X it out
From Homestar Runner Wiki
The active or imperative form of a verb will sometimes be phrased as an instruction to perform it out.
- Scroll Button Songs — In the January 20, 2003 song, Strong Bad sings "Scroll it out, scroll it out, Scroll Buttons 2.0!"
- Lookin at a Thing in a Bag — Bubs attracts customers by singing "Check it out" repeatedly.
- Population: Tire — One of the possible messages trailing from the plane that flies by after the score resets is "GROW IT OUT!".
- Email mile — Homestar Runner cheers Strong Bad on by telling him to "Kick it out, Beehan!"
- Email army — In his capacity as leader of the Homestarmy, "Colonel" Homestar instructs Strong Bad to "Fall it out".
- Email animal — The Deep Sea Fangly Fish's custom Homestar lure tells Strong Bad to "Turn it out, Strong Bad, turn it out!", as he dances on the back deck.
- Email lady fan — As they exercise together, Homestar tells Strong Bad to "twees it out".
- Email theme song — The lyrics of the "life-affirming pop ballad" theme refer to "sharin' and carin' it out".
- No Hands On Deck! — Homestar tells The Cheat he is "decking it out".
- Sketchbook — The sketch of Homestar with a cassette tape in his mouth for 31 August 2006 is captioned "taste it out".
- Email magic trick — Strong Bad's intro song finishes "and then we'll turn it out."
- Homestar Ruiner — Strong Bad tells The Stick to "keep on stickin' it out, Sticky".
- Dangeresque Roomisode 1: Behind the Dangerdesque — Dangeresque can tell the swinging lamp in his office to "swing it out".
- April Fool 09 — Strong Bad's intro song begins "having it out with an email".
- Email sbemail 206 — The "Kickcheater" page to crowd-fund the fake nerd culture items includes a sticker that reads "PLEDGE IT OUT!".
- Characters from Yonder Website — The Easter egg features narrator Strong Bad singing "style it out from the left, to the right" during the extended "bend at the knees" segment.
- Mr. Poofers Must Die — Bubs sings "Check it out" again when Coach Z asks if Bubs can sell him any previously-owned vessels, referencing Bubs's Stan S. Stanman Halloween costume.