Powered by The Cheat Character Variations

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The Cheat has created crude caricatures of his friends for his cartoons.

Strong Bad

Image Description Appearances
"Who's always givin' Strong Bad a hand?"

Powered by The Cheat Strong Bad's head

The Cheat Theme Song
Everybody to the limit

Powered by The Cheat Strong Bad

Everybody to the Limit, Grumblecakes (video) (briefly)
"I am over here!"

Powered by The Cheat Strong Bad

Main Page 15
"I can do it! I will do it nine times!"

Powered by The Cheat Strong Bad

crazy cartoon, mile, animal, Everybody Everybody Poster
"Yes, I'll go get you a patty melt."

Powered by The Cheat Strong Bad
This version uses the head of Strong Bad's figurine. It also featured several design errors which annoyed the real Strong Bad: He wears purple boxing gloves and has visible underwear — Strong Bad's boxing gloves are red and he claims to not wear underwear.

New Boots
Grumblecaking with you

Powered by The Cheat Strong Bad

Grumblecakes (video)
"One might say we just met standing here in front of the batting cages..."

Powered by The Cheat Strong Bad
This version has the head of Puppet Strong Bad.

Grumblecakes (video)
"Over the river and through the woods, we gotta get that serum through!"

Powered by The Cheat Strong Bad
The first drawn PbTC Strong Bad to have gradient eyes, this one has an unusually humanoid body and is dressed as Little Red Riding Hood.

Grumblecakes (video)
"Me want set the face on fires."

Caveman Strong Bad

Summer Short Shorts
"I got, I won the good medal!"

Powered by the Cheat Strong Bad
This version of Strong Bad has laser guns for hands and a much thinner outline than usual. He also has anchor-shaped tattoos on his arms.

strong badathlon
The best cartoon that's ever been made!

Powered by the Cheat Strong Bad
This version of Strong Bad has incredibly exaggerated muscles.

Where U Goin 2?
"Throw me a squeedley guitar!"

Powered by the Cheat Strong Bad
This version of Strong Bad is riding a unicorn.

Crystal Fortress
"You get french friiiiies."

Powered by the Cheat Strong Bad
This version of Strong Bad is purple and inside a fortress.

Crystal Fortress
"It's The Paunch Berry Ice Cream Dancing Team!"

Powered by The Cheat Strong Bad
This version has "icéd cream" on his back because he's a member of The Paunch Berry Ice Cream Dancing Team, and his mask has different colors.

Where U goin' 2?
"Can you get your green mittens on a fish-eye lens?"

Powered by The Cheat Strong Bad

Fish Eye Lens
Things are about to get bulbous!

Powered by The Cheat Strong Bad

Fish Eye Lens
"I jumped in slow-motion!"

Powered by The Cheat Strong Bad
This version is more realistic and has a human mouth.

Fish Eye Lens
"Whatcha got for me?"

Powered by The Cheat Strong Bad Fish
This version is a fish.

Fish Eye Lens
"Does this sound like Strong Bad at all?"

Powered by The Cheat Strong Bad's head
This version is a bouncing head.

Trogdor Was A Man
"Don't forget to use a Bic point pen!" Powered by The Cheat Strong Bad
This version is on the back of the actual Strong Bad's head and holding a Bic pen.
The Homestar Runner Enters The Spooky Woods

The Cheat

Image Description Appearances
"Who's the man that looks like The Cheat?"

Powered by The Cheat The Cheat

The Cheat Theme Song, Everybody to the Limit, mile
"Three trophies for The Cheat!"

Powered by The Cheat The Cheat
This version has smoother edges and no dimple.

crazy cartoon
"Dang, The Cheat, I like your boots!"

Powered by The Cheat The Cheat
This version sports cool new boots which everyone loves.

New Boots
The rare and exotic The Cheatfish

Powered by The Cheat The Cheatfish
This version is a fish.

"Join me on my single hundred toilet dreams picture..."

Springy The Cheat

rock opera
"You would look good with some monster truck tires"

Powered by The Cheat The Cheat
This version has a combover. At one point, he puts on monster truck tires and also grows a human hand.

bedtime story
"The Cheatsaurus can do it again!"

The Cheatsaurus

Summer Short Shorts

The Cheat with a shirt and glasses

theme song

Powered by The Cheat The Cheat
This version of The Cheat is wearing sunglasses and playing an electric guitar.

strong badathlon
PBTC The Cheat

Powered by The Cheat The Cheat
This version has a white "Paunch" shirt on because he's a member of The Paunch Berry Ice Cream Dancing Team.

Where U Goin' 2?
PBTC The Cheat

This version is disguised as a really cool boat, so he can catch other boats and shake them around in the hopes that there are chips inside.

Really Cool Boat
"Burninating the countryside."

Powered by The Cheat The Cheat
This version has a beefy arm, eyes like Trogdor, and can burninate things.

Trogdor Was A Man

Coach Z

Image Description Appearances
"Here, the Chort, have a trophy"

Powered by The Cheat Coach Z
He appears to be pink as opposed to his usual green.

crazy cartoon, mile, New Boots, Everybody Everybody Poster
Just give him a chance to do a hip-hop dance

Powered by The Cheat Coach Z
The listed toons feature slight variations of this Coach Z; most notably, his "Z" emblem changes.

New Boots, Rap Song, Where U Goin' 2?
"I look at the fly!"

Pterodactyl Coach Z

Summer Short Shorts, Really Cool Boat
We don't stap!

Powered by The Cheat Coach Z
This Coach Z appears much more human-like, with a larger and bulkier body and more realistic movements.

