
From Homestar Runner Wiki

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I am Ian Carlson, a man born in the September of 1987. I was raised rather roughly by my mother as well as Mac OS 7-9 until my mother and I went to buy a "new" computer without an OS on it; we scoured the eBay markets for a legit copy of Windows 98SE so we could use the computer, and we finally found one. Anyway, I love computers, RPGs (The Video Game kind, not tabletop) and Anime. The looming threat of ACTA is real, please stop it from happening. Please do not mind my rudeness, etc. It sometimes comes out, and I apologize in advance. I currently use the Midori Web Browser to browse the Internet, and will be using Mozilla Firefox when I get my new computer. I also hope that ReactOS becomes more stable in the future, as I would love a free implementation of at least Windows 2000.


Fun Facts

In response, here is my promise:

I, ian Carlson, have done something terribly wrong by allowing myself to be corrupted and enticed by the ability to get paid software for free. For this reason, I have decided to never again pirate software, with the exception of defying software patents such as MP3 to have functionality that Windows normally has for free, in Linux or any other free operating system due to the fact that Patents are unfair to the low-class and myself as well as the Free and Open-Source Software community.

Favorite Quotes

Some favorite quotes from the website.

  • POOPSMITH: The thought of all those sbemails makes me weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeak!
  • HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh, right. It's Dot Com!"
  • STRONG SAD: {voiceover} Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha! Ah-ha-ha-ha!

See Also


Supported No Support Not Applicable

Software Name Linux Windows
AVG Free (Antivirus)    
COMODO Firewall/Antivirus    
Infra Recorder    

Upcoming HRWiki Stuff


  • April Fools '11

Hey, brother. Hey, my bromide. You look like a cool guy who likes to progress. I was wondering if you'd be interested in taking part in a... "counting" of some kind?
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