From Homestar Runner Wiki
Revision as of 19:06, 26 February 2024 by Bleu Ninja (Talk | contribs)
- This article is about the contact information for Homestar Runner characters. For the contacts of the creators of the cartoon, see Email.
Many Homestar Runner characters have contact information, typically in the form of an email address, an instant messaging name, or a phone number. In most cases these are obviously not "real", such as addresses in nonexistent cities, phone numbers with the wrong amount of numerals, or emails with invalid top-level domains; Strong Bad Emails are one major exception.
Contents |
[edit] Main Characters
[edit] Bubs
- Email: (unused emails)
- Email: bubs@bubs.bubs (Bug In Mouth Disease)
- Pager: 555-7896 (Bug In Mouth Disease)
- Beeper: 555-3421 (Bug In Mouth Disease)
[edit] Homestar Runner
- Some Type of Online Auction screen name: witchesbrew82 (english paper)
- Email: (Strong Badia the Free)
- Email: (Appears in email thunder and other Hremails. Set up to automatically reply to emails.)
[edit] Marzipan
- IM: hooray4dolphins (marzipan)
[edit] Pom Pom
- Home Phone: (123) 456-7890 (Yearbook Character Page)
- Cell Phone: (123) 555-8307 (Yearbook Character Page)
- Pager: (718) 555-1059 (Yearbook Character Page)
- Address: 125 Lexington Ave; Isle of Pom (Pom Pom's Character Video)
- Email: pompom@clubtechno.pom (Strong Badia the Free)
[edit] Strong Bad
- Email: (Almost every Strong Bad Email, shown by The Paper, New Paper, or Compé-per)
- Email: strongbad@strongbadshouse.res (Strong Badia the Free)
- Phone: 555-DIRT (From a business card describing him as "your friendly neighborhood not-the-police")
- Social Media: @StrongBadActual
[edit] Strong Sad
- IM: depressio111117 (marzipan)
- Email: (depressio; The Deleteheads Download)
- Email: (Strong Badia the Free)
[edit] The Cheat
- IM: cheatachu72 (i she be, marzipan)
- Some Type of Online Auction screen name: cheatachu72 (english paper)
[edit] The King of Town
- Email: (Strong Badia the Free)
- Email: theoftown@strongbadshouse.res (Strong Badia the Free)
[edit] Coach Z
- Email: coachz@coachnya.aaeerg (Strong Badia the Free)
[edit] Secondary Characters
[edit] Larry Palaroncini (of Limozeen)
- IM: ladeezluvlarry71 (death metal)
[edit] Senor Cardgage
- Work Phone: 555-55-55855-55-5-73667-6678-4243-86329 (given as 555-55-55855-55-5-SENOR-MORT-GAGE-TODAY in Senor Mortgage)
[edit] So and So
- Email: (Appears on the Thorax Corporation site)
[edit] Businesses and Organizations
[edit] Apostroholics
- Work Phone: 1-800-276787646542 (given as 1-800-APOSTROHOLIC in unnatural)
[edit] The Pizz
- Email: (Strong Badia the Free)
[edit] Thorax Corporation
- Email: (Seen on the site)
- Email: (Seen on the second old pop-up)
[edit] Other
[edit] Great Looking Girl
- IM: gr8lookinggrl (i she be)
[edit] Where's An Egg?
- Some Type of Online Auction screen name: lectrix84 (possibly a Videlectrix employee)
- Some Type of Online Auction screen name: 100rublesguy (unidentified Russian)
[edit] Hairstyle Runner
- Work Number: An image in the gallery's description is "1-800-call-kobak".