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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <transcript xml:lang="en-us" file="sbemail73.swf" width="550" height="400"> <line start="15" end="73" speaker="strongbad">Ooh! A little email never hurt nobody. 'Cept for maybe The Cheat.</line> <line start="78" end="145" speaker="strongbad">So what do we got here... "Dear Strong Bad, I was wondering what CGNU's mascot is,</line> <line start="146" end="193" speaker="strongbad">and if they have any sports teams. Thanks for the info. Ike"</line> <line start="199" end="220" speaker="strongbad">Yeah, we got a mascot, Ike.</line> <line start="224" end="282" speaker="strongbad">Unfortunately, The Cheat, Strong Mad, and I were really hungry when we decided on a name.</line> <line start="283" end="343" speaker="strongbad">So, uh, all we came up with was the Crazy Go Nuts University Dumples.</line> <line start="349" end="404" speaker="strongbad">I think maybe we meant dumplings? But we were really hungry and tired</line> <line start="405" end="455" speaker="strongbad">and sorta confused and ended up putting Dumples on the application.</line> <line start="463" end="535" speaker="strongbad">We do have a sports team, though. The Golf Club Team. We have a game every day at 6pm!</line> <line start="597" end="620" speaker="strongbad">Let's go, Dumples!</line> <line start="629" end="647" speaker="strongmad">DE-FENSE!</line> <line start="656" end="701" speaker="coachz">Get yer head in the game, The Chort! The Cheat is wide open!</line> <line start="712" end="724" speaker="strongbad">Yeah!</line> <line start="725" end="737" speaker="coachz">Atta boy!</line> <line start="742" end="760" speaker="strongbad">Go for the 8-track!</line> <line start="799" end="814" speaker="theannouncer">Dumples win!</line> <line start="815" end="831" speaker="all" sfx="sfx">cheers</line> <line start="832" end="890" speaker="strongbad">Look everybody! It's The Jolly Dumple come to celebrate our victory!</line> <line start="908" end="945" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="voiceover">Fighting and sometimes striving</line> <line start="946" end="980" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="voiceover">Wondering what the Dumple is</line> <line start="981" end="1012" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="voiceover">Excellence and what is valor?</line> <line start="1013" end="1037" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="voiceover">And The Cheat will hit stuff with a golf club</line> <line start="1038" end="1069" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="voiceover">C G N... U!</line> <line start="1074" end="1084" speaker="homestar">Me?</line> <line start="1087" end="1158" speaker="strongbad">So, we're still undefeated. But next week's going to be a tough game against Homestar's Knees Tech.</line> <line start="1167" end="1230" speaker="strongbad">Well, I gots to go. I promised the team I'd get them real fruit smoothies if they won the game.</line> <line start="1241" end="1261" speaker="strongbad">And they won the game.</line> <line start="1274" end="1295" speaker="strongbad">So I'm getting them real fruit smoothies.</line> <line start="1315" end="1435" speaker="sfx">beeps to the tune of CGNU fight song</line> </transcript>