Population: Tire

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Population... TIIIRREEE!

A game by Videlectrix where you bounce the Tire around with your mouse and try to hit things like The Cheat, a bird, a balloon, and Strong Sad. Sometimes the wind changes direction to make it harder. Every time you hit an object, the multiplier goes up one. When your multiplier goes too high, a spinning cold one will fly through. Never break a Cold One. If you break them you get 5 subtracted from your multiplier. They go by more and more as you get a higher score.

Page Title: I FEEL ASLEEP!



In the year 19xx, the citizens of Strongbadia are terrorized by a faceless foe. As a top secret crack commando operative, it is you(r) job to protect the last remaining citizen from touching the tainted soil. You are (a) soldier! Score points by bouncing tire with mouse. Hit infidels to increase the value of each bounce. String combos to prevent the value from dropping over time. You one are of brave few.(You are one of a brave few.) Accept your mission and step fourth. And remember; never, ever break a cold one.

Fun Facts

  • Instead of the usual loading screen, the game starts with a parody of the Commodore 64 boot screen:
LOAD "*",8,1

  • The above is another indicator that this game is a close parody of a C64 game, in which you bounced a balloon around to similar effect.
    • As well, this shows that the Compy 386 is probably a reference to the 'Commodore 64' computer.
    • The Compy 386's monitor is definitely a reference to the C64, however, the keyboard would have to be shaped differently so as to include the Hard Disk, and all of the pheripherals should plug into it, with the power going on to the opposite side than usual, and the 80386 processor is for PC computers, thus meaning that the Compy 386 must be some sort of new computer by Compy, Inc. perhaps it is like a Commodore Amiga for PCs.
  • The page title for the game says "I FEEL ASLEEP!", which is a reference to the original "Metal Gear" game for NES.
  • When you hit certain scores a plane flies by and gives you a different message. The possible messages are:
    • YOU RULE
    • PURE FUN
    • GIVE IT UP
    • HI-FIVE
    • POP:YOU
    • GOOD ONE
    • JAM ON IT
    • LET GO
    • PARTY.WOO!
    • PARDON ME?
    • X-L-NT
    • PARENTAL!!
    • GOSH!
    • LOVIN' IT
    • SPANKIN'!
    • YOU 4 EVA
    • YOU.COM
    • YOU.CALM
    • WHO'S THAT?
  • The bird and sounds in this game are a reference to the 1988 game 'California Games'. The very same bird can also be found in the "take-a-break.exe" application highlighted in huttah!
  • The background changes with the time of day. If it's night then you'll get a night backround, etc.
  • When it says, "In the year 19XX", it's a reference to Megaman.
  • The year "19XX" could posssibly be a reference to the Super Nintendo game, Earthbound, where it is the year "199X"
  • Several sounds in the game are taken from the C-64 game 'Wiz Ball', an almost surrealistic shooter. These include bouncing the tire off of The Cheat's head (Wiz shoots) and breaking a cold one (Wiz dies).
  • Destroying a balloon makes the same sound as running through an explosion in the C64 game 'Paradroid'.
  • The parody used to say "9,1", but was fixed. 9 means the second drive

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