Character Video Transcripts

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Cast (in order of appearence):
Homestar Runner: Homestar Runner, Strong Bad
Strong Bad: Strong Bad, Homestar Runner

Homestar Runner: The Field Strong Bad: Strong Badia

Page Titles:
Homestar Runner: Homerun Hitter! Strong Bad: Get Ready For The New!


Homestar Runner Transcript

"Don't forget 'moron'!"

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh, hello. Greetings, one and everyone. Welcome to me.... Homestar!... Runner!... Homestar Runner. Um... what else? I pretty much run the show around here. I date the only girl, and have the only propeller cap. {propeller cap twirls} And can run, and jump, and kick the fastest, highest and like nobody's business. If I had to pick one word to describe myself, it would probably be... Fluffy Puff Marshmallows. Or Homestar. Either one, really. They both fit.

{Strong Bad sticks his arm into the scene.}

STRONG BAD: {says one of the following lines, picked randomly}

  • Don't forget "doofus"!
  • Don't forget "moron"!
  • Don't forget um... "Lionel Richie"!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Yeah, that too. That's another good one. In closing, I look good in red. Check it out. {turns around, sings while shaking his rear} Buttdance, buttda-a-ance!

Strong Bad Transcript

"Ladies, form a line to my left for makeouts! Dudes, form a line to my right for high fives!"

{Page Title: Get ready for the new!} {Place: Strong Badia}

{Strong Bad is seen standing next to several wooden props, including one of Homestar Runner with a snake wrapped around his head. He is moving some of the props around.}

STRONG BAD: Hold on, I'm not done with the props yet! {turns to camera} Greetings, party people in the place to be! I am called Strong Bad! Hand over all your moneys in a paper and/or plastic bag! Ladies, form a line to my left for makeouts! Dudes, form a line to my right for high fives! Like I said, I'm Strong Bad. I've been described as cool, awesome, hot, video games, the hottest, and real real hot. Me and my big brother and our The Cheat pretty much run the show around here, as well as serve as a sort of multi-purpose criminal element. Yeah, we got a lot ofโ€”


STRONG BAD: What are you doing here?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Well, I was gonna get a high five, but, I see that I'm already here. And with a snake on my head!

STRONG BAD: Yeah, that's right. So I'm gonna have to charge you double. You know, since you're both here.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: That sounds reasonable! {pronounces it re-ZON-able}

STRONG BAD: Okay, I only accept gold nuggets. Or maybe Denver Nuggets. ...Whatever you got on ya. Chicken nuggets.

Fun Facts

Homestar Runner

Strong Bad

  • "Party peoples in the place to be!" is a reference to an Ultramagnetic MC song called "Ego Trippin'", during which before the song, the announcer says, "Party peoples in the place to be! Just for you, it's the Ultramagnetic MCs!"
  • The Denver Nuggets are a professional NBA basketball team.
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