User:Darth Katana X

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Revision as of 04:06, 2 April 2006 by Darth Katana X (Talk | contribs)
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About Darth Katana X

Darth Katana X is the greatest man born between the January 1, 1006 and yesterday. He is best known for his reggae career, which was catapulted by the success of his single "Sith Happens." Although the song was a one-hit wonder in Jamaica, Darth became a worldwide role-model and America's official mascot by the late 1960s. Born April 31, 1940, he was hated and controversial among everybody and their brother by 1982, and by 2001 his only claim to fame was promotional collaborations with the nu-ditty bands C.O.D. (Cash on Death) and Skinless. He also approached Chikun in a Bizkit and Kornpown afterwards, but they didn't want anything to with him. Unfortunately, he went bankrupt in 2003, and released one last album, Si Ton di Empire! under his own record label (Rep-a-Mike) in 2007, and went on to star on The Surreal Life. Today, he works at The Last Decent McDonald's, a small, family-owned McDonald's restaraunt in Roolundria, JE. He has two children, Sol and Digory.
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