Sweet Cuppin' Cakes

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Sweet Cuppin' Cakes

Sweet Cuppin' Cakes is a strange and KAH-RAAAAAAAZY cartoon that Strong Bad thought up. A detail that makes the "Sweet Cuppin' Cakes" charactersaarijmnmujhg distinguishable from others is that all the characters except the ones that are based on actual characters from the Homestar Runner world (i.e., Keyboard Strong Bad and Prime Time) have cartoony black outlines (whereas the "real" characters have outlines a darker shade of their natural color). It originated in the Strong Bad Email: crazy cartoon. The Email theme park refers to a "Sweet Cuppin' Cakes Land" that we do not get to see. The first official episode arrived in Decemberween In July. Eh! Steve and The Wheelchair appeared with Cheerleader, The Ugly One and So and So in an extra free sample of HomestarRunner.com PAY PLUS!
