!” “A what?” Sam asked. “Dog wash! It’s like where you wash people’s dogs and charge them!” Deana exclaimed. “How many people have dogs in your neighborhood?” Sam asked. “Let’s count- 1, 2, 3- EVERYONE!” Sarah shouted. “EVERYONE HAS A DOG!” “We would have to tell Garth though.” Carl said gruffly. “He has to agree.” Deana said. “As much as I hate to you, we should tell him now. Let’s call.” She handed Sarah the phone and Sarah slowly punched in some numbers. She put it on speakerphone. “Hello? What do you want?” Garth said. “We- uh- had an idea. An- uh- dog wash.” Sarah said slowly. “You better agree.” Bob threatened. “Hmm- why don’t you come over for milk and cookies and we can talk about our feelings. That would be nice, wouldn’t it Bob?” He said mockingly. “Listen here you…” Bob started. “Save it.” Shelby said. “Is Deana there? Let me talk to her.” Garth said. Sarah gave a meaning full look at Deana and handed her the phone. She just sat there with the phone to her ear and listened for a moment. Then she said: “Are we here to make jokes, or can you just tell me if you agree to the dog wash.” She sounded so serious. Then she listened again. “Fine.” She said at last and hung up. She looked at everyone else. “He said he wanted to talk to me at the park in an hour. Don’t worry. I can handle him.” She said.

An hour later, Deana was leaving for the park. Sam was putting on a baseball cap and hiding all her hair inside it. She was going to the park disguised so she could make sure Deana was okay. She and Deana set of to the park. Deana went a few yards ahead so Garth couldn’t see someone was with her. When she saw Garth, Sam settled herself on a bench where she could keep watch. Then, Garth started talking. “I am not going to do anything if you don’t date me.” He said. Sam almost threw up. “As if.” Deana snapped. She turned around and began to walk away. Garth grabbed her shoulder and spun her around. “Poor selfish Deana. Would rather have her best friends family be in debt than go out with me.” Garth mocked. Sam was about ready to get up and go over there. “Shut up.” Deana snapped and walked away. Garth had lost his patience. He grabbed Deana tightly around her waist and pushed her behind some bushes. Sam couldn’t see what was going on. She heard some rustling behind the bushes. All of a sudden, Deana burst forward; using one of her Tae-Kwon-Do rolls to roll forward. Garth fell after her and bumped his head on the ground. “Let’s go.” Deana said shortly but firmly. They began to walk out of the park.

“Garth is such a jerk.” Sarah raved after Deana had given her, Sam, Shelby, Bob, and Carl the full details at her house. Sarah’s parents weren’t home but everyone else was. “Calling you selfish. He’s the selfish one.” “I say we tell your dad and say we’ll raise the money ourselves.” Bob said, talking to Sarah. “No.” She sighed. “Garth’s dad made it very clear. ‘Garth has to do this’ He said.” “Who cares?” Carl said madly. “Just raise the money and give it to Garth!” “He said he wouldn’t take the money unless I date him.” Deana said, on the verge of tears. “What am I going to do?” “Date him. For Sarah’s sake.” Shelby and Sam urged. “She’s your best friend!” “No way!” Carl and Bob screamed. “Garth is such a maniac!” A fight broke out. Sam was screaming at Carl, Carl was screaming at Shelby, Shelby was screaming at Bob, and Bob was screaming at Sam. Deana started crying. Then, Sally, Ally, and Serena came rushing into the room. “What’s going on?!” Sally and Ally demanded as they rushed in the room, followed by Princess. Carl told them the whole story. Actually, he screamed it. Then Sally and Ally were screaming at the boys, along with Shelby and Sam. Soon Ally and Sally’s boyfriends came up, and after they heard the story, they were screaming along with Bob and Carl. Soon everyone was up in Sarah’s small room and knew the story, and all the girls and boys were screaming at each other. Rainbow was flying around everywhere and Einstein and Cinnamon were squeaking madly. The bloodhounds were barking along with Princess and Coconut. Shell was snapping and peoples feet, and Treeko was ribbiting and hopping. Serena ran out of the room, followed by Parvati. Then, quiet little Kevin came in. He set scales down by the door. He already heard them scream what happened, and the room went quiet as he walked in. People stopped in punching positions, inches away from others faces. He walked up to Carly. “You- YOU OUT OF ALL PEOPLE SHOULD AGREE WITH BOYS!” He screamed. He threw a hard punch at Carly’s face. She screamed and her nose started bleeding. “YOU’RE SO DEAD!” She yelled and kicked him in the stomach. He bent over and then looked up at Carly again, fighting back tears. Then the fight restarted, everyone punching each other, everyone kicking each other. Serena ran back into the room, a book in her hand. It was an Oracle. She got to Sarah and opened the book to let her read. Her face changed, and she nodded. “EVERYONE STOP AND SHUT UP!!!” Sarah screamed. And oh could she scream. Several people put their hands to their ears but it sure shut everyone up. “I say, we call Garth’s dad and tell him what’s going on.” She said calmly to everyone. Everyone nodded as Sarah picked up the phone. She dialed some numbers. After a minute of sitting, she hung up. “It just kept ringing.” She said. “No one’s home.”

