Population: Tire

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Population... TIIIRREEE!

A game by Videlectrix where you bounce The Tire around with your mouse and try to hit things like The Cheat, a bird, a balloon, and Strong Sad. Sometimes the wind changes direction to make it harder. Every time you hit an object, the multiplier goes up one. When your multiplier goes too high, a spinning cold one will fly through. Never break a Cold One. If you break them you get 5 subtracted from your multiplier. They go by more and more as you get a higher score.

Page Title: I FEEL ASLEEP!



In the year 19xx, the citizens of Strongbadia are terrorized by a faceless foe. As a top secret crack commando operative, it is you(r) job to protect the last remaining citizen from touching the tainted soil. You are (a) soldier! Score points by bouncing tire with mouse. Hit infidels to increase the value of each bounce. String combos to prevent the value from dropping over time. You one are of brave few.(You are one of a brave few.) Accept your mission and step fourth. And remember; never, ever break a cold one.

Fun Facts


  • When you score 500 points or higher a plane flies by and gives you a different message. The possible messages are:
  • The background changes with the time of day. If it's night then you'll get a night background, etc.
  • The parody used to say "9,1", but was fixed. 9 means the second drive.
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