Overdescriptive Nouns
From Homestar Runner Wiki
Revision as of 05:11, 9 June 2023 by (Talk)
Many items within the Homestar Runner universe will be given unusually complex and descriptive names where a simpler title would be acceptable.
[edit] Appearances
- First Time Here? — Strong Bad mocks Homestar Runner by introducing the site as "I'm a big moron who can't remember his lines dot com".
- Mr. Shmallow — The toon advertises "Fluffy Puff Air-Puffed Sugar Delights".
- Email theme park — Every hour at the main stage of Mount Ridesplace, USA, there'd be a performance of "The Strong Sad Gets Decked Repeatedly Stunt Spook-tacular".
- Teen Girl Squad Issue 6 — Cheerleader describes her jump as a "double double whipless mochaccino half caf".
- Email old comics — At the end, Strong Bad goes off to start the "Who Put Pasta Salad in Strong Mad's Underdrawer Drawer Scare of '04".
- Email long pants — Strong Bad edits the email using his "electronic light-pen input high-tech expensive device".
- Commandos in the Classroom — Reynold makes an "inappropriate peer-to-teen choice behavior".
- Fall Float Parade — When Strong Sad thought that his and Strong Bad's float theme was going to be "Celebrating our nation's covered bridges", Strong Bad corrects him by saying that the theme is "Sticking-you-in-a-fake-snowman-and-beating-you-senseless-with-nunchucks... covered bridges".
- Email death metal — Strong Bad mentions the Half-Hour Death Metal Dungeon Hour.
- Email myths & legends — Strong Bad mentions the "Homes with Rollercoasters in Them Network".
- Email senior prom — The email opens with an intro for "The King of Town's Very Own Quite Popular Cartoon Show!!". A proper episode of the show was released at a later date under the same name.
- Email keep cool — While Strong Bad discusses what games to play, Bubs, upon seeing Strong Mad on the diving board, exclaims, "Looks like we should be playin' 'Keep Strong Mad off the freakin' high dive for Pete's sake, man'!"
- Teen Girl Squad Issue 12 — The Ugly One exclaims, "Ow! My the fact that I was alive a second ago!"
- Email business trip — The Cheat gets promoted to "Junior Executive Of Not Having To Go On Pointless Business Trips".
- Email yes, wrestling — Strong Bad describes a wrestling league with "the longest name in pro wrestling": All World Mid-Pro Shirtless Championship Entertainment, or AWMPSCE (pronounced omp-ski).
- Toikey TV — Strong Bad, Strong Mad, and The Cheat are watching the 2007 Falling Asleep On The Couch Watching Football Bowl.
- Email environment — The Lappy 486 has an "environmentally compliant sticker compliance sticker".
- Email winter pool — Strong Bad, Strong Sad, and Homestar fill the swimming pool with "Fluffy Puff Translucent Dessert Related Substance".
- Email pet show — The King of Town's pet is an "As Seen on TV Low-Fat Cooking Device".
- Blubb-O's Commercial — One of the products sold at Blubb-O's is the Attempt-At-Competing-With-National-Coffee-Chains Premium Mocha-Chip Meltshake.
- Email shapeshifter — Strong Bad claims the rules of shapeshifting limit his "Turn-Into-A-Bulldozer-Whenever-I-Wantity".
- SBCG4AP — The game's full name is "Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People".
- Email specially marked — One of the cereals is named "Chocolate Breakfast Candy Bar Pops".
- Teen Girl Squad Issue 14 — Cheerleader says, while looking at a picture of herself in the yearbook with a finch taped to her face, that "they scheduled school pictures for the same day as tape-a-dead-thing-to-your-face day."
- SBCG4AP Dev Blog - May 21, 2008 — Strong Bad thinks that concept art should be called "Pile on the Floor Under the Smelly Guy with the Glasses' Desk Amidst Several Months' Worth of Empty Cans of Bull Honkey Art".
- Homestar Ruiner — Strong Bad must compete in the "Free Country USA Triannual Race to the End of the Race" (FCUTRER) to win the "Free Country USA Triannual Race to the End of the Race Silver Trophy of Ultimate Destiny" (FCUTRERSTUD).
- Email being mean — The greeting Strong Bad uses for one of Nice Dad's emails is "Hey 42-year-old online game playing man-child that still lives with his ex-wife's parents..."
- Strong Badia the Free — The King of Town tells The Poopsmith, after placing Strong Bad under house arrest, that he needs to "go collect on [his] new Pour-a-Bag-of-Jellybeans-Down-My-Gullet tax".
- Dangeresque 3: The Criminal Projective — When Strong Bad types out the email at the beginning that he has finished the movie, he types the greeting as "Dear all the annoying morons who have been bugging me about it for four and a half years..."
- Email hremail 3184 — Strong Bad consistently refers to "those blast-wavy Saturn rings that've become so popular lately".
- Additionally, one of Strong Bad's suggestions is "The coolest looking explosion [he] ever rigged in Strong Sad's org-ethnic breakfast pouch on a Tuesday".
- Email imaginary — Coach Z's imaginary friend is "Real Live Actual Mr. Blangcaster Next Door".
- Email dictionary — Strong Bad's dictionary is entitled "Count Longardeaux's Strong Badian Jerktionary Fo' My Own Words!". The alternate name is equally overdescriptive: "Count Longardeaux's Strong Badian talkwords for saying from your mouth" for short.
- A Decemberween Mackerel — One of the activities Homestar and Marzipan use to cram Senor Cardgage full of Decemberween cheer is "The Annual Lighting of the Lights Attached to a Pole in a Tree-Shaped Fashion".
- The House That Gave Sucky Tricks — The name of Strong Bad's hypothetical haunted house attraction is called "St. Cadaverstump's totally not just an old furniture warehouse Morge-Tuary".
- @StrongBadActual tweet (11 Aug 2019) — In response to a Tweet showing the Homestar Runner meeples being used in a Die Hard board game, Strong Bad expresses hope that his meeple represented "Family Matters Dad Who Sits In The Car and Has A Dead Guy Fall On Said Car".