
From Homestar Runner Wiki

Revision as of 20:40, 19 January 2006 by Venusy (Talk | contribs)
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(My new usual Windows Live Messenger display pic.)
Misc Information
Country of origin
United Kingdom
videlectrix.pngENUSY discussionitem_icon.gif user.gifmail_icon.gif
Favourite toon
Fall Float Parade
Favourite game
Stinkoman 20X6
Favourite character
Favourite song on H*
Stinkoman 20X6 Level -0 - NEGATORY!
Favourite Strong Bad Email
rock opera
Favourite Teen Girl Squad
Issue 10

Venusy | Talk | Contributions | Email
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Index of Subpages

Talk Archive
('04 - '05) (Q1 '06)
Weeklies.xml editing



The top half of this user page is user page-y sort of stuff. If you've followed a link from a Stinkoman 20X6 related article and ended up at this point, please see below, and/or here.

Flagrant advertising: Over 4000 page views! Includes useful content! What more could you want from a user page?

The Usual

Hi! I'm Venusy. I joined the HR Wiki a couple of months after I discovered Homestar Runner, which in turn was a couple of days after montage came out. I accidently discovered the Wiki while googling "Homestar Runner" on Google Images. I removed the extra bits from the URL, and ended up at the Main Page. My main jorb around here is updating the list below, updating XML sources, voting on STUFF, updating the QotW and reverting things if I feel like it. Umm... for some reason, upgrading to Flash 8 meant I can't play Duck Guardian One anymore.

Ideas for Hallrunner edits

  • Anonny
    • Talk: It was Anonny. You tell him all your secrets, and in return, he sells them to a major national newspaper without revealing his own identity. Worst place.

Favourite Pages

Current proudest acheivement on wiki

The list below.

Quote of the Week

Pardon our problems, but the QotW is temporarily on hiatus. It'll be back sometime in the new year, and set to update itself (like the Featured Article selection on the Main Page.

Quote From
Coach Z: DELORTED! replacement
1-Up: Like fangoriously, world class and grand! Rock Opera (karaoke)
Strong Bad: I like-a to say, "Holy crap!" personal favourites
Bubs: It's in a better place, Strong Bad. Or rather, it's in the same place, but now it's got a big hole through it! virus
Homestar Runner: OK! Hot soup is on my eye! New Boots
Cheat Commandos Singers: Download, print out, cut-out, fold, and glue together all our playsets and toys! Cheat Commandos Playsets
Coach Z: Hey look! The King's gone mad with power! He's gonna eat The Chort! JEEEOOOOORRRHH! Where's The Cheat?
Homsar: Location, location, location! Halloween Potion-ma-jig

Stuff I've bought from the store

In no particular order...

Top 10 Wiki annoyances

Blah, blah, new messages, whatever.
  1. Use of <div class="usermessage"> and a link to Special:Mytalk.
  2. Fake links.
  3. Trolls.
  4. Needlessly big text!
  5. Needlessly small text!
  6. .
  7. Easter Eggs, hidden in links.
  9. Top 10 lists that don't actually go up to 10.

The Kitchen Sink

ASCII art from about:kitchensink.	

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The Kitchen Sink (User:Venusy#The Kitchen Sink) is Venusy's form of a personal sandbox. It will mainly be used for messing around with divs and templates. The length of how long content stays in this section depends on its place on a scale from 1 to awesome, if the thing actually works, and it's messingness-upus of the rest of the page if it doesn't work.

Please don't dig up the grave. I mean, that'll be five dollars. George Foreman?

I love you venusy. BOBOS INACENT. – Pertmywert (Talk·Edits) 10:07, 14 Sep 2005 (UTC)

/* user notification thing */
.usermessage {
    background-color: #ffce7b;
    border: 1px solid #ffa500;
    color: black;
    font-weight: bold;
    margin: 2em 0 1em;
    padding: .5em 1em;
    vertical-align: middle;
You have no new messages. Unless you actually do have new messages, in which case the new message notification will appear at the top of the page.
Hey, does this work?
Yes, it does.

Complete list of files used in Stinkoman 20X6

These files must be placed in the correct folders for them to work. levelData and externalSwf are subdirs of the root directory, and must be capitalised as they are here. (i.e. "C:\Wherever\Stinkogame\levelData", and "C:\Wherever\Stinkogame\externalSwf", where the root directory is "C:\Wherever\Stinkogame".

Things to do (later (on wiki))

  1. Finish table on the weeklies.xml editing page.
  2. Create Homestar Runner Desktop Diversions subpage, for creating an Homestar Runner Active Desktop (Win 98 and later only).

Things to do (misc.)

  1. Add a link to rando.swf to desktop.
  2. Find something better to put on the right side of my desktop than PAY PLUS!
File:Thorax Corp. Superstar Runner.PNG
The most unlikely Firesomething name combination it came up with. Well, at least on my PC.
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