The next day at school, Sarah wasn’t there. Sam walked to her house after school to drop off her homework. She went in the house without knocking. She never knocked because she was there so much. Sally and Ally ran up to her. They grabbed her and pulled her upstairs into their room. Their room was all pink; it had two beds and a satin pink dog bed. “Sarah…” Ally started. She stopped and started to cry. She pulled out a pink tissue from a pink tissue box. “She was taking a shower and all of a sudden just fell over, unconscious. She’s at the hospital.” Sally said quickly. “No one knows what happened. Serena wants to see you after this, okay?” She handed Sam a pink package and pushed Sam out the pink door. Sam walked across the hall to a purple door. She walked in. Serena sat on a castle shaped bed; the whole room was in the theme of Harry Potter and Hogwarts. “Sarah said if anything happened, to give you this.” Serena said. She handed Sam a small brown package. Once again, she was pushed from the room. “Clare wants to see you.” She called. Sam walked around a lot and found two bleached white doors. One said Clarabelle, and one said Christopher. Sam walked into the Clarabelle one. The room had a connected door, and it was all white. Sam guessed the door connected with Christopher’s room. “Since Serena probably didn’t have the sense to tell you, Sarah told all of us girls to give you one thing that she gave us. Here.” Clare said, handing Sam a silver wrapped package. It felt really light. “Sam, not all of us remember, and some of the girls are at college, so you won’t get a lot.” Sam walked out the door and decided to try Tiffany’s room. She went in to find a mini version of Ally and Sally’s room. Tiffany saw her come in. She ran over to Sam, hugged her, and started balling her eyes out. She silently handed Sam a jeweled pink box. She hugged Sam again and said goodbye. Sam’s hands were really full as she walked out of Tiffany’s room. She made her way to Anna’s room. It had a real looking tree and it was green all over. One of the walls was a picture of Link. Anna just handed her a huge green package and pushed her out the door. She actually pushed her, and that little girl was strong. The next room she tried was Carly’s room. Sam went in and found herself in a Sports themed room. Carly handed Sam a very round package wrapped in brown paper. Sam left before Carly could start talking. The last room she tried was Cara and Tara’s room. Their room was very plain; it had white walls and a few posters of skiers and ballerinas. They handed Sam two identical silver boxes. The boxes were smaller than a golf ball.

Sam went home and opened all her things in the privacy of her own room. Sally and Ally had given her a big pink flower necklace. Serena had given her Sarah’s Top Ten List Of The Greatest Books Of All Time. Tiffany had given her a small pink key, which was in the jeweled box. Carly had given her a baseball. Cara and Tara had given her two best friend necklaces. Anna’s huge package had been a frog, an actual frog! She included all the supplies and food. The last gift was Clare’s, it was a walkie-talkie. Sam turned it on and talked into it. “Hello?” She asked. “Sam…” She heard Sarah’s voice reply. It sounded very hoarse. “Oh my gosh! Sarah! How are you?” Sam asked. “I can’t talk to much. Did Tiffany give you a key?” She asked. “Yes.” Sam answered. “Go to my room, and under my”-cough, cough-“Rug, there should be a keyhole. Just go in, o”-cough cough-“okay? I have to go,”-cough-“ the nurse is coming.” Sarah turned off her walkie-talkie and so did Sam.

