End Boss Feature
From Homestar Runner Wiki
Revision as of 03:12, 4 November 2022 by The Cheatbot (Talk | contribs)
From the SBCG4AP Dev Blog:
STRONG BAD: Making a selling point out of one of the most basic elements of a video game is maybe the best marketing I've ever heard of.
Games in the Homestar Runner universe are often described as having "End Boss Feature", usually by Videlectrix or Strong Bad, due to their preference for outdated technology.
[edit] Appearances
- Debut: Videlectrix — The website's description for Stinkoman 20X6 says it has "End Boss feature".
- SBCG4AP Dev Blog — In the June 4, 2008 post, "End Boss Feature", Strong Bad says it's always been his dream to have his own video game with "END BOSS FEATURE!" on the packaging, like the games from when he was a kid.
- @StrongBadActual Tweet (4 Sep 2017) — Strong Bad describes the Skills of an Artist episode End Boss as coming equipped with "End Boss Feature".
- Stinkoman 20X6 — During the credits' "obligatory cast scroll", the bosses are listed as "end boss features".