Ballad of The Sneak Visuals

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Below is a chart showing the visuals that occur during the Ballad of The Sneak.

Lyrics Visuals
An old-timey introduction reading "The Ballad of The Sneak" as preformed by Da Vinci's Notebook is shown.
I know a lively fellow,
who is really quite unique.
He's small and smart and yellow,
with a rodent-like physique.
One member of The Barbershop Trio is onscreen with a stack of barrels in the background. He is quickly joined with the remaining two members and they sing.
He doesn't play the cello,
and he never deigns to speak.
He's The Strong Bad's Leporello,
and they just call him The Sneak!
Zooms out to reveal the trio's whole bodies and more barrels. Towards the end of this scene, all members outstretch their arms to their left and look upwards in that direction.
If you've got a caper
then you know who to call.
The Sneak walks along a wall, passing a boot.
It's The Sneak! The Sneak's head and front arms are showing through a circle. The text "it's the sneak" appears above the circle.
It's The Sneak! The Sneak instantly turns around so that only his tail and back legs are showing. Another "it's the sneak" appears below the circle.
Who's the Dapper Swindler
out of Tammany Hall?
A wanted poster of The Dapper Swindler unrolls on a wall. It's a picture of a mobster with The Sneak's nose and mouth. Above it is the text WANTED. Below is the text "THE DAPPER SWINDLER" known in the Northwest Territories as The Sneak.
Mo-mo-lo-de-oh-do A picture of a door and stairs in onscreen. A sign nearby reads "TAMMANY HALL." There's a caption underneath the picture that reads, "Boss Tweed gives The Sneak what-for!" One member of The Barbershop Trio's head pops up in the bottom-left part of the screen and sings the line.
It's The Sneak! The Barbershop Trio member leaves as a the picture changes. The door is open and a leg is sticking out with the word "PROHIBITION?" written on the pants. It has "boot"-ed The Sneak, who is flying away. A piece of paper with the words "HOOT- SMALLEY TARRIFF" is falling down.
A drum appears over the picture, which becomes faded. The drum is hit.
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