Inconsistencies within the Homestar Runner universe

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Is Bubs' right? Or is it left?

From the geddup noise commentary:

MATT CHAPMAN: There's no style guide. We don't have a continuity person working on set.

From @StrongBadActual on November 30, 2019:

STRONG BAD: If you’re watching/playing my stuff for the canon, you might be doing it wrong.

With such an expansive bank of cartoons that rely so heavily on whimsical and absurd humor, it would be near impossible for the Brothers Chaps to keep the Homestar Runner universe completely consistent and have total continuity between cartoons. Because of this large size and humorous nature, various inconsistencies occur throughout the Homestar Runner body of work. These are usually very minor. According to the site's FAQ, people often ask the Brothers Chaps about inconsistencies; to these questions they answer that "It was either done on purpose or it's just a cartoon and you probably shouldn't worry about it."


Appearances of Inconsistencies

From Sbemail 200 Fakeout:

STRONG SAD: We're gonna play "Name That Inconsistency" later on if you want to join us.



See Also

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