Teen Girl Squad

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Teen Girl Squad menu
The girls are looking SO GOOD!

In the Strong Bad Email "comic," a girl named Brittany asked if Strong Bad could make a comic strip about her four friends: Virginia, Joy, Kristin, and Jennifer. Strong Bad's spur of the moment comic strip soon became a series. Teen Girl Squad centers on four teenage girls — Cheerleader, So and So, What's Her Face, and The Ugly One — who like to buy clothes and attract cute boys and look SO GOOD! Unfortunately, they are all-too-often subjected to the random dangers of Strong Bad's overactive imagination. But being killed doesn't seem to be a problem for the girls, for they are always back for the next episode. A running gag in this comic is how Strong Bad makes his own verbs by adding 'd to a noun. For example "Stepmom'd" This usally happens when a bald man nicknamed the Arrow'd Guy is on the scene. Another running gag is how The Birds in the sky (or on a postcard) are killed in almost every episode.

Menu Page Title: T33n G1rl Squ4dx0rx!!11



Issue 1 (from comic)
Issue 2
Issue 3
Issue 4
Issue 5
Issue 6 (Decemberween Special)
Issue 7
Issue 8
Issue 8½ (from HomestarRunner.com PAY PLUS!)
Issue 9

Other Appearances


Fun Facts

  • If you hold your cursor over the Teen Girl Squad button on the Toons Menu, you get a different description of each girl:
    • Cheerleader: Hair products!
    • So and So: Plaid skirt!
    • What's Her Face: Baggy clothes!
    • The Ugly One: Drill team!
  • Each time you load the Teen Girl Squad menu page you get a different quote from a different girl. They are:
    • The Ugly One: "teacher just called me 'young man'"
    • The Ugly One: "i'm in love with liquid paper."
    • The Ugly One: "i have a crush on EVERY BOY!"
    • What's Her Face: "nothing is cool."
    • So and So: "on a roll with Honor Roll"
    • Cheerleader: "you can't be popular AND smart"
    • Cheerleader: "lets have a boy/girl party!"
    • All except Cheerleader: "SO GOOD!"
  • In addition to the different quotes, Cheerleader wears a different shirt each time you load the menu page. They are:
    • "solid gold"
    • "party thyme"
    • "hott type"
    • "rich grrl"
    • "2 cool 4 u"
    • "boy monger" (with :P face)
    • "2 cute"
  • The Ahnberg Hand font used for Strong Bad's handwriting contains a few European-style slashes, including lowercase 'q' which TBC have been known to "Americanize". However, they have not altered the European seven in the current TGS main menu.
  • The page title (T33n G1rl Squ4dx0rx!!11) is Teen Girl Squadxorx!!!! in leet speak.

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