
From Homestar Runner Wiki

Revision as of 05:24, 13 November 2005 by It's dot com (Talk | contribs)
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This page is in progress.
Another user is currently adding or changing substantial content. As a courtesy, until this tag is removed please do not edit this page unless absolutely necessary.
To the person working: This tag is not a claim to the page that you can leave and come back to later. You are expected to be adding or changing content right now. You should save your progress periodically (about every 15 to 30 minutes) or indicate in some way that you are still working, or else the tag should be removed so that other users may edit the page.


# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


  • anonny (pl. anonnies): An anonymous contributor, identified only by an IP address. Less common: a user who forgets to sign his or her talk post. References Anonymous from rock opera.
  • admin (n.). A user who has special privlages, also called sysop. Admins can block and unblock users, delete and undelete pages, protect and unprotect pages, and directly edit protected pages.


  • bureaucrat (pro n.): An advanced form of a sysop. Has the ability to make other users sysops and change people's usernames
  • bandwidth (n.): The amount of data that can be (or is) transferred between the server and users' computers at a given time
  • block (n.): To prevent a user from editing.
  • bot (n.): An automated software program, usually designed to deface or spam; they can also be used beneficially, like GrapeNuts.


  • colabrative project (n.) The wiki's weekly project designed so articles can be cleaned up.
  • category (n.) A collective group of articles that are organized by a common theme.
  • contribs (n.): A user's total edits to the wiki.


  • Da Basement (prop n.): The sysop message board, used for major decisions on the wiki.


  • edit conflict (n.): A message that apppears when users edit something at the same time.
  • edit summary (n.) also edit comment): A summary that shows the user's intent for an edit.


  • Fanstuff (prop. n.):
  • featured article (n.): an article that has been or is currently featured on the Main Page
  • Flash (n.): See Micromedia Flash.
  • Flash artifact (n.): An animation shortcut seen by viewing the Flash file directly, such as a character missing a limb
  • Flash File (n.): See Micromedia Flash.
  • Forum (prop. n.):
  • fun fact (n.): A piece of information that is included in a special section on articles, ususally toons. The term fun is used even though it is somewhat subjective. Fun facts are further split into: explanations, trivia, remarks, goofs, glitches, inside references, and real-world references. (There are also some ad hoc categories on an article-by-article basis. For example, Strong Bad's list of 3-letter words.)


  • history (n.) A chronology of a page's edits.


  • IP number (n.): The number that shows the identity of an anonymous contributor.
  • IP range (n.):
  • IRC chat channel (n.)


  • move (n.): To change the name of a page.
  • Micromedia Flash (n.): an animation system on the internet used by The Brothers Chaps
  • Media Wiki (pro n.): The system a wiki uses.



  • Orphaned (adj.): Applied to an article or an image not linked to from anywhere else.


  • personal image (n.) An image that a user can upload and use on their user page. Currently the limit on personal images is one.
  • protect (v.): To lock a page from editing so that only sysops can edit it. A variant of this only protects a page from being moved, but does not restrict editing.
  • preferences (n.):


  • rv (v.t.; abbrev.): "Reverted." Used in an edit summary to indicate that the page has been restored to a previous condition as though the next-to-last edit never occurred.
  • rv/v (v.t.; abbrev.): "Reverted vandalism." Similar to rv, but used when the edit in question is vandalism.
  • Recent Changes (prop. n.): Recent edits on the wiki, found at Special:Recentchanges.
  • redirect (n.): an old name of a page that has been moved, linking to the new page's name.
  • revise (v.; inflected form: revision): To make a major change to the wording of a STUFF item, which is set apart from the original wording in its own section, with its own vote table.
  • reword (v.): To make a minor change to the wording of a STUFF item. The wording of an item that is reworded may change significantly, but the overall meaning stays the same.


  • Scheduled Chat (n.)
  • stub (n.): a notice that an article needs to be expanded.
  • STUFF (n.; also the STUFF process): Originally an acronym for "Select The Unuseble Fun Facts." STUFF is the place where STUFF items are voted upon for inclusion or exclusion from an article. More often than not, the articles are for toons, usually recent toons.
  • STUFF (v.t.; inflected forms: STUFF'd, STUFFing or STUFF'ing): To place a STUFF item into the STUFF process.
  • STUFF item (n.; also item): A fun-fact candidate. This is a piece of information that has been proposed for inclusion on an article, but whose accuracy or relevancy is in question.
  • sysop (n.) Another name for an admin.
  • speedy delete (n.) A notice that shows an article is pending deletion and it doesn't require a consensus.
  • subcategory (n.): a mini category of a bigger one
  • subpage (n.): a smaller version of a bigger page. Users can also have these.
  • sig (n.) A signature used by a user. It may be colored via hexidecimal numbers and may have links to a user's talk page or a user's contributions.
  • sidebar (n.):


  • talk (n.):
  • template (n,):
  • The Stick (prop n.): The community portal used by the wiki. Links to committees and other helpful articles.
  • TOC (n.): "Table Of Contents."
  • TTATOT (n.): "This That and The Other Thing." Applicable when a reference in a toon could refer to one of many similar things. The rule of thumb is that if it could apply to several things, it probably refers to nothing in particular.
  • transcipt (n.): the script and actions of characters in a toon
  • troll (n.): A vandal. (Technically a misnomer.)
  • troll (v.; inflected form: trolling): To vandalize. (Technically a misnomer.)
  • TBD (n.): "To Be Deleted." A notice that shows that an article is pending deleteion.
  • TTBD (n.): "Talk To Be Deleted." A notice that the article is pending deletion that corresponds to the current talk page.


  • Upload file (v): A feature that allows users to save files that pertain to the H*R, like images, unto the wiki.
  • User (n.): the name for a member on a wiki.
  • User Talk (n.): a member's talk page.


  • vandalism (n.): the willful act of harming the wiki
  • view source (n.): what non-admins see in place of edit on a prtected page
  • vprotect (n.): To protect a page due to recent vandilism.


  • watch (v.):
  • Wikipedia (n.) A multilingual Web-based free-content encyclopedia.
  • wiki (n.): A website that allows anyone to edit pages.
  • Wiki gnome (prop n.): a user that mainly makes minor edits and works behind the scences to help the wiki move smoother
  • Willy on Wheels (n.): Massive page move troll.
  • WoW (n.; abbrev.): See Willy on Wheels. An abbreviation of the name of a massive page move troll.
  • Wiki Way (n.):
  • watchlist (n.): A list of pages watched by a user.


  • XML (n.):
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