From Homestar Runner Wiki
Religion has occasionally been referenced in the Homestar Runner universe.
- Marshmallow's Last Stand — A framed sign saying "Lettuce Pray" hangs on the wall.
- Dancin' Bubs — One of the gravestones has a ringed cross on it.
- A Holiday Greeting — Strong Bad performs a parody of O Holy Night. Strong Sad ends with the phrase "and God bless us, everyone", albeit interrupted. Strong Sad's phrase is from Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol.
- Where's The Cheat? — It is Strong Sad's night to play "Caaardinal Sins". Cardinal sins are another name for the Seven Deadly Sins of Catholicism.
- Pumpkin Carve-nival (Easter egg) — Homsar remarks, "And also with you," a traditional response by the congregation to the priest's "The Lord be with you" in some Christian denominations.
- Email couch patch — Strong Bad claims that the couch contains a "stench of Biblical proportions."
- Email — One of the return addresses is "Duderonomy", a reference to Deuteronomy.
- Thy Dungeonman II — Removing the loin-cheesecloth results in the message, "Thou art as naked as the day god made thee."
- Hallrunner — One of the obstacles is a Franciscan monk.
- Tis True, Pom Pom, Tis True — Homestar Runner sees Strong Sad as a nun.
- Email animal — The sign in front of Da Huuuuuudge's enclosure uses the phrase "For the love of Pete", an alternative form of "For the love of God" which instead invokes Saint Peter.
- A Folky Tale — Coach Z asks Strong Sad if he's quoting Scripture.
- Teen Girl Squad Issue 10 — After being LATHE'D!, What's Her Face says that she hopes they have corn chips in Heaven.
- Sketchbook for 10 March 2006 — features Shaker Homestar and Mike.
- Thy Dungeonman 3 — A fat monk, who lives alone in a monastery, tries to eat Thy Dungeonman.
- Teen Girl Squad Issue 11 — The "Chumbly Wumbly Bear" song contains the lyric "Lord no!".
- In the DVD commentary, Ryan Sterritt recalls attending a Bible study camp.
- Strongest Man in the World — The Grape Fairie uses the phrase "honest to God".
- Happy Hallow-day — Strong Bad dresses up as Father Guido Sarducci, who he refers to as a "pretend priest-comedian".
- Email looking old —
- Email strong badathlon — Strong Mad exclaims, "THANK THE LORD!" when Strong Bad refuses to take part in the "Clean and Jerk... Strong Mad's Underwears... Over His Head" event.
- The King of Town's Very Own Quite Popular Cartoon Show — The King of Town has a cleric who tries to marry The Poopsmith to a pleasant odor in a chapel.
- Email your funeral — Homestar reads from "the book of phone" as if he was reading from a book of the Bible.
- Email more armies (Easter egg) — Taranchula's album Shady Missionaries features "Fairly Religious Overtones!".
- Email Accent — Coach Z shows Strong Bad a picture of an ear of corn with a halo on it; Strong Bad calls it "religious corn", but Coach Z calls it a "holy crop".
- Email record book (commentary) — Strong Bad says, "I mean, I remember as a kid thinking that the Guinness Book of World Records was like, up there with the Bible."
- Jibblies 2 — Strong Bad tells Bubs he needs, among other things, crosses and holy water.
- Non-Sequitur Champion — Senor Cardgage says, "Thank yo, Presbyterian."
- Teen Girl Squad Issue 14 — Cheerleader says that sweating is against several of her religions.
- Email hiding — Strong Bad tells The Cheat about a prestigious monk.
- Strong Badia the Free — The Egyptian god Anubis makes an appearance. Also, Strong Bad says, "Speak to me, O burning bush!", which is a reference to the story in the book of Exodus where God speaks to Moses in the form of a bush that is burning but not being consumed.
- Hremails — Sending an email to Homestar Runner would result in a response with the subject line, "My Inbox Runneth Ova!" which references the twenty-third psalm, which includes the line "My cup runneth over".
- Most in the Graveyard — Several of the tombstones in the cemetery have crucifixes on them.
- Comic Book Movie — Strong Bad remarks, "Kindred soul? You sound like a religious metal band. You know, the kind that try and offset their religiousness with evil fonts and drippy graphics!"
- 8-Bit is Enough — One of the responses from the Drive-Thru Whale advertises Freeze-Dried Mormons.
- During the cutscene where the walls collapse around him and form the final arena, Strong Bad can be seen praying.
- Kick-A-Ball — In a scene similar to Strongest Man in the World, The Umpire uses the phrase "honest to God".
- Cheat Commandos: Two Part Episode: Part 2 — Dryghost says he got the Headquarters Playset for his Bar Mitzvah.
- Email videography — Strong Bad uses "Bar-mitzfvfahs" as one example of an occasion he can videograph.
- A Decemberween Mackerel (Easter egg) — The announcer for Hot Pooey asks, "oh dear God, what have we done?"
- April Fool 2014 — The Homestar Runner calls Sickly Sam "an affront to God and man."
- @StrongBadActual tweet (28 Jul 2015) — One of Strong Bad's rewards for Sbemail Song Mystery is a "horrifying close-up of his ungodly puppet mouth".
- Flash is Dead! — Homestar Runner suggests that Strong Bad's explanations of the importance of Flash sound "religioso".
- Haunted Photo Booth Teaser — Strong Bad remarks that Character 2 has stumbled upon "the Pagan festival", also known as Halloween.
- Haunted Photo Booth — Strong Bad asks The Cheat if he's been going to church.
See Also
- Decemberween#References to Christmas
- Heaven
- Hell
- Angels
- Demons
- Don and Harriet Chapman (for the Brothers Chaps' religious background)
- Swears
- 666