From Homestar Runner Wiki
- This article is about the Teen Girl Squad running gag. For accenting the ends of words, see -èd.
Strong Bad often creatively uses the "-ed" and "-'d" past participle verb endings with nouns to create a variety of action sounds. This shows up most often in Teen Girl Squad delivered by Arrow'd Guy, with such results as "arrowed", "MSG'd", "cerebellum'd", "late-360-shove-it-to-boneless...'d", "two'd", "step-mommed" and "good drawinged". Arrow'd Guy also shows up on the Homestar Runner web site's 404 (or file not found) page, delivering "404'd".
The use of "-'d" shows up in places other than with Arrow'd Guy, too, such as in TROGDOR! (the game), where Trogdor can die both by being "arrowed" and "sworded". Other occurrences include "floor tommed", "pom-pommed", and "twelve-sided died".
In Teen Girl Squad
Toon/Game | Action | Victim | By |
Issue 1 (Debut) | "ARROWED" | The Ugly One | Arrow'd Guy |
Issue 2 | "GRASPED!" | Cheerleader | A bat |
Issue 3 | "MSG'D" | The Ugly One | Arrow'd Guy |
404 page | 404'd! | The Ugly One | Arrow'd Guy |
Issue 4 | "CEREBELLUM'D" | Cheerleader | Arrow'd Guy |
Issue 5 | "LATE 360 SHOVE-IT TO BONELESS...'d" | Thomas | |
Issue 6 | "TWO'D" | The Ugly One | Two Arrow'd Guys and Smiley Face Man |
Issue 8 | "FLOOR TOMMED", "STEP-MOMMED", "POM-POMMED?" "TWELVE SIDED DIED" | The Ugly One So and So | Mrs. So-and-so-erson A twenty-sided die |
HomestarRunner.com: PAY PLUS! | "GOOD DRAWINGED" | The Wheelchair | Arrow'd Guy |
Issue 9 | "DRIVER'S ED'ED...DEAD" | Cheerleader | Crazy Learner's Permit Girl |
Issue 10 | "CABER TOSSED" "LATHE'D" "pØwned!!" "p4wned!" "ARROWED II" | Cheerleader What's Her Face So and So The Ugly One (almost) | Scotsmen A Mighty Warrior Tompkins Arrow'd Guy |
Issue 11 | "MANIAC IN A SPEEDO'D" | Camp Counselor Shortshorts, The Ugly One, and What's Her Face | Maniac in a Speedo |
Issue 14 | "TOWEL BOY'D", "TEAM MANAGER'D" | Cheerleader | Towel Boy/Team Manager |
Email love poems | SHAKESPEARED! | Meredith and Kimberly | Arrow'd Guy |
Homestar Ruiner Teen Girl Squad | "CLIFF NOTED" "ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCE'D!" "household appliance'd" | So and So | Moby Dick The Sun |
Strong Badia the Free Cave Girl Squad | "GORE'D!!!" "SPEARROWED!" "SABER TOOTH'D! TIGER..." "THE OPPOSITE OF RE-ENTRY'D!!!" "METEOR'D!" | So and So | A mammoth A hunter A Saber-toothed tiger A meteor |
Baddest of the Bands Teen Girl Squad Meets Limozeen | "ARENA ROCKED!" | What's Her Face | Perry Palaroncini |
4 Gregs | HAXXORED!!! | Tompkins | Open Source Greg |
Issue 15 | "UNCANNY VALLEY'D!" "Sparrow'd." "TENERROW'D!" | Japanese Culture Greg What's Her Face Tompkins | Chizuko Arrow'd Guy Tenerence Love |
@StrongBadActual tweet (24 May 2022) | "MERCHANDiE!!... 's'd" | Cheerleader, So and So, What's Her Face, The Ugly One | Stationery Set versions of the characters |
Decemberweenvent Calendar (Day 13) | "WHOLESOME'D!" | Cheerleader, So and So, What's Her Face, The Ugly One, Sci-Fi Greg, D n' D Greg, Open Source Greg, Japanese Culture Greg | Decemberweenvent Calendar artstyle |
Toon/Game | Action | Victim | By |
TROGDOR! | "ARROWED", "SWORDED" | Trogdor | archers, knights |
Under Construction | 20X6'd-ed | Sticklyman | Stinkoman |
Duck Guardian One | GAME OVERED | ||
Some Extras | Elbowed! | ||
Peasant's Quest | "ARROWED" | Kerrek | Rather Dashing |
Sketchbook 11 Nov 2004 | Tetherball'd!! | ||
Sketchbook 14 Apr 2005 | serpented!! | ||
Sketchbook 13 Sep 2007 | craiged. | ||
Homestar Ruiner | "somethinged" | ||
Most in the Graveyard | SOUL'd | ||
Dangeresque Roomisode 1: Behind the Dangerdesque | Ended! | ||
Flash is Dead! | Marzipan'd | Homestar Runner | Marzipan |
Fan 'Stumes 2019 | Late 90's CG Snackbomination'd | D n' D Greg | Strong Bad |
Dangeresque: The Roomisode Triungulate Linux announcement | Open Source Greg'd! |
Teen Girl Squad | |
Characters | Main: Cheerleader, So and So, What's Her Face, The Ugly One Gregs: Sci-Fi Greg, D n' D Greg, Open Source Greg, Japanese Culture Greg Minor: Arrow'd Guy, The Birds, Brainkrieg, Fighting Growlbacks, Manolios, Mr. Pitters, Mrs. Commanderson, Olympic Man and Coach, Peacey P, Quarterman, she likes cloth, Thomas, Tompkins |
Issues | Main: Issue 1, Issue 2, Issue 3, Issue 4, Issue 5, Issue 6, Issue 7, Issue 8, Issue 8½, Issue 9, Issue 10, Issue 11, Issue 12, Issue 13, Issue 14, Issue 15 SBCG4AP: Homestar Ruiner, Cave Girl Squad, Teen Girl Squad Meets Limozeen Toons: 4 Gregs, Decomposing Pumpkins |
Miscellaneous | Locations, Costumes, Theme Song, Fangs, -'d, Ow! My X!, Captioned Transitions |
Other | Teen Girl Squad Deaths, 404'd, Neon 404'd, Teen Girl Squadcast |