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{The toon starts at The Field, where Homestar and Pom Pom are at the stick.}
HOMESTAR: Hey, Pom Pom, What should we do?
POM POM: {Bubbles}
HOMESTAR: That's a great idea, Pom Pom! Let's see if Bubs has any.
{Cut to Bubs, doing his usual at the consession stand.}
BUBS: Oh, hey, Pomstar and Homepom! How can I help you on this marvelous, gold-plated shady buisness day?
HOMESTAR: One bag of marshmallows please.
BUBS: Here you go! {he gives Homestar and Pom Pom a bag of marshmallows}
HOMESTAR: Ooh, score! What should we do with these, Ol' Pombuddy? What should we do with these? {Pom Pom's eyelids lower} Ooh, ooh! Look, Pom Pom! On the bag it says that "inside one bag of Fluffy Puff Marshmallows, there is a golden marshmallow that, when cashed in, gives you the limited edition Peasant's Quest sequel!"
{Strong Bad and The Cheat are watching.}
STRONG BAD: WHAT?!?! What would Homestar do with the sequel of the greatest game in the history of greatest games!?!? {talking to Bubs} Gimme one o' dem marshmallow bags!!! {Bubs gives Strong Bad a bag of marshmallows} Alright! Let's take a look-see! {looks at bag} YES!!! AWESOME!! I found it! I can build new empires out of pixels! I can fight off monsters during the nighttime! I can mine for all sorts of crap!
THE CHEAT: {The Cheat noises}
STRONG BAD: Wait, there's already a game like that? WHERE!?!? Let's ditch this marshmallow stand! {Homestar walks in}
HOMESTAR: Woh-ooah, looks like someone forgot their golden marshalade. I'll just take it myself...{talks to Bubs} Hey Bubs! I found this marshmallow on the ground...
BUBS: Alright, Homestar! Here is your prize! {hands Homestar a floppy disk}
STRONG BAD: {Homestar walks by with the floppy disk.} Aw, crap!! We have to steal that marshmallow!
{Cut to Homestar at his house. When he is done eating the bag, he tries to eat the gold one, but he can't bite it.}
HOMESTAR: Ugh, I hate it when marshmallows aren't ripe enough. {Homestar tosses the golden marshmallow out the window and lands in the grass when and walk by his house on the way home.}
STRONG BAD: Awesome! My jackpot's been jackpot'd!
THE CHEAT: {The Cheat noises}
STRONG BAD: This is worth the whole town? THE WHOLE TOWN? ALRIGHT! I CAN BECOME RULER! {Cut to the hills and bushes on the outskirts of Free Country, USA. Some bushes randomly catch fire because of Strong Bad's shout. Strong Bad and The Cheat walk to the King of Town's castle.}
STRONG BAD: (To the king of town) Listen up kingy! There's a new monarchy getting started around here. I have all the proof too! {Strong Bad shows the king of town the golden marshmallow} That's right! I'm buying this county off of you!
KOT: Ooooh doo hoo hoo hoo! A marshmallow! Doo hoo hoo hoo! {He eats the marshmallow}
STRONG BAD: Aw, man. I should've know better. C'mon, The Cheat. Let's go and play that game you were talking about earlier.
{The Cheat nods in agreement. Fade to black. We see Strong Bad and the Cheat back at the concession stand, with Bubs.}
BUBS: So, that game is pretty cool, huh?
STRONG BAD: Yep. It's got the classic sidescroller, with a handful of first-person shooter and multiplayer action and a pinch of RPG.
{Coach Z comes in from left, holding some sort of bag in his right hand}
COACH Z: Whatcha doin'?

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