Interrupted Words

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...and the Number One item on Strong Bad's Bottom 10 is...

Sometimes when Strong Bad starts to pronounce a word, he gets interrupted before he can sound it all out. Just before this happens, Strong Bad often tends to exaggerate the first sound of the word, which usually ends up typed on his com—


  • Email trevor the vampire — Strong Bad types "I mean, what the f" before he interrupts himself as an idea occurs to him.
  • Email morning routine — Strong Bad starts to explain what the "R" in routine is until Strong Sad interrupts him twice. Strong Bad never finishes what he is saying.
  • Email car — Strong Bad attempts to delete an email, but he only gets as far as "DEL-" before being interrupted by Homestar Runner.
  • Email haircut — Strong Bad types "So, I guess you're on your own. I ghe—" when Strong Mad interrupts him, asking him to make his box dance and prance.
  • Email extra plug — As Strong Bad types out "So, I guess I'm awex-", he gets interrupted by the power going out. Unlike most instances, he does get to finish the word out loud, but his intonation is very different after losing power.
  • Email the facts — Strong Bad begins to review the facts by saying, "Fact 1: Ehgh" before being interrupted by Homestar Runner, wanting his own cartoon.
  • Email long pants — Strong Bad starts to say, "Was it not Adam West who once said, 'E—" but was then interrupted by Homestar Runner, who wanted to show Strong Bad his "creepy pants".
  • Email bottom 10 — Strong Bad starts to say, "And, the Number One item on Strong Bad's Bottom 10 is Th-", but was immediately interrupted by Homestar Runner, who shows off his rear end. After the interruption, Strong Bad's final statement is "Thcleaning up your own puke off the keyboard."

See Also

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