
From Homestar Runner Wiki

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Coach B and Zubs.
"You're a girl, or maybe a wagon, filled up with pancakes"
Image:Cheat-shrug-tiny.gifImage:Homsar-in-motion.gifImage:Cheat-shrug-tiny.gifImage:Homsar-in-motion.gif Image:Cheat-shrug-tiny.gifImage:Homsar-in-motion.gifImage:Cheat-shrug-tiny.gif
Get Link Trogdor!
Teh Cheats!!!

Hi, I'm Pacoman. I live in Louisiana, which is close to Georgia, the home state of The Brothers Chaps. I don't own any Homestar Runner merchandise(yet). My name, Pacoman, isn't my real name, but it comes from my dog who's name is Paco. I found out about Homestar Runner about a year and a half ago from my friend. My favorite bands are the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Green Day. My favorite Homestar Runner toon is Ever and More! and my favorite sbemails are sb_email 22, the movies, and caffeine. The movies was the first sbemail I ever watched. Oh and fhqwgads rule,too!!!!Image:Flashforward Autograph.PNG
Here comes the Thnikkaman!! Yeah, shut up kid.

Above is an autograph given to Thunderbird by Matt and Mike Chapman Image:Bootdance.gifImage:WF-2008-05-16.PNG
There's like fifty of these guys.
Image:Fanstuff 5-11-2007.png

fire1.gif guitarbig.gif Image:homestarmy.gif

"Oh, di-a-lo-do, da-a-lo-do, di-a-lo-do, die!!"
"Mrs. Commanderson, she's some kind of bird-reptile, and she teaches Pre-K!"
Image:homsar2.gifppbounce.gif ppbounce.gif ppbounce.gif ppbounce.gif ppbounce.gif
The number sequence followed by the counters.
Image:Animated 'No Loafing' Sign.gif hsrun.gif
"Check out all his majesty."
hsrun.gif hsrun.gif hsrun.gif hsrun.gif Image:da cheat.gif Image:Animated!.gif
   Image:GreenTheCheat.GIFGet your Green Cheat today!!!
                                   This user doesn't know how to get user boxes.
"Why, Lord Quackingstick, how nice to see you."



My Favorite Quote

  • My favorite quote is from Sbemail 25, super powers. Here it is:

{Strong Bad uses the blue diamond on his forehead to make Homestar's cap pop off.}


{Homestar picks his cap up and looks back at Coach Z.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Sorry about that. What were we talking about?

COACH Z: The tightest of pants.


My test results

I took a test to find out which Homestar Runner character I would be and here are the results:

homestar.jpg To take the test follow the link here

Check out these vids!!!!!

Matt answers the age old question. Check this vid out. It's pretty funny. And here's an interview with the Brothers Chaps. It's awesome!!! And this (5), clip is weird.

Acam's sig pic

This is Acam's sig pic. Isn't it awesome? Image:HomsarInPink.png


  Have a seat on the Optimistic Fool's couch

My list of way cool users

  • TheYellowDart(t/c)- for giving me the idea for this list and putting me on his list
  • Kanjiro- because of all of his weekly stuff
  • Acam30 - she's a nice person and has a cool sig
  •  Loafing- because he's a cool guy and is helpful
More to come later!!! If you want to be on my list just leave your name on my talk page
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