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Revision as of 19:06, 26 February 2024 by Bleu Ninja (Talk | contribs)
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This article is about the contact information for Homestar Runner characters. For the contacts of the creators of the cartoon, see Email.
With the t-top down!

Many Homestar Runner characters have contact information, typically in the form of an email address, an instant messaging name, or a phone number. In most cases these are obviously not "real", such as addresses in nonexistent cities, phone numbers with the wrong amount of numerals, or emails with invalid top-level domains; Strong Bad Emails are one major exception.


[edit] Main Characters

[edit] Bubs

"Two hundred thousand dollar bail!"

[edit] Homestar Runner

[edit] Marzipan

[edit] Pom Pom

[edit] Strong Bad

"Talk to my man with the green and white stripes."

[edit] Strong Sad

[edit] The Cheat

[edit] The King of Town

[edit] Coach Z

[edit] Secondary Characters

Your call will be transferred to one of many handsome talking experts.

[edit] Larry Palaroncini (of Limozeen)

[edit] Senor Cardgage

  • Work Phone: 555-55-55855-55-5-73667-6678-4243-86329 (given as 555-55-55855-55-5-SENOR-MORT-GAGE-TODAY in Senor Mortgage)

[edit] So and So

[edit] Businesses and Organizations

[edit] Apostroholics

  • Work Phone: 1-800-276787646542 (given as 1-800-APOSTROHOLIC in unnatural)

[edit] The Pizz

[edit] Thorax Corporation

  • Email: (Seen on the site)
  • Email: (Seen on the second old pop-up)

[edit] Other

LOL!!! :-*

[edit] Great Looking Girl

[edit] Where's An Egg?

[edit] Hairstyle Runner

  • Work Number: An image in the gallery's description is "1-800-call-kobak".

[edit] Fun Facts

  • Most of the phone, pager and beeper numbers use the prefix 555 to avoid putting real phone numbers on the site.
  • Marzipan may not actually have a screen name, as she claims she doesn't know what a screen name is in marzipan.
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