Talk:Pumpkin Carve-nival

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Revision as of 16:17, 23 May 2005 by Poopsmith Z (Talk | contribs)
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SB-Homestar making up the lightning and thunder sounds is a reference to the
first halloween cartoon where Homestar's speech was
supported by real lightning. This could be seen as a first hint that this is in
fact not the real Homestar Runner.
→ Removed odd fun fact

What exactly is odd about that fun fact? - PS aka

Strong Bad's Homestar Impression

Strong Bad's Homestar impression is a lot better in Pumpkin Carve-nival than it is in Where's The Cheat?. I'd add this fun fact, but I don't know which cartoon came first, so I don't know whether to say

"Strong Bad's Homestar impression in Pumpkin Carve-nival has improved greatly since Where's The Cheat?


"Strong Bad's Homestar impression in Where's The Cheat? is much worse than it was before in Pumpkin Carve-nival."


I don't really think that is fun fact worthy. Let's see what other people think. →[[User:FireBird|FireBird]]

Hey guys, did you notice that when homestar (the real one) walked on screen, that he was fully evolved? The fake one and both at the end were 2nd to last. unknown

What the crap are you talking about? Fully evolved?

Just see Homestar Runner Evolution. Then you'll know. -Kinsey

Both Homestars are fully evolved throughout the entire ovie. Poopsmith Z

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