The word "garglemesh" is a portmanteau of the word "gargle" and the name of Gilgamesh, an ancient king of Uruk.
From: the paper
Posted on: 02:25, 16 June 2007 (UTC)
Arguments for:
- The Epic of Gilgamesh is often assigned to high school students learning either world history or ancient literature. The fact that Gilgamesh is a funny word leads many people to get it stuck in their head for years, which is why this is likely.
Arguments against:
- Giglamesh is completely irrelevant to what Strong Bad is saying. It's probably just a portmanteau of "gargle" and "mesh." References tend to have at least some coherence to what's happening in the toon.
Additional comments:
- Gilgamesh was my first thought when I saw this part.
- The first thing you thought of is completely irrelevant. The argument is whether or not TBC intended it as a reference.
- The "ancient king of Uruk" part can be removed.
- I don't think it's necessarily a portmanteau of anything in particular.
Proposed revision:
The word "garglemesh" is a portmanteau of "gargle" and "mesh".
Arguments for:
- It's more likely this than some ancient king the Chappos might've never heard of. It fits way better into the context.
Arguments against:
- It could also be a garbled mess of "garbled mess".
- If we cannot decide for certain 1)If it is a portmanteau or malapropism or something else and 2)What is is a portmanteau/malapropism of, than it should not be mentioned at all.
Additional comments:
- Well, the whole Giglamesh thing just doesn't make any sense. If nobody can agree on what it actually is supposed to be, maybe it's not worth mentioning.
- It could be a malapropism of "garbledmess" which is a portmanteau of "garbled" and "mess", but that may just be taking it too far.
- I don't think it's necessarily a portmanteau or malapropism of anything in particular.
- The more I look at it, the more it seems unnecessary to include it in the article at all. There's no way to tell if it's actually a reference to or portmanteau of anything in particular, and vague speculation (which this is fast becoming) doesn't belong in the article.
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