Street Fighter
From Homestar Runner Wiki
Street Fighter is a series of fighting video games which became popular in the early 1990s. The Brothers Chaps reference it in several of their cartoons, especially Street Fighter II.
- Main Page 17 — Marzi-Mei's pose is nearly identical to Chun-Li's victory pose, originally from Street Fighter II. "Yatta!" is a Japanese word which means "I did it!", or "All right!" in English.
- 20X6 vs. 1936 — The kicking attack that Stinkoman practices bears a strong resemblance to Chun Li's lightning kick attack.
- 3 Times Halloween Funjob — The Poopsmith dresses up as M. Bison, the final boss of Street Fighter II.
- The flaming maneuver the Poopsmith does when clicking on him is Bison's "Psycho Crusher" attack. The move was known in earlier versions of Street Fighter II as the "flaming torpedo"; hence, the reference to a "flaming Poopsmith".
- Fan Stuff — A picture of Homestar as Goku is intentionally misidentified as "Ken from Street Fighter but with Guile's hair".
- Email dangeresque 3 — Dangeresque Too's "The pipes are broken!" is Homestar Runner trying to say "Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku", a move used by Ryu and Ken that is commonly translated as the "Hurricane Kick". Due to the low-quality ingame audio of the time, it was often hard to understand what characters were saying (especially if the listener could not understand Japanese) which led to humorous misinterpretation.
- Dangeresque Puppet Squad: The Hot Jones Hijack — Homestar's character, Stingy Relenque, does a spinning kick, saying, "Ze pipes... zey are broken!"
- Dangeresque Roomisode 3: Keep My Enemies, Loser — Dangeresque Too makes a cameo appearance in the postgame content. His "The pipes are broken" line, both in his introduction and when clicked on, now sounds even more like the audio from Street Fighter 2.
- Stinkoman 20X6 — 1-Up's spin-kick is similar to the Tatsumaki.
- Sample of Style Too — Matt can be seen mimicking the Hadouken move while performing the motion capture for Marshie.
- Strong Badia the Free — One of the Algebros from Math Kickers is named Ryu.
- 8-Bit Is Enough — Homestar says his lucky quarter got him out of some tight jams, including Street Masher, Street Masher II, and Street Masher II: Slightly Different Costumes Edition. The third title references the many times SF2 has been re-released with expanded or alternate content.
- Hremail 2000 — The music that plays in the Easter egg is similar to Ryu's theme.
- @StrongBadActual tweet (28 Mar 2020) — While playing Axe of Rage, Strong Bad refers to a green enemy as Blanka.
- Disk 4 of 12 - World Games — While playing the Sumo game in World Games, Strong Bad mentions the Hundred Hand Slap, a move used by sumo wrestler E. Honda, and also mimics this move's grunts.
- Marzipan Beef Reverser — A bonus stage that mimics the "Destroy Car" bonus stage from Street Fighter II (first seen in earlier Capcom fighting game Final Fight) is included.
- Strong-Play: Marzipan Beef Reverser — During this bonus stage, Strong Bad compares Marzipan's hair attack to E. Honda's Hundred Hand Slap technique.