Everybody to the Limit

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Strong Bad's The Cheat-powered music video for his song about Fhqwhgads. Truly awesome.

Features: Strong Bad, The Cheat

Page Title: Everybody to the Limit


ROBOT: Come on, Fhqwhgads.

I said come on Fhqwhgads
I said come on Fhqwhgads
Everybody to the limit
Everybody to the limit
Everybody come on Fhqwhgads

I said come on Fhqwhgads
I said come on Fhqwhgads
Everybody to the limit
Who's that? It's to the limit
Everybody come on Fhqwhgads

Come on Fhqwhgads
I see you jock at me
Tryin' to play like
You know me

I'm like come on Fhqwhgads
I said come on Fhqwhgads
Everybody to the limit
The Cheat is to the limit
Everybody come on Fhqwhgads

I said ooh ah Fhqwhgads
I said ooh ah Fhqwhgads
Who's that fh-huh-hoo-wag-en-say
I said who ya juna the Fhqwhgads

I don't know who it is
But it probably is Fhqwhgads
I asked my friend Joe
I asked my friend Jake
They said it was Fhqwhgads

I said come on Fhqwhgads
I said come on Fhqwhgads
Who's it the limit?
Say me! I'm to the limit
Everybody come on Fhqwhgads

Man, Fhqwhgads
You're just making yourself look worse, y'know
I mean, everybody's just gonna feel sorry for ya
I mean, I do.

STRONG BAD: Now that's what I'm talkin' about! That was amazing! {stutters for a while}. I'm buyin' you a pizza!

Fun Facts

  • A "Live from Reykjavik" version of this song can be found on the Strong Bad Sings CD.
  • In the Strong Bad Email your friends, Strong Bad hits Bubs over the head with a gold record plaque entitled "Everybody To The Limit".
  • For a split second, as the Robot appears, the words "come on" are replaced on screen by the word "lemke."
  • Fhqwhgads originated in the Strong Bad Email i love you.
  • The lyric "I asked my friend Joe, I asked my friend Jake" is accompanied by portraits of Joseph Kennedy and John F. Kennedy.

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