HRWiki:What HRWiki is not

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Revision as of 00:36, 15 June 2023 by Bleu Ninja (Talk | contribs)
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The Homestar Runner Wiki (HRWiki) is a collaborative encyclopedia designed to chronicle and document the growth of the Homestar Runner body of work. There are certain things it should not be mistaken for:


[edit] HRWiki is not Wikipedia

While the Homestar Runner Wiki uses the same software as Wikipedia and has much in common, it is not part of Wikipedia, nor is it in any way affiliated with Wikipedia's parent organization, the Wikimedia Foundation. Thus, many practices and policies at the Homestar Runner Wiki are different from those at Wikipedia.

Miscellaneous information or long explanations are generally discouraged on HRWiki. Information on an HRWiki page cannot stray from that page's subject, and pages not related to Homestar Runner and its related media are not to be created. If a term or concept may need to be explained, it is best only to link to a Wikipedia page regarding that item; the information is not to be written on the page itself or added as a new page.

[edit] HRWiki is not a web host

The Homestar Runner Wiki is not for hosting media, blogs, or links. However, users are allowed to link to websites within the guidelines of the HRWiki User space policy, and upload images within the Image use and Personal image policies.

[edit] HRWiki is not a social network

Users of the Homestar Runner Wiki can maintain user spaces and are free to interact with other users. While making friends is certainly allowed and encouraged, it must be kept in mind that this is not the main focus of the community. HRWiki is intended to document Homestar Runner topics and information, and users that do not contribute to the project are not appreciated.

[edit] HRWiki is not a place for your fanstuff

The Homestar Runner Wiki is a knowledge base; it is not a place to publish Homestar Runner-related creative work, except material published on the official site, like the Weekly Fanstuff. Fan fiction and other written work, though allowed to some degree on user pages, are discouraged on this wiki. Uploading of artwork or photos of Homestar Runner art is allowed within the limits of the personal image policy.

[edit] HRWiki is not a forum

The purpose of HRWiki talk pages is to allow discussion of the content of the pages they accompany. Talk pages are not for chit-chatting even if it does relate to Homestar Runner. (See talk page guidelines.) Instead, the Homestar Runner Wiki hosts a forum for non-encyclopedic discussion, and an IRC channel and Discord server for casual chat.

[edit] See also

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