Homestar Talker

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Revision as of 23:16, 11 December 2004 by (Talk)
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Making! Out! With! Marzipan!

In this game you can click on bunch of words to make Homestar Runner say them.

Page Title: Homestar Talker


Easter Eggs

The secret Strong Bad Talker
  • If you make Homestar say "Pom Pom and Strong Bad are totally going out," the Homestar Talker switches to the hidden Strong Bad Talker.
  • On the Strong Bad talker, if you make Strong Bad say "But Homestar can win the stupid competition," it takes you to the Strong Bad's Room Main Page. Oddly enough, you can insert the word "loser" into Strong Bad's message; it has no effect whatsoever.
  • Homestar's mouth doesn't move until you let go of the right click button on a word(it's the same with Strong Bad).
  • the "S" in the word "homestar" has an unfinished outline
    • This is probably TBC cutting us some slack, because it's easy to accidentally put loser in instead of stupid, and it would make sense anyway.

Fun Facts

  • Homestar pronounces his "R"'s when clicking "are".
  • Homestar and Strong Bad have their modern appearances in this game, but TBC obviously modified their faces to look like they do today. Even so, they have the old crappy voices.
  • This was in the very first games menu.
  • Homestar's phrase may be a reference to band names.
  • The original phrase to unlock the Strong Bad's Room main page was "Making out with Marzipan is totally awesome," a phrase that is still referenced on various parts of the site (such as The Cheat Theme Song video and virus)

weird things

  • Homestar doesn't blink when he says words
  • the origanal games menu description was "homestar says the darndest things. you want to make him swear don't you. shame on you. call your mom." in which the first sentence possibly makes fun of "kids say the darndest things" which is a show by bill cosby

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