Cool Shades
From Homestar Runner Wiki
There are many references to characters wearing cool shades (or cool glasses). Often, characters will be seen wearing sunglasses or other eyewear. However, none of the main characters have any visible ears or noses (with the exception of Strong Mad), so it is a mystery as to how these glasses are held up.
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Homestar Runner's shades
Homestar Runner wears shades often. He has worn different styles of sunglasses, but they are all very similar.
- Main Page 3 — He wears them here when rolling over "Downloads".
- Everybody Knows It — Puppet Homestar wears a pair of real-life shades.
- Email the bet — He wears them while looking cool.
- Email dangeresque 3 — He wears shutter sunglasses when he stars as Dangeresque Too.
- Bug In Mouth Disease — He wears them during his cameo appearance on Caleb Rentpayer.
- Cool Things — Bubs slips a pair into a can of Yella Paint.
- Sketchbook — The 18 Oct 2007 edition featured a storyboard of Homestar trying to order cool shades.
- Dangeresque 3: The Criminal Projective — Homestar dons his shades again as Dangeresque Too.
- Poker Night at the Inventory — Strong Bad bets Homestar's Dangeresque Too shades.
Strong Bad's shades
Like Homestar, Strong Bad has been known to wear shades, especially as part of a costume.
- Everybody to the Limit — Strong Bad wears wraparound shades.
- Dangeresque wears sunglasses as part of his costume.
- Email keep cool — Strong Bad wears shades when he's the lifeguard at the swimming pool.
- Happy Hallow-day and I Killed Pom Pom — Strong Bad wears shades as part of his Halloween costume.
- Email the movies — Dangeresque's glasses now have three lenses, probably for the "upcoming" third film.
- Email yes, wrestling — Strong Bad wears shades as part of his Wild Vacationers costume.
Other characters' shades
- The Thnikkaman, the Olda Boys, Fatty, Gunhaver, Crack Stuntman and Tenerence Love always have sunglasses as part of their outfits.
- Homestarloween Party — Coach Z wears shades as part of his costume.
- The House That Gave Sucky Treats — Marzipan wears shades as part of her costume.
- 3 Times Halloween Funjob — Coach Z and Strong Mad wear shades as part of their Halloween costumes.
- Email suntan — The King of Town wears shades when he steals Strong Bad's cocoa butter.
- Email mile — The Cheat wears shades when he becomes a millionaire.
- Halloween Fairstival — Bubs wears shades as part of his costume.
- Teen Girl Squad Issue 8 — Cheerleader wears shades when trying to convince the others to form a band.
- Stinkoman 20X6 — The Stinkomanual describes The Liekand as having "firm resolve and sweet shades".
- Halloween Potion-ma-jig — Pom Pom is wearing shades as part of his Halloween costume.
- Email space program, cliffhangers & Career Day — The Cheat wears cool shades as part of being Harold "Strap" Coopmore.
- Email technology — Pom Pom wears shades when he's a director.
- Weclome Back — The Poopsmith and Pom Pom wear Dangeresque's sunglasses in an Easter egg.
- Email theme song — The Cheat wears shades during the first theme song.
- Happy Hallow-day —
- Strong Sad wears shades as part of his Halloween costume.
- The Goblin shows up in sunglasses and swim trunks.
- Bubs offers "Halloween Night vision goggles", which are really just sunglasses.
- Email strong badathlon — The Powered by The Cheat segment features The Cheat in sunglasses and playing a guitar.
- Email from work and bike thief — Pom Pom is wearing shades and carrying a bicycle when he appears.
- Jibblies 2 — The Poopsmith and Coach Z wear shades as part of their Halloween costumes.
- Halloween Safety — Crack Stuntman's sunglasses appear on the pupil in the eye-shaped sign in an Easter egg.
- I Killed Pom Pom — Bubs wears shades as part of his costume.
Other glasses
- Senor Cardgage, Reynold, The Ugly One, Mr. Shmallow, Dee, Cardboard Homestar, Flight Engineer T'daveral and the sloshy bassist wear glasses regularly.
- Strong Mad is sometimes seen wearing reading glasses.
- Strong Sad occasionally wears half-moon glasses.
- Homestarloween Party — Glasses are part of Strong Sad's costume.
- The House That Gave Sucky Treats — Coach Z, Pom Pom, Bubs, and Strong Sad wear glasses as part of their costumes.
- 3 Times Halloween Funjob — Marzipan and Strong Sad wear glasses as part of their costumes.
- Email stupid stuff — Homestar puts on glasses in an attempt to look smart.
- Email other days (Easter egg) — Strong Sad wears swimming goggles.
- Shopping For Danger — Fightgar wears glasses as part of his old lady disguise.
- Email modeling — Strong Bad wears glasses as part of a business suit.
- Halloween Potion-ma-jig — The King of Town and Strong Sad wear glasses as part of their costumes.
- Email high school — Teenage Strong Mad wears glasses.
- Email imaginary — Teen Strong Mad wears glasses.
- Teen Girl Squad Issue 11 — Cheerleader wears half-moon glasses when she asks, "Does 'ugs' have one 'g' or two?"
- Email keep cool — Marzipan wears swimming goggles.
- Email theme song — The Cheat has glasses in the Powered by The Cheat segment.
- Teen Girl Squad Issue 12 — Patchbeard and the Band Name Boys wear glasses.
- Main Page 24 — Highlighting Store puts glasses on the viewer, allowing them to see the page better.
- Email mini-golf and Where My Hat Is At? (toon) — Homestar wears snorkel goggles.
- Email concert — The Poopsmith wears snorkel goggles in the mud baths.
- Email slumber party — Strong Bad's illustration of "Prof. Tor Coolguy" has him wearing glasses.
- Jibblies 2 — Homestar, Strong Sad, and The Cheat all wear glasses as part of their Halloween costumes.
- Everything Else, Volume 3 — A pair of glasses appears in the maze the second time The Cheat goes through it on the Holiday Toons menu.
- Most in the Graveyard — Coach Z wears glasses as part of his costume.
- Best Caper Ever — A sketch of The Cheat wearing glasses while working with the time-space continuum appears.
- Doomy Tales of the Macabre — Homestar wears glasses as part of his costume.
- A Decemberween Mackerel — Marzipan wears half moon glasses when writing her letter.
- Which Ween Costumes? — Strong Sad wears glasses as part of his costume.
- I Killed Pom Pom — Homestar wears glasses as part of his costume.