Rap Song
"I'm sorry, did you just say 'waughmp waughmp'?"

Powered by The Cheat Coach Z

Fish Eye Lens
"I got the F-I-S-H-E-Y-E lens!"

Powered by The Cheat Coach Z Fish
This Coach Z is a fish.

Fish Eye Lens

Homestar Runner

Image Description Appearances
"I need to be kicked in the face."

Powered by The Cheat Homestar Runner

The Cheat Theme Song, crazy cartoon, mile, animal, New Boots, Everybody Everybody Poster
"And what is that terrible voice? Is that supposed to be Homestar?"

Powered by The Cheat Homestar Runner

Main Page 15
"What's fire?"

Caveman Homestar Runner

Summer Short Shorts
"I have an idea of what we could try!"

Powered by The Cheat Homestar Runner

Fish Eye Lens
"What happens if you point it at a real fish eye?"

Powered by The Cheat Homestar Runner

Fish Eye Lens
"Now Trogdor is a game that's cooperative..."

Powered by The Cheat Homestar Runner

Quickstart Overview


Image Description Appearances
"Keep it up, Strong Bad. Keep up the pace!"

Powered by The Cheat Marzipan

mile, Everybody Everybody Poster
Oh yeah, oh yeah yeah

Powered by The Cheat Marzipan

Seasonal sweaters, seasonal sweat

Powered by The Cheat Marzipan

Seasonal Sweaters
"I've always admired your styles"

Alien Cow Marzipan


Cavewoman Marzipan

Summer Short Shorts

Strong Sad

Image Description Appearances
"I'm sad that I'm flying."

Powered by The Cheat Strong Sad

Main Page 15

Powered by The Cheat Strong Sad
Strong Sad says The Cheat claims that he made "as dumpy-accurate as possible".

Experimental Film
Happy Strong Sad

Powered by The Cheat Strong Sad

Experimental Film
"I have that creepy bony spine..."

Powered by The Cheat Strong Sad
The Lusitania is his favorite boat, and he often talks about boats. Strong Sad is very unflattered by this depiction, even going to the chiropractor after feeling self-conscious because of the "creepy bony spine". A line that at first appears to be his mouth is between his eyes, but a second mouth appears that makes the line appear to be a nose.

Trogdor Was A Man


Image Description Appearances
"You jumped over some of my buses."

Powered by The Cheat Bubs

mile, Main Page 22, Everybody Everybody Poster, Disk 4 of 12 - World Games
"I can't even reach the top!"

Powered by The Cheat Bubs
Neither of the two Bubs appear to have anything below the green belt.

Where U Goin' 2?

Strong Mad

Image Description Appearances
"Next up on Powered By The Cheat: Strong Mad gets his own talk show."

Powered by The Cheat Strong Mad

theme song

Powered by The Cheat Strong Mad
The M on his singlet is replaced by the word "berry". This is due to him being a member of the "Paunch Berry Ice Cream Dancing Team".

Where U Goin' 2?

Peacey P

Image Description Appearances
I ain't even know whose song this is!

Powered by The Cheat Peacey P
This Peacey P is near identical to his Teen Girl Squad appearance, except for the obvious use of color. In Trudgemank, he appeared in pajamas.

Rap Song, Trudgemank
Listen up straight, y'all biscuitheads.

Powered by The Cheat Peacey P
This Peacey P is, similar to Coach Z, incredibly more realistic than usual, with more human-like proportions.

Rap Song
Mixin' rap and heavy metal.

Powered by The Cheat Peacey P
Peacey P has a more detailed face and actual fingers as opposed to lines.


Peasantry Characters

Image Description Appearances
"Maybe he was just a dragon."

Powered by The Cheat Trogdor

Trogdor Was A Man
"Trogdor was a man."

Powered by The Cheat Trogdor Man
This version is holding a basketball under his arm. This is the first time the Trogdor man has been colored.

Trogdor Was A Man
"Trogdor was a dragon man."

Powered by The Cheat Trogdor Dragon Man

Trogdor Was A Man
"And the Trogdor comes in the NIGHT!"

Powered by The Cheat Trogdor
This appears to be an edited version of the "dragon man" drawing.

Trogdor Was A Man
"And he was burninating, burninating..."

Powered by The Cheat Peasants

Trogdor Was A Man
"Burninating the countryside!"

Powered by The Cheat Knights
The red knight has a red feather on his helmet, and the blue knight has a blue one.

Trogdor Was A Man
"I'm talkin' rage quits... table flips..."

Powered by The Cheat Trogdor

Quickstart Overview
"Takes his toys and splits!"

Powered by The Cheat Keeper of Trogdor

Quickstart Overview

Other Characters

Image Description Appearances
Cleaning up a parade for The Cheat

Powered by The Cheat Poopsmith

mile, Everybody Everybody Poster
"I like how you worked Eh! Steve! in there..."

Powered by The Cheat Eh! Steve!

crazy cartoon
No one likes his style.

Powered by The Cheat Nebulon

New Boots, narrator
Sweaty and Overweight

Powered by The Cheat Tenerence Love

Rap Song, love poems
That's what happens when you're down with the Fudgeclank!

Powered by The Cheat Fudgeclank

Cheat Commandos: Two Part Episode: Part 2 (Easter egg)
"You can play it by yourself or with your stepmom's kids!"

Powered by The Cheat Homeschool Winner

Quickstart Overview
"The Vampires at your neck!! Because it's midnight!"

Powered by The Cheat Limozeen

Disk 4 of 12 - Vampire's Castle

See also

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