Wrestling Character Variations

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Professional wrestling alter egos of Strong Bad and others — particularly his tag-team partner Strong Mad — are revealed by Strong Bad in the Strong Bad Email yes, wrestling. These wrestlemen make heavy use of gimmicks, specialized attire and behavior to portray an exaggerated character while performing in the ring.

Image Description Real-World Reference Appearances
"Of course, they wanted me to be one of those lame masked wrestlers at first, but I had gimmickier plans." Sir Boliver Turnbuckle was Strong Bad's first wrestling gimmick. As Turnbuckle, Strong Bad wears a crown and a singlet with a crown on it to portray "a pompous Brit" — a premium gimmick at the time, according to Strong Bad. Billed as the "Master of the 1/8th Nelson" (simply grabbing his opponent), the Nelson was Turnbuckle's signature move. Sir Boliver Turnbuckle is only seen in black-and-white photographs.

Strong Bad abandoned this gimmick in favor of il Cartographer after he became more popular.

The "Ruthless Ruler" is a common type of wrestling gimmick where a wrestler takes on an imperial or royal role. Prominent examples of wrestlers themed around British royalty include "Lord" Steven Regal, "Squire" Dave Taylor and "Earl" Bobby Eaton. yes, wrestling
"I claim-a this saggy ring in the name of il Cartographer!"

Il Cartographer was Strong Bad's second wrestling incarnation. Italian for "the mapmaker", his name uses an integral article (he is occasionally referred to as "the Il Cartographer", meaning "the the"). Hailing from the Age of Exploration and billed as "The Namer of Nations", Il Cartographer is styled after a 15th-17th century Italian navigator: he wears a floppy orange beret, a frilly white shirt, and a brown vest, and talks in an Italian accent. His gimmicks include throwing maps to the restrooms into the crowd (labelled "Ye Olde Restroom Trail") while approaching the ring, then raising a flag reading "the il-est" to claim the ring in his name. He also has his own wrestling theme, mostly consisting of his name repeated by high-pitched singers.

According to Strong Bad in Fan Costumes 2017, he won the Continental Breakfast title belt in front of a depressing basement wall with some sheets taped to it, a venue he used to wrestle in. At this point, he was enemies with Homestar Runner (or his wrestling alter ego, the Jack 'Em Up Kid). Homestar calls him "el Photographer" and mixes up his costume with Rudy from Fat Albert.

yes, wrestling, Fan Costumes 2017 (costume; mentioned)
"Hoo yeah!"

The Jack 'Em Up Kid was Homestar Runner's wrestling alter ego. His red pants (reading "'EM UP!" on the back) are pulled up to his chest, which has cinnamon stubble on it, and his hat has no propeller. He has white kneepads and shoes. His tag team partner is Gary the Legend, an imaginary figure.

When cutting a promo, the Jack 'Em Up Kid talks extremely quickly, frequently leaning to the camera and exclaiming "Hoo yeah!", and constantly running out of breath and inhaling quickly in between words. He refers to his fans as "Jack 'Emites" and "Jack 'Emettes", offering much licensed merchandise.

  • Many elements of this persona are similar to Hulk Hogan:
    • He ends the promo with "What you gone did when you get jacked up by the Jack 'Em Up Kid?", a twist of Hogan's famous interview-ending catch phrase, "Whatcha gonna do when Hulkamania runs wild on you?!"
    • In addition, beginning "Well you know, announcer man..." is similar to Hogan's famous interview opening, "Well ya know something, Mean Gene..."
    • Fans are called Jack 'Emites and Jack 'Emettes similarly to Hogan's "Hulkamaniacs".
  • His costume and name resemble that of veteran pro-wrestler Shawn Michaels, the Heartbreak Kid.
  • His frequent use of the phrase "Hoo yeah!" is a reference to Macho Man Randy Savage, whose famous catchphrase was "Oooh yeah!"
  • Gary the Legend's name is similar to wrestler and commentator Larry the Legend.
yes, wrestling, Sketchbook for November 29, 2007, Homestar Ruiner (mentioned)
"Nothing can stop the Wild Vacationers!" The Wild Vacationers was Strong Bad and Strong Mad's first wrestling team. They are dressed like tourists with fishing hats and cameras. Strong Mad wears a purple Hawaiian shirt, while Strong Bad wears a pair of sunglasses and sunscreen smeared over his seemingly nonexistent nose.

