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Hey Everybody. I'm Gir007.But ya'll can call me Zaak.I play World of Warcraft and if ya wanna chat, I'm Varanos, Maarshmallow, or Spaide on the Alliance side of Malygos realm.I got my name from my Login name for alot of Things.I got addicted to Homestar when my friend Vincent Told me about it. I checked it out and was cracking up in seconds. Vincent,Vinny,Sam,and Connor were the people who got me to bother to check it out. Vincent also told me about an alternate Website,, but it can be kind of inappropriate and it's just now as funny as Homestar got a picture of gir on here for you people. It took me literally forever to figure out.I'm not used to Insert the freakin' picture name here so It took me a while.This page once had a "Seriously"2 Homestar here.But it took up everything since I couldn't shrink it. Oh well. Vincent also has a name on here-He's Wagonfullapancakes.And so is Vinny-He's Gir0007.He stole my name.Grrrrrr...He'll always regret making that account name.(I'm gonna beat the crap outta him.)*Rolls around on floor laughing* He'll regret it, alright.*Wicked Grin* So anyways, feel free to leave me notes on Discussion, just don't label is anything unessecarily stupid. See ya'll-Zaak



My favirote Characters

Top 10 Charcters

10.The Poopsmith-Beats me why I like him.He's just got a crappy job.

9.Pom-Pom-*Bubble bubble bubble, bubble bubble bubble*

8.Homsar-I was raised by a cup of coffee.

7.The King of Town-Oooh!And Heavenly ham, and mounds of gelatin and Salsbury Steak...

6.The Cheat-Meh memmene meh me me.


4.Bubs-What's not to like about a guy in love with his concession Stand?

3.Homestar-So stupid he's funny.

2.Strong Bad-I wanna get this freakin' duck away from me!

1.Coach Z-He had a cool Afro.What's so bad about that?

Zaak's Bottom 10

10.Stupid people winning things.It's just totally wrong.

9.Crappy muffin flavors.Ewwww...Banana Cream Muffin...nasty.

8.Salmon Sushi.Using american fishes in sushi sucks!

7.Stale Marshmallows.What the heck is wrong with people?Leaving the 'Mallow bag open!

6.Homework.Teachers who give out lotsa homework everyday suck, too.

5.Annoying little siblings.Stupid brother!Get the heck away from me!

4.Um...not...Black.It's Dark.And the meaning of Doom.

3.That creepy painting of Spider-Man in my brother's room.It creeps me out.

2.The Jibblies.I hate them more than Strong bad Does.

1.Spilling Cheez-wiz on the keyboard.No foolin' man.I do it all the time.

Zaak's top 10

10.Tim Burton's Movie Corpse Bride. Seems wierd, I know, but it's good.

9.Homestar't even ask.It's hilarious.

8.Demoloition Squid.From Weebl', he says a few curses.Funny though.

7.Cheez-Wiz.I can't get enough of the stuff.I'm an addict.

6.Tim Burton's Early films.Like Vincent.It's about some kid that like Edgar Allen Poe.

5.The complete works of Edgar Allen Poe.He's a gooa Author.So what if I'm a 13-year old?!?!

4.My PSP.I like Untold Legends Brotherhood of the Blade.

3.Invader Zim. Hilariously stupid."I'm gonna go get some chicken and Mayo!"

2.World of Warcraft.The best MMORPG Ever.Get it if ya don't have it.I'm on Malygos realm.

1.My Girlfriend.I'm not gonna say anything cuz I'll beat the crap outta you if ya even touch her

My Friends on H*R Wiki

Ummm..none so far.Throw me a Meesage if ya wanna get added.


-Nikolce Kovocski



gir0007's new name is stinkoman20X6

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