The next day was Tuesday. Sam went to Sarah’s house and went strait to her room. She lifted her rug and saw the hole. The key fit perfectly. A trap door slid open and Sam slipped inside. A light turned on and Sam gasped. She was in a room filled with wall upon wall of drawings. They were all perfect. The people looked so real. The flowers looked like they were springing to life. You could hear birds chirping. Sam pulled out her walkie-talkie. “Sarah! These pictures are incredible!” Sam exclaimed. “There pretty”-cough-“good.” She said. “Pretty good! These are the best I’ve ever seen!” Sam exploded. “You”-cough-“mean that?” Sarah asked. “Absolutely! Wait…” Sam stopped to think.

Cough-“What?”  Sarah demanded.

“We could sell these to pay for your leg!” Sam exclaimed. There was no answer. “Sarah?” Sam asked. “You can’t talk to Sarah. Good-bye.” She heard a familiar hoarse voice grunt. And then the walkie-talkie turned off. Sam thought and thought. Finally, she remembered the voice and started to panic. “Garth!” She yelled.

She ran out of the room she was in and went to Sally and Ally’s room. “I don’t know how, I don’t know when, but Garth got into Sarah's hospital room.” Sam said breathlessly. Ally screamed and ran right past Sam. Sally ran right behind her. Sam ran downstairs by the door. Soon, everyone (Not just the girls) was rushing down the stairs to the front door. Then, the huge mass of people burst through the door and started to run.

Deana met them outside. They all got into different cars. (Did you think they were going to run all the way to the hospital?) When they got there, they rushed- in a single file line- to Sarah's hospital room. They tried the door. “Locked?” Serena questioned angrily. Sam tired the walkie-talkie. “Sarah?” Sam asked. “Tell Deana to come in and we’ll let Sarah go.” Some one said. “GARY YOU BETTER LET HER GO NOW YOU”- Ally sweared. “SO UNLOCK THIS DOOR!” “No. Tell Deana to come in.” Gary said. Deana stepped forward. “Unlock this door.” She said calmly into the walkie-talkie. The door opened a crack and Deana went in. As she entered, she stuck a piece of paper in the door. Sarah didn’t come out. Sam went up to the door. “When I count to three, run in.” She said. “One, two, three!” She yelled and opened the door. Everyone burst in. Sarah was nowhere to be seen, and neither was anyone else. The room was completely empty.

There was a light breeze. “Where did those punks go?” Sally asked. “I’m happy.” Serena said. “WHAT?” Ally and Sally demanded. “Well, they broke into a hospital, held someone hostage, and kidnapped someone, so when we catch them, Gary and anyone older will go to jail, and the others will end up in juvenile hall. So we’ll be rid of them all.” Clare said matter-of-factly. There was a quiet murmuring of everyone, and then Clare, Chris and Serena walked over to the window. “So where did they go then?” Carly asked. “And what the heck are you three doing?” Kevin asked, referring to Clare, Chris, and Serena. “They escaped out the window.” Clare said. “There’s a rope.” Serena said. Chris started to pull up a rope. “Stop!” Ally said. “We have to follow their exact trail!” Chris dropped the rope. “No! We need proof for the police!” Clare argued. Chris picked the rope back up. “Put it down!” “Pick it up!” “Put it down!” “Pick it up!” Chris fell over because his head was spinning. In the end, they followed the trail of the Flake’s. Everyone climbed down the rope, and there (luckily) was a trail of footsteps. It had rained the previous night. Tad and Chad leading, they followed the tracks until it stopped in the middle of nowhere. There was a piece of paper on the ground. “If yu ever want to c Sarah or Deeana agen, com 2 r house.” The note read. “Gar wrote that! He can barely spell!” Tiffany cried. “Well, let’s go!” Carly cried. “Wait! The Flake’s aren’t that dumb.” Clare said. “Yeah. It’s probably a set-up.” Aaron said. “How do you know?” Anna asked. “Video games.” He answered. They made up a plan. Tiffany would go to the front door and if they grabbed her, Ally would climb to the window with a broken lock and throw down a rope. Everyone would sneak into the house and attack.

They went to the house and hid behind a bush. Tiffany rang the doorbell. Gar answered it. “Where are the other dumbos?” He asked, and then he pulled Tiffany inside by the hair. “OW!” She screamed. Ally ran towards the door, but Hannah and Anna grabbed her by the collar and pulled her back. “Don’t!” They whispered. Sam took Sally’s cell phone and phoned Bob, Carl, and Shelby. Shelby and Bob ran over to the Flake’s as fast as they could, but Carl was nowhere to be seen. When they got there, Ally handed Bob the rope. She said she didn’t want to ruin her manicure. She showed him which window to climb into, and he was up there in a flash. “Here’s the rope!” He whisper-yelled as he threw down the rope. Shelby was about to climb the rope when it started to pull up, and Bob was pulled away from the window. Shelby ran to the house and began to climb. Hannah pulled her back down. “Stop! You can’t just climb up there! They might get you to!” She barked. They walked to the front door and rang the doorbell. The door creaked open, and no one was there. They all cautiously walked in. BAM! The door closed suddenly behind them. All the Flake’s were backing them into up into the stairs. Then, the door re-opened, and Carl burst in the door. Garth jumped on him from the side, Carl fell on the ground.

Soon everyone was backed into a room. It was very big, like a small gym. Sarah was sitting in a corner; she looked like she was in a lot of pain. Deana was sitting un-conscious right next to her. Then the Flake’s charged at Sam’s side of the room, and the fight began.

Gar was pulling Tiffany’s hair, Gary and Ally were swearing at each other while they beat each other up. Everyone was fighting his or her enemy. Garth was advancing on Sam, he threw a punch right at her face but Carl popped up right between them and kicked Garth right in the stomach. Carly of coarse, had already half-killed Grayson, and she was starting to help Tiffany with Gar. Shelby snuck across the room to Deana and Sarah; she broke her water filled bracelet over Deana’s head to wake her up. She could still move, so they snuck to the door carrying Sarah. Garth spotted them, and punched Shelby right in the face. Oh, what a mistake that was, because Bob blew up with anger. He ran over to Garth and punched him in the face, rammed his head into the wall, and elbowed him in the rib cage. Deana snuck out with Sarah, and Shelby made it out while Bob was killing Garth. Sam followed, and soon everyone was running down the stairs. Josh ran to outside the room and lifted took Sarah from Deana. He ran her outside and everyone followed.

They ran and ran all the way back to the hospital. They brought Deana back into her room through the window, and unlocked the door. They got back out and Mike did a head count. “Where’s Serena?” He asked. Everyone began to talk in whispers. Just then, Serena burst through the open window with a full plastic Jewel Osco bag at her side.

“I-took- money- from- the- Flakes!” She panted. Then they ran out of the room to tell the doctor what had happened. “The Flake’s tried to kidnap her. Her condition may be bad. You may want to check on her right now because she seemed to be in a lot of pain.” Serena explained calmly. “Thank you.” The doctor said and rushed down the hall right away to check on Sarah. Then they ran to the police.

They told the police everything. “They tried to kid nap her, the Flake’s. They live on 653 Carisa Lane. They’re really dangerous. There’s twenty-one of them.” Clare said. “The one named Gary should have a special punishment.” Ally added. The police sent men over to the Flake residence right away. “Thank you, but you should have come here first.” The officer said. “It was personal.” Sally said. The officer scolded. The police gave them a ride home. Tow trucks brought all the cars home from the hospital. “Don’t scratch the paint!” Sally told them frantically.

They gave the money to Sarah’s parents. Sarah’s mom started to cry. Ally and Sally started to cry too. Sarah’s dad drove over to the Flake’s. “Let us come!” Tad and Chad pleaded. “This is personal.” Their father said. When he came back he told everyone that no one was home.

ONE YEAR LATER What goes around comes around. Gary and anyone older than him in the Flake family are in jail. They have three years left. Garth and anyone younger is in juvenile hall. They have a private tutor. No one ever sees them any more.

“Catch!” Sarah yelled to Sam. It soared over Bob’s head and Sam caught it. “Nice pass!” Frankie yelled to Sarah. She smiled and blushed. Sam dodged past Rick but Carl dive to tackle her. She laughed and easily dodged him. She scored a touch down. Sarah ran over to congratulate her. This is how every recess at Sam’s school is. After all, who said a girl can’t play football?

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