Deemed a "misfire", the Brothers Strong moved on to several other gimmicks.

The team is a reference to the Wild Samoans tag team who were managed by Captain Lou Albano, who would often wear a Hawaiian shirt to the ring. yes, wrestling
"You betta not mess with the Foreign Object Brothers!" The Foreign Object Bros. was Strong Bad and Strong Mad's second wrestling team. Strong Bad is wearing a black headband with a big knife tucked into it, and his pants have a wooden board, a wrench, and one other unidentifiable white object in them. Strong Mad has a razor blade lodged in his bleeding and apparently scarred forehead, a sledgehammer tucked into his black singlet, and the outline of a gun fully inside his singlet. A chainsaw blade can be seen behind him. Strong Mad's sledgehammer is a reference to Triple H, who used a sledgehammer as a trademark weapon.

The razor blade lodged in Strong Mad's forehead references blading, the method that professional wrestlers use to make themselves bleed mid-match. Blading involves using a razor blade like Strong Mad's to surreptitiously cut oneself mid-match so that nobody notices that the cut is self-inflicted. Many older wrestlers have noticeable scar tissue on their forehead (much like Strong Mad does in the clip) from blading hundreds of times in their careers.

"Rax and Arby: The Sanctum of Spiky Shoulder Pads."
"Arby" redirects here. For the restaurant chain, see Arby's.

Rax and Arby, the Sanctum of Spiky Shoulder Pads, was Strong Bad and Strong Mad's third wrestling team. As the name implies, they wear spiky shoulder pads. Strong Mad's singlet is red and has "RAX" written on it, and Strong Bad wears a green mohawk.

Their names refer to restaurants Arby's and Rax, both of which specialize in roast beef sandwiches. In an Easter egg, Rax can be seen an interview with the Announcer, in which he adds "beef and cheddar, five for five", a reference to a combo offered at Arby's namesake restaurant.

Visually, the team references the Road Warriors tag team (also known as the Legion of Doom), who became famous for their shoulder pads covered in spikes.

"You better hope for your guts and your mercy can save you at this Sunday's PayPerViewver Series." The Facepaint Connection were Strong Bad and Strong Mad's fourth wrestling team, as well as the one that they finally settled on. They wear heavy, ornately patterned facepaint in white, blue, red, and gray; and Strong Mad's singlet reads "FACEPAINT CONNECTION". In a memorable promo, Strong Bad recounts climbing the mountains to breath "the facepainted fumes" as a sign of his dedication to win the title.

The duo was managed by "the insidious" Mr. Cheatayama.

The facepaint is a reference to The Blade Runners tag team; the duo are better known individually as Sting and The Ultimate Warrior.
"Mr. Cheatayama with his trademark whisk!" The insidious Mr. Cheatayama manages the Facepaint Connection tag team. To portray Cheatayama, The Cheat dons a painted-on mustache and goatee, a black bowler hat, and a "trademark whisk". He is based on famous wrestling manager Mr. Fuji. yes, wrestling, Fan Costumes 2017 (costume; mentioned)
"All right, all you gophers out there, ha-bring-it-on!"

Gardenboy is Strong Sad's wrestling identity. He has a red rake, straw hat, and a green watering can that can spout flames. He refers to all of his opponents as gophers. He has his own wrestling theme, based on Il Cartographer's. (The singers even accidentally say "Il Cartographer" at one point.) Later on, the Magnificent Marzipan steals his garden tools. Instead of gophers, he later asks to fight half woman-half man's champions instead.

He was named after the sender of the email yes, wrestling, after Strong Bad suggests to the sender to "stop trying to perfect the Summer Squash Suplex" and get "a rake, a straw hat, maybe a watering can and start screaming about how your opponents are gophers".

His flame-throwing watering can is a reference to TNA wrestler/booker/owner Jeff Jarrett, who often makes his entrance holding a pyro-spewing guitar over his head. yes, wrestling, hremail 3184, Fan Costumes 2017 (costume)
The Magnificent Marzipan is mentioned by Gardenboy in a hremail 3184 Easter egg. She stole all Gardenboy's garden tools, lending them to Strong Bad so he can beat up Homestar. Gardenboy implies she is a women's champion wrestler.

It is unknown if this is Marzipan's real wrestling gimmick or just a nickname given to her by Gardenboy.

hremail 3184 (mentioned)
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