From Homestar Runner Wiki
Coca-Cola, also known as simply Coke, is a popular soft drink made by The Coca-Cola Company. While Coke is mentioned the most often, other drinks made by the company have been referenced as well.
- Main Page 5 — A label with a Coke-like design is visible on a drink dispenser in the background.
- Fortune Cookies — One of the fortunes reads, "Start adding sugar to coke. That's why they put it on the table."
- Email the basics — Strong Bad mentions pouring Coke down one's shirt.
- Everybody to the Limit — A red and white "enjoy fhqwhgads" sign appears, referencing Coca-Cola's former "Enjoy Coke" slogan.
- Email guitar (DVD commentary) — Mike Chapman, thinking his brother Matt is talking about diet sodas, mentions Diet Coke.
- Email vacation — Strong Bad talks about Coca-Cola memorabilia in his description for Historic Over There.
- Happy Fireworks (DVD commentary) — Matt says that The Cheat doesn't have to be given Pop Rocks and Coke in order for his head to explode, referring to how it happens in The House That Gave Sucky Treats.
- From the Vault — Matt, imitating Strong Bad, mentions Coca-Cola.
- Email candy product — The way Strong Bad jumps at the end of the SBLOUNSKCHED! commercial is similar to Diet Coke commercials from the late 1980s. In the DVD commentary, Homestar Runner shouts "Diet Coke!" during the scene.
- Email underlings — During his five-paragraph essay, Strong Bad admits he can't promise Coke in the water fountains if elected class president.
- Email original — Homestar Runner orders a "Manilla cheesecoke" from Senor Cardgage.
- Dangeresque Too also tried to order one in Dangeresque Roomisode X: Inspection Certificate on File in Building Office.
- @StrongBadActual tweet (9 Oct 2019) — Strong Bad replies to a Tweet of a can of Coke modified to say "Share a Coke with Coach Z", saying that "I would not recommend sharing anything with that man."
Other Coke-brand drinks
- In Search of the Yello Dello Deleted Scenes — Marzipan thinks Strong Mad says "Mello Yello".
- The Cheat Theme Song (DVD commentary) — Mike mentions "Tanqueray and Tab".
- Email guitar (DVD commentary) — Mike confuses the word "tablature" with Tab.
- Email myths & legends — Strong Bad refers to Strong Badia as a "Fruit-opia".
- Email the paper — Homestar tries to cover up his attempt to pour Mountain Dew over the Lappy 486 by claiming it's different sodas, including Mello Yello, Fresca, and